
shān dōnɡ dà xué
  • Shandong University
  1. 材料:实验于2004-07/12在山东大学医学院病理生理学教研室完成。选用140只雄性Wistar大鼠。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was completed in the Department of Pathophysiology , Medical College of Shandong University from July 2004 to December 2004.Totally 140 male Wistar rats were involved .

  2. 本课题所设计的SDUM08IP核是山东大学信息学院集成电路研究中心所设计的一款8位RISC微控制器。

    SDU_M08 IP Core is an 8-bit RISC MCU developed by the ASIC design centre of Information and Technology school in Shandong University .

  3. 再次,以山东大学青岛校区后勤建设一期工程为实际研究对象,对其BOT模式可行性进行验证;最后,总结高校后勤建设采用BOT模式可能遇到的问题,并一一对应地提出解决办法。

    Thirdly , first-stage construction of Qingdao campus of Shandong University is taken as an object to testify the feasibility . Lastly , possible problems in the application process of BOT mode are summarized and corresponding solutions are proposed respectively .

  4. 本文利用作者在财产保险企业多年的工作经验与在山东大学MBA所学的理论知识相结合,首先分析了临沂人保目前营销工作中存在的问题;

    Combining his working experience in property insurance enterprise gained in many years with his systematic MBA theory learned in Shandong University , the writer in this article firstly analyses the problems existed in the current marketing process of PICC Linyi .

  5. 材料:本实验于2002-04/2002-05在山东大学医学院动物实验中心完成。实验动物为近交SHR大鼠21只,体质量(300±20)g,由山东大学医学院实验动物中心提供,清洁级。

    MATERIALS : This study was completed in Experimental Animal Centre of Shandong University during April to May 2002.Twenty-one recombinant inbred rats of clean class with body mass of ( 300 ± 2 ) grams were provided by Experimental Animal Centre of Shandong University .

  6. 结果:全骨髓培养法较Percoll密度梯度离心法培养的骨髓间充质干细胞纯山东大学硕士学位论文度高,细胞增殖能力强,在体外培养时细胞均一性较好,方法简单易行;

    Results : rMSCS isolated by the whole bone marrow culture had higher purity . better uniform and ability of proliferation in the process of culture in vitro than those of Percoll isolated method .

  7. 2004年8月在美国加州的圣芭芭拉召开的国际密码大会上,山东大学的王小云教授公布了利用模差分破译MD-5函数算法的方法。

    In August of 2004 , professor Wang Xiao Yun of SDU announced that she had found the way to decipher MD-5 function in International Cryptography Conference in America .

  8. 她大学就读于中国的山东大学。

    She completed her undergraduate studies at Shandong University in China .

  9. 出席这次会议的教授们来自山东大学。

    The professors present at the meeting came from Shandong University .

  10. 山东大学知识分子思想改造运动研究

    A Study on Intellectuals ' Ideological Reform Movement in Shandong University

  11. 山东大学威海分校主楼设计浅析

    On the design of main-building in Weihai branch of Shandong University

  12. 方法本实验为随机对照的实验研究,在山东大学医学院实验室完成。

    Methods : A randomly controlled trial study was made .

  13. 山东大学考古数字博物馆设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Digital Archaeology Museum of Shandong University

  14. 大学生志愿服务调查:以山东大学为例

    Survey on Collegian Volunteer Service : Shandong University for Example

  15. 山东大学化学化工学院;

    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Shandong University ;

  16. 2008年山东大学附属省立医院细菌耐药性监测

    Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates from Shandong Provincial hospital during 2008

  17. 山东大学图书馆现刊管理系统

    Introduction of the " Periodical Management System " Software of Shandong University Library

  18. 今年22岁的陈辰来自山东大学法学院,这个22岁的姑娘几周前刚和老师同学一起吃了散伙饭。

    Chen Chen , 22 , had her graduation farewell dinner weeks ago .

  19. 山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报

    Journal of Otolaryngology and ophthalmology of Shandong University

  20. 山东大学管理学院旅游管理系;

    School of Hotel ; Restaurant and Tourism Management ; University of South Carolina ;

  21. 在山东大学度过的四周我非常开心。

    I 'm very happy for the time I have spent in Shandong University .

  22. 山东大学学生住院疾病构成分析

    Inpatients Disease Composition Among Students in Shandong University

  23. 山东大学新校区环境设计

    Design of New Area of Shandong University

  24. 在这一章中,对外贸函电文体学特征的分析是在三个层次上进行的,即词汇层次,山东大学硕士学位论文句子层次和篇章的层次。

    The analysis is carried out at lexical level , syntactic level and discourse level .

  25. 自1999年以来,山东大学开展了对海洋适冷微生物和适冷酶的研究。

    Since 1999 , marine cold-adapted microorganisms and enzymes have been studied in Shandong University .

  26. 山海校园&山东大学威海分校校园规划与建设

    Campus of Mountain and Sea & the design and construction of Shandong University at Weihai

  27. 在这种个山东大学硕士学位论文性化模式表示的基础上,给出了文档过滤算法。

    On the base of this representation , documents filtering algorithm is presented and analyzed .

  28. 其次对山东大学城发展历程进行梳理。

    Secondly , the thesis sorts out the course of development of University Towns in Shandong .

  29. 七十年代的山东大学工农兵学员教育就是这种办学模式的一个缩影。

    The higher education of Shandong University in the seventies was an epitome of this mode .

  30. 我以前是山东大学的学生,在济南学的。

    I used to be the student of Shandong university , I learned it in Jinan .