
  • 网络Mountain House
  1. 带下沉庭院的山地别墅群地下结构设计方法探讨

    Design Method of Underground Structures of Mountainous Villa-clusters with Sinking Courtyard

  2. 广州山地别墅居住区规划与建筑设计实践及研究

    The Practice on the Planning and Design of the Mountain Villa Residence in Guangzhou

  3. 山地别墅的竖向处理实例

    Examples of Vertical Location for Mountains Villas

  4. 山地别墅居住区的规划与建筑设计不能照搬平原别墅居住区的模式。

    The Planning and Design of Mountain Residential and the architectural design of Mountain Villa , can not Copy the plain residential design patterns .

  5. 随着城市用地的日趋紧张与城郊环境的不断发展,越来越多的别墅区选择建设在城市用地之外,出现了许多位于城郊的山地别墅区。

    With the increasingly tense of city land and the continuous development of suburban environment , more and more constructing villas choose at the suburb . It s appearing many suburban mountain villa .