
wěi fánɡ
  • last apartments or houses for sale
  1. 另一家开发商德信地产(DoThinkGroup)上周也宣布,为了处理尾房,毗邻天鸿香榭里的北海公园(NorthSeaPark)项目降价12%,每平方米均价从人民币18000元降至15800元(约合2578美元)。

    Another developer , DoThink Group , said last week it cut prices by 12 % at its North Sea Park project near the Champs - É lys é es to 15800 yuan ( $ 2578 ) per square meter from 18000 yuan per square meter to clear inventory .

  2. 浅谈房地产尾房销售的方法与技巧

    Marketing method and skills of rear cubicles