- 名Shanghai Stock Exchange Index

The Non-linear Structure of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index
ARCH-Type Models and Its Application of the Return Volatility in Shanghai Stock Exchange Index
The Shanghai Composite Index ended up44 points .
The Application and Forecasting on Shanghai Index of The Class of ARCH Model
Prediction of Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index Based on RBF Neural Network
Tail Dependence Analysis of SZI HSI Based on Copula Method
Forecast and Analysis of Shanghai Stock Index Based upon ARIMA model
This paper discusses the application of neural network model in prediction of stock index and predicts the Shanghai exchange index by establishing BP network model .
The housing price , CPI and Shanghai Index are most influenced by economic development .
Measurement on Hurst Exponent of SSE Index and Its Application
The Comparison on Applications of GARCH and SV Models & Taking Shanghai Composite Index as An Example
The neural networks is adopted to forecast Shanghai stock indexes . The result of emulation indicates that the neural networks has better global convergence and higher training efficiency and forecasting precision .
GARCH model is used on the basis of the hypothesis of mixed normal distribution to analyze the Shanghai-securities index volatility .
GARCH ( 1,1 ) was used to discuss the influence of Index of Shanghai Stock Market on the household saving .
In this paper , I shall apply uniform design sampling and combine EM arithmetic to find the optimal combination of dynamic indicator in stock market of shanghai .
After propose the improved BP neural network model , we then use the improved BP neural network and support vector machine to predict the SZZS and make a compare the results of two methods .
In the course of the study , firstly , it uses HP filter trend decomposition method to investigate the relationship between economic growth cycle and fluctuations of the Shanghai Composite Index .
Making use of the two estimation methods of EVT the paper predicts the VaR of Shanghai Securities Composite Index . Then the reliability of the methods has been evaluated by back testing .
However , neither Shanghai index nor any macroeconomic variable studied here has Granger causal relation , that means none of the macroeconomic variables can predict the Shanghai index tendency alone .
Then stationarity of time series for the data has been examined by adopting AD method , followed by cointegration test and Granger causal relation test against each macroeconomic variable and Shanghai Stock Exchange index respectively .
On the basis of complete study , the thesis argues that the stable distribution fits the ShangHai Stock Index better . And also , the VaR and the expected shortfall can be used as the risk measurement .
At last WES model combined with GARCH ( 1,1 ) forecast the Shanghai index risk , which considering the risk aversion of investors . This model has better problem-solving and stock volatility than the VaR and ES models .
In this paper , we get the R / S estimations of HURST dimension through computing the historical data of Hang Seng Index and Shanghai Index , and study the similarity of two indexes .
For the analysis of Shanghai composite index , hang sang index , Taiwan weighted index and s & p 500 index , and our results show that the MCMC method is superior to the classical IFM method .
Trading mechanism has produced a unnoticeable influence on market predictability . ( 2 ) Using LSB models shipped to measure the size of information costs of the Shanghai Index and Wanke A , results show that the information cost of Wanke A is far less than the Shanghai index .
Singular Spectrum Analysis and Forecast Model Based on Shanghai Composite Index
Are Moving Average Rules Profitable ? Evidence from Shanghai Composite Index
Research on Change-Points in Shanghai Composite Index Based on Bayesian Inference
Study of Shanghai tock lndex and the polices effect with survival analysis
The candidates are Shanghai composite index , 180 index and A-index .