
  • 网络shanghai normal university;shanghai normal univ;SHNU
  1. 与上海师范大学动物细胞-分子生物学实验室合作,完成了(Ⅰ,Ⅲ)两个系列目标化合物对白血病K562细胞系增殖的影响测定。

    The proliferation effects of compounds ( I , III ) on K562 cells were finished in Animal Cell Molecule Biological Lab of Shanghai Normal University .

  2. 通过上海师范大学广告系和香港理工大学设计学院两校学生WORKSHOP形式的创意互动,比较两校在广告创意教学方面的不同理念和风格,发现和强化自身的办学特色。

    By exchanging new ideas in the form of workshop between the Advertisement Department of Shanghai Normal University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design , I compare their philosophies and styles on advertisement teaching so as to discover and strengthen their own advantages in teaching .

  3. 旅游院校创建会展管理专业的SWOT分析与发展思路&以上海师范大学旅游学院为例

    A SWOT Analysis of Establishing Major of MICE Management in Tourism Colleges and Its Developing Trains of Thought

  4. 上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院;

    College of life and environment science , Shanghai Normal University ;

  5. 从烘焙面包到孵化创意&上海师范大学的设计工厂

    From Bread Baking to Ideas Incubator

  6. 零度·21-21世纪中国现代艺术展,上海师范大学,上海。

    Zero Point · 21-21 Century Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition , Shanghai Normal University , Shanghai .

  7. 本文报告了一个由上海师范大学的代课英语教师所执行的教学研究。

    It reports a teaching research conducted by a substitute English teacher at Shanghai Normal University .

  8. 上海师范大学劳动法教授刘诚(音)则有不同解释。

    Liu Cheng , a professor of labor law at Shanghai Normal University , had a different explanation .

  9. 本届年会由中国比较文学学会主办,复旦大学、上海师范大学和上海市比较文学学会一同承办。

    The congress is hosted by CCLA , and undertaken by Fudan University , Shanghai Normal University and ShHCLA .

  10. 论文以上海师范大学推行的3+3教师教育模式为研究对象。

    The object of the paper is " 3 + 3 " teacher education model created by Shanghai Normal University .

  11. 来自上海师范大学,19岁的张枫(音译)却觉得食堂的桌椅有点脏。

    But Zhang Feng , 19 , from Shanghai Normal University , considers the tables and chairs a little messy .

  12. 受测对象是上海师范大学英语专业二年级的30名学生和化学专业的24名学生。

    The subjects of the study were 30 second-year English majors and 24 first-year chemistry students at Shanghai Teachers ' University .

  13. 就读于上海师范大学计算机信息管理专业的连玲玲是余额宝的首批用户之一。

    Lian Lingling , a computer information management major at Shanghai Normal University , was among the first users of Yu ' ebao .

  14. 上海师范大学的一项调查显示,超六成的中国青少年可以接受婚前性行为。

    More than 60 % of Chinese young people approve of premarital sex , according to a survey released by Shanghai Normal University .

  15. 在总结前三部分的基础上,论文的第四部分提出了上海师范大学近代物理实验教学改革的具体方案。

    On the basis of the first three parts , the fourth part brings forward the teaching reform of modern physics experiments in Shanghai Teachers University .

  16. 第三章主要介绍了上海师范大学附属外国语中学第一次双语教学的尝试,结果和现状,以及通过问卷调查和面谈得出的初步结论。

    Chapter Three mainly focuses on the first trial in the school in bilingual teaching , current status , as well as the primary conclusion from the interviews and questionnaire survey .

  17. 1983年遇见王薇时,他还是靠做小生意勉强为生,当时王薇是上海师范大学的一名打字员。

    In 1983 , he was still eking out a living as a small-time businessman when he met Ms. Wang , who was working as a typist at Shanghai Normal University .

  18. 上海师范大学国际比较教育研究中心主任张民选说,上海市高度重视一流教师的培养,并且给予了优越的就业机会。

    The city attaches great importance to cultivating first-class teachers and giving them rewarding career opportunities , said Zhang Minxuan , director of the Research Institute of International and Comparative Education at Shanghai Normal University .

  19. 这是一种新形式的罢工,一个极具象征性的事件,上海师范大学教授刘诚表示,他曾在2008年《劳动法》起草过程中担任外部顾问。

    It is a new form of strike – a very symbolic event , said Liu Cheng , a professor at Shanghai Normal University and an outside adviser in the drafting of the 2008 labour law .

  20. 主导该研究的上海师范大学教授陆建非表示,政府应该缩小城市和农村的教育投资差距,并不遗余力的提供一种平衡。

    The government should narrow the gap between investment in urban and rural education and spare no effort in providing a balance , said Lu Jianfei , a professor at Shanghai Normal University who led the research .

  21. 晚宴以后,我们将欣赏加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校和上海师范大学才华横溢的年轻人的演出。他们将同台演唱,相约世博。

    And then , after dinner , we will be entertained by an extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University , who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called Meet Me at the Expo .

  22. 本文以近代物理实验课程为载体,深入分析了国内外近代物理实验教学改革的各种模式,在此基础上提出并实践了适合上海师范大学近代物理实验教学实际的系列化教学模式。

    This thesis is based on the course of modern physics experiments . In this thesis , we analyze deeply various teaching models of modern physics experiments . On this basis , a series-teaching model that suits the conditions of Shanghai Teachers University is brought forward and carried out .

  23. 此研讨会议由香港大学教育学院教育领导研究中心及中国上海华东师范大学教育科学学院合办。

    The conference was organized by The Centre for Educational Leadership , The University of Hong Kong , and School of Education Science , East China Normal University , Shanghai , China .

  24. 上海华东师范大学社会学教授吴铎认为,不管动机如何,返乡就业都为学生和社会传达了一个积极的信号。

    Whatever the motivation , returning home could send a positive signal to both students and society , thinks Wu Duo , a sociology professor at East China Normal University , in Shanghai .

  25. 本研究采用生物栅系统处理上海华东师范大学丽娃河校河,丽娃河为苏州河支流,属于富营养化水体。

    This research was about Biological gird system treating Liwa River of East China Normal University of Shanghai . Liwa River is the branch of the Suzhou Creek . It is eutrophication water .

  26. 京东已经表明,他们不仅仅是零售商,还会是网络供应链、金融公司,上海华东师范大学电子商务教师陆建平说。

    JD has made it clear they will not only be a retailer but also an online supply chain and finance company , said Lu Jianping , who teaches e-commerce at East China Normal University in Shanghai .

  27. 1961年毕业于上海市华东师范大学。

    I graduated from the East China Normal University in shanghai in1961 .