
wěi kuànɡ
  • tailings;gangue;refuse ore
尾矿 [wěi kuàng]
  • [tailings] 矿石经过选矿或其他综合处理后,剩下的有用矿物品位最低的矿石

  1. 碱性环境促进重金属Mo从钼尾矿中迁移释放,并易在河流水体中迁移。

    Heavy metal Mo migrated easily in mine tailings and in the Never River for the alkaline condition .

  2. GIS的空间叠加、缓冲区分析等强大空间分析功能,为矿山尾矿库地址的选择提供了帮助。

    With its strong spatial analysis functions of space overlapping and buffer area analysis , GIS provides a great help in the site selection for mine tailings reservoir .

  3. 膨润土尾矿作PVC塑料填料的研究

    Study on Bentonite-Tailings as Filler for PVC Plastics

  4. 某钼尾矿浸泡液pH变化及镍溶出规律研究

    Investigation on the pH Variation of the Soaking Solutions and the Rules of Nickel Release from a Molybdenum Tailing

  5. SiC晶须增韧的钨尾矿微晶玻璃

    SiC whisker toughened tungsten tailings glass ceramics

  6. 尾矿库中U、Th和~(226)Ra在亚粘土层的垂向迁移

    U , th and ~ ( 226 ) ra vertical migration in sub-clay from an uranium tailings impoundment

  7. 研究了采用铅锌尾矿和页岩配制的高C3S硅酸盐水泥生料的易烧性及所得熟料的性能。

    The burnability of the high tricalcium silicate Portland cement raw meal produced by lead-zinc tailing and shale and property of the resulting clinker were studied in this work .

  8. 建立了尾矿坝监测数据分析的RBF神经网络模型,并利用实际数据对此网络进行了训练和检验。

    A RBF ( radial basis function ) neural network model for analyzing the monitoring data of tailings dam was established , and then trained and tested using practically collected data .

  9. 金属尾矿一般熔点较低,含SiO2和FeS2较高,并含有丰富的微量元素,是生产水泥的良好原料。

    Metal tailings which are abundant in silicon dioxide , pyrites and trace elements have lower melting point and are favorable materials to producing cement .

  10. 同时,以毕肖普简化法原理为基础,运用Fortran语言编写程序来分析尾矿坝的整体稳定性。

    And , this paper provides a program based on simplified Bishop method . This program edited by fortran language is used to analyse the stability of tails dam .

  11. 尾矿库上部孔隙水中各组分含量明显高于尾矿库下部,并在约6m深处存在突变带。

    The contents of pore-water species in upper tailings are much higher than in lower tailings , and vary abruptly at the 6-m depth .

  12. BKW型尾矿再选磁选机中矿浆能量的功能性转化

    Functional Conversion of the Pulp Energy in BKW Magnetic Separators for Tailings Re beneficiation

  13. 从TN来看,尾矿库、桉树林和木薯地属于较差等级,其余各采样点均达到土壤肥力分级指标(NT/Y391-2000)的Ⅱ级水平以上。

    TN in tailing pond , eucalypt forest and cassava land were in the lower levels , the remaining samples were reached the level grade ⅱ above of the grading index of soil fertility .

  14. 用铜锌尾矿和锡渣配料生产525R普通硅酸盐水泥

    Technical measures for producing 525R ordinary Portland cement using copper and zinc tailing and tin slag as raw materials

  15. 在该尾矿库上自然定居的高等植物共91种,隶属38科79属,以菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)植物为主。

    The results showed that there were 91 species of higher plants in the copper tailing yard , which belonged to 38 families and 79 genera , with main families of Gramineae and Compositae .

  16. 用自制的旋臂式磨蚀实验仪,研究了5种高密度聚乙烯和1种顺丁橡胶改性的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE/cis-BR),在铁尾矿和铁精矿浆体中的耐磨蚀性。

    The erosive rates to iron tailings slurry and to iron concentrate slurry of five different kinds of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) and a cis-1,4 polybutadiene modified HDPE ( HDPE / cis-BR ) were studied with a self-made erosive set-up equipped with six whirling arms .

  17. 给出了一种考虑子体影响的放射性剂量评价方法,并用此法对铀尾矿中234U通过地下水迁移对人体所致剂量进行了估算。

    A dose assessment method considering the effect of progenies is presented in this paper , and the dose from ~ ( 234 ) U is evaluated using this method .

  18. 探讨茎瘤对长喙田菁(Sesbaniarostrata)在铅锌矿尾矿、客土和纯土环境中结瘤、固氮和积累重金属的影响。

    The effect of stem nodule on the nodulation , nitrogen fixation and heavy metals accumulation of Sesbania rostrata were investigated by keeping stem nodule or removing stem nodule and grown on Pb / Zn tailings or soil amended tailings or pure soil .

  19. 选钛尾矿分选钪实验研究

    Study on test of separating scandium from tailing of titanium separation

  20. 尾矿坝排渗方法对比分析与研究

    Analysis and research of methods treating water seepage from tailings dam

  21. 界壳论在尾矿库稳定性研究中的应用

    Application of Boundary Shell Theory in Stability Study of Tailings Reservoir

  22. 圆弧条分法在尾矿库安全评价中的应用

    Safety assessment application of circular arc Swedish method in tailing pond

  23. 利用铜尾矿制备彩色石英砂的研究

    Study on the preparation of colour sand by using copper tailings

  24. 金属非金属尾矿库安全现状及分析

    Analysis of current safety situation of metal and non-metal tailing pond

  25. 国内尾矿资源综合利用的现状及建议

    Status quo of Comprehensive Utilization of Domestic Tailing Resources and Suggestions

  26. 变分法在尾矿坝稳定性分析中的应用研究

    Study on application of variation calculus instability analysis of tailing dam

  27. 土工格栅与铜矿尾矿界面作用特性的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Properties of Interface between Geogrid and Copper Tailing

  28. 矿山尾矿等二次资源的综合利用与问题探讨

    Compositive Utilization Problems Discussion on Mining Gangue and Other Secondary Resources

  29. 铀废石、尾矿最终处置技术探讨

    Exploration on final disposal technologies of uranium waste ore and tailings

  30. 稀土尾矿在陶瓷坯釉中的应用

    The Application of Rare Earth Tailings in Ceramic Bases and Glazes