
  • 网络listing fee
  1. 还有证据表明,只有像谷歌这样的大公司才能承担现在的上市费用。

    There is also evidence that only big companies like Google can afford to go public anymore .

  2. 这些市场已增强了自身的技术平台,同时保持了低于纽约市场的承销价差和上市费用。

    These markets have enhanced their technological platforms , while maintaining lower underwriting spreads and listing fees than New York .

  3. 首先,上市费用仅占香港交易所全部收入的十分之一,而且其中大部分是按年支付的。

    For starters , listing fees comprise only one-tenth of total income and the bulk of that comes from annual payments .

  4. 尽管2002年前外国企业赴美交叉上市费用低于之后的水平,但下降的主要部分,是那些其本土市场长足进步的发行企业。

    While the premiums for us cross-listings of foreign companies were lower before 2002 than afterwards , this reduction was concentrated in issuers from countries where the local markets have substantially improved .

  5. 新股上市费用收入占该公司总收入的15%左右,去年底的上市潮――第四季度上市交易数量达到创纪录水平――帮助推动香港交易所的利润增长了11%。

    Fees from new listings account for about 15 % of revenue , and a rush late last year the fourth quarter was the busiest on record helped deliver an 11 % profit increase for 2013 .

  6. 虽然与国内证券市场相比,海外证券市场的上市费用并不低,但是各个市场巨大的融资量,规范的融资要求,都是吸引众多企业赴海外上市的原因。

    Although compares with the domestic security market , the expense in foreign security market is not certainly low , the huge financing quantity in each market , and the standard financing request , are the reasons attracting enterprise to overseas listing .

  7. 随着竞争的加剧和产品上市费用的增加,新产品的市场导入成本和淘汰风险越来越高,品牌延伸作为一种重要的市场策略,可以帮助企业克服这些不利因素,促进品牌资产的壮大和发展。

    Along with the vigorously competition and higher expense spending on market , the marketing cost and eliminate risk of new products are increasing . As one important marketing strategy , brand extension may overcome the difficulty and promote the brand asset .

  8. 中国上市公司费用粘性行为实证分析

    Cost Stickiness Behavior : Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms

  9. 本章在第三章建立的理论框架的基础上,结合制度与经济背景的分析,对我国上市公司费用粘性现象的变化规律进行了实证检验。

    This chapter establishes the theoretical framework in the third chapter , combined with the analysis of system and economic background , variation rules of listing Corporation Cost Stickiness phenomenon in China empirically .

  10. 中国上市公司R&D费用的契约动因研究

    The Empirical Study on Contracted Incentives of R & D Expenditure

  11. 我国上市公司审计费用实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Audit Fee of Chinese Listed Companies

  12. 我国上市公司审计费用率模型研究

    A Research on Model about the Ratio of Audit Fee to Asset Size for the Stock Market of China

  13. 慧康公司特此同意支付瑞星思达提供上市服务的费用(以下简称“服务费”)。

    Huikang hereby agrees to pay the cost of RSH for the services of public listing ( hereinafter referred to as " Service Fee ") .

  14. 上市公司审计费用影响因素的实证研究&基于沪、深两市上市公司的经验证据

    Audit Fees of Listed Companies Empirical Analysis of Impact Factors & Based on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Listed Companies in the Cities of Empirical Evidence

  15. 如果你是一个小公司,你有资格可以申请减费,同时你也有资格申请豁免有关首次上市申请的费用。

    If you are a small business , you may qualify for reduced fees , and you may also qualify for a waiver of the fee for your first Premarket Application .

  16. 因此,我国上市公司审计费用主要由审计的产品费用所决定,从而会计师事务所的审计收费主要反映了现实的审计成本,而审计风险等潜在风险成本并没有在审计收费中体现出来。

    So , from the analysis of the article , we can see that the audit fee is mainly reflecting the actual cost of the auditor and some underlying risk like auditing risk is not included in the audit fee .

  17. 高质量,低成本的缩短上市时间和节约费用的产品。

    The products with high quality and low cost reduce your time to market and saving you money .

  18. 上市公司年报审计费用率与审计意见的相关性研究

    An Empirical Study at the Correlation between Audit Fee and Audit Opinion of Annual Report of Listed Companies

  19. 上市以后慧康公司将支付维持上市公司需要的费用。

    Once public Huikang shall pay for future costs as associated with being public .

  20. 然而,民营企业上市前的隐性税收成本很大,往往是上市前所有中介费用的好几倍。

    The implicit tax cost of pre-IPO is usually many times of the cost of retaining intermediary organs .