
  • 网络listed bond
  1. 上海证交所在价格剧烈波动的情况下,停止了其上市债券的交易。

    And the Shanghai bourse halted trading of its listed bonds amid wild swings in its price .

  2. 这次上市债券场外更是对投资者的吸引力,因为它不仅可兑换,而且在赎回结束了5年的生活。

    Thisunlisted OTC bond is even more attractive to investors as it is notonly convertible but also redeemable at the end of its5-year life .

  3. 在第二章分析了目前我国的金融环境,通过对金融环境和体制的描述准确的定位公路上市债券地位。

    In the second chapter to introduce China financial environment , the environment and through the financial system accurately described the location of the highway bonds listed status .

  4. 温江可以采取的融资方式包括BOT、ABS等直接融资方式,通过上市、债券等资本市场的融资方式,城市资产的市场化配置和加大公益资源的市场化运作等诸多的融资方式。

    Wenjiang can use direct mode such as BOT , ABS etc and indirect mode such as emitting bond and coming into the market , all these modes will aggrandize the market collocation of city assets and the market manipulation of public sources .

  5. Prodigy的市场通过一个上市的债券计划运行——贷款人购买一个债权组合的股份,支持某一所公认的商学院的一组学生,而非为个人提供信贷。

    Prodigy 's marketplace operates through a listed bond programme , in which lenders buy a stake in a package of debt supporting a group of students from a recognised business school rather than offering credit to individuals .

  6. 本文首先使用Nelson-Siegel模型拟合出2002年沪深交易所国债的利率期限结构,然后运用2因子、3因子主成分法及久期、凸度法对交易所上市的债券进行模拟套期保值。

    By using Nelson - Siegel model , the paper derives the term structures for bonds in Shanghai & Shenzhen Security Exchange in 2002 , and use two - and three - principal components as well as traditional duration and convexity to simulate a hedging of portfolios .

  7. 第二章是关于上市公司债券融资的理论分析,分为相关理论综述理论分析与模型分析三部分。

    The second chapter is about the theories of bond financing .

  8. 在这样的前提下,对我国上市公司债券融资对公司绩效的影响进行研究分析有着重要的意义。

    In this condition , the research on the bond financing of listed companies in China has an important significance .

  9. 它已开始与美国证券交易委员会商讨,请求它允许自己的交易所经营未上市公司债券。

    It has begun talks with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) over permission to trade thousands of unlisted corporate bonds .

  10. 发行的相对容易产生了巨大影响:过去两年中,中期票据发行量是在交易所上市的债券的近两倍。

    The relative ease of issuing made a huge difference : the volume of medium-term note issuance was nearly twice as large as that of exchange-listed bonds over the past two years .

  11. 浅析我国上市公司的债券融资

    Brief analysis of bond finances of our country 's public companies

  12. 该交易所目前可上市离岸人民币债券,也为人民币外汇远期合约场外交易提供清算服务。

    SGX lists offshore renminbi bonds and offers the clearing of over-the-counter foreign exchange forward contracts in Renminbi .

  13. 本文的研究主要在于在分析影响上市可转换债券期限的因素。

    This paper is the analysis of the impact of convertible bonds listed on the factors that period .

  14. 《债券交易细则》修订前已在本所上市的企业债券的登记及交易申报等事项,仍按原有规定执行。

    Registration , transaction reporting and other issues of corporate bonds listed in this bourse before the bonds transactions rules are revised shall be handled pursuant to the original provisions .

  15. 应建立企业债券市场化的管理模式、降低融资费用、优化公司治理结构、建立健全法律法规制度,以强化我国上市公司的债券融资。

    Should establish a enterprise bond marketization management pattern , reduce the financing expense , optimized company ruling structure , establish perfect law regulations system to strengthen bond financing of our country 's public company .

  16. 境外机构能够进入中国资本市场的唯一另外渠道,就是通过一个小规模及高度受限的方案,该方案让获准的境外机构购买在证交所交易的中国上市股票和债券。

    The only other channel through which non-residents can access Chinese capital markets is through a small and highly restricted scheme that allows approved foreign institutions to buy Chinese-listed equities and bonds traded on the stock exchanges .

  17. 论文选取近几年我国银行间债券市场与交易所债券市场发行上市的企业债券,参照国外学者定义抑价方法,结合我国企业债券市场,对抑价模型进行分析研究。

    Our paper firstly selects corporate bonds that are publicly issued from the inter-bank bond market and bond exchange market in recent years , then discussing the underpricing model referring to the underpricing methods of scholars abroad with combining with the curent situation of corporate bond market in our country .

  18. B-S模型在我国上市公司可转换债券估值中的应用

    Application of B-S Model on Estimating Convertible Bond of Quoted Company in China

  19. 上市可转换公司债券的定价模型及应用

    Listed the Pricing Model of the Convertible Company 's Bond

  20. 我国上市企业可转换债券融资研究

    A Study on Convertible Bonds Financing of Chinese Listed Companies

  21. 上市公司可转换债券的定价方法研究

    Convertible Bonds of Listed Companies Pricing Method

  22. 上市公司可转换债券价值分析

    Value Analysis of Listed Company Convertible Bonds

  23. 上市公司可转换债券作为一种新的上市公司再融资工具,为我国的证券市场增添了活力。

    As a new refinancing instruments of quoted company , convertible bond adds energy to securities business .

  24. 为公司上市及股票、债券、基金的发行、转让提供法律服务。

    To provide legal services on corporate listing , issuance and transfer of stock , bond , fund .

  25. 上市公司发行公司债券对股价影响的研究

    Analysis of Effect on Stock Price of the Listed Company : when the Issuance of Corporate Bonds Announced

  26. 然而如何进行理性的筹资决策,则是上市企业利用企业债券市场实现其市值最大化所必须解决的问题。

    Where as how to make the rational financing decisions , is a problem which should be resolved in order to maximize the listed corporations ' market values by issuing corporation bonds .

  27. 比如,1999年美国共有1095家上市公司通过发行债券融资,融资额高达107420亿美元,仅199家上市公司发行股票,融资额只有11860亿美元;

    For example , there are 1095 enterprises that collect $ 10.742 billion by issuing bond and 199 enterprises that collect $ 1.186 billion by issuing stock in American security market in 1999 ;

  28. 因此市场普遍认为,允许上市银行进入交易所债券市场,将解决交易所债券市场严重缺乏流动性的问题,促进交易所债券市场的大发展。

    So it 's been generally believed that allowing listed banks to enter the exchange bond market , will solve the serious lack of exchange liquidity and promote the development of bond market transactions .

  29. 由于国内金融体系对中小企业资金方面的支持有限,很多中小企业开始寻求国际资本,通过海外上市、发行国际债券等方式募集资金,以促使企业在行业中做大做强。

    More and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to seek international capital by listing abroad , issuing international bond and in other ways , due to the limited support from domestic financial system , to boost them to be stronger in their own industries .

  30. 通过计量结果显示上市公司可转换债券的融资成本最高,配股的融资成本次之,增发的融资成本最小,这说明增发是上市公司进行股权再融资成本的最有选择。

    Through the measurement it shows that convertible bonds of listed companies financing the cost of the highest , followed by placement of shares of the financing costs , minimize the cost of additional financing , indicating additional shares of listed companies is refinancing the cost of the most select .