
wěi ɡǔ
  • tailbone;coccyx
尾骨 [wěi gǔ]
  • (1) [coccyx;tailbone]

  • (2) 人类和某些其它灵长类骶骨以外的脊柱末端,通常包括四个小椎骨,而在成年几乎完全合并而只剩下痕迹的尾

  • (3) 脊椎动物(例如鸟类)的一块骨骼,相当于原始尾骶骨

  • (4) [urosteon]∶某些鸟类胸骨龙骨脊背部的正中骨化

  1. 尾骨血液供应较差,营养动脉主要由腹侧面进入。

    It enters the coccyx mainly through the ventral surface .

  2. 伸展下背部使尾骨向下靠近垫子。

    Extend low back so coccyx moves downward toward mat .

  3. 包括H型的尾骨在内的肉块。

    A cut of beef including the H-shaped rump bone .

  4. 螺旋CT曲面重组技术在骶尾骨、下颌骨创伤中的应用

    The use of curved planar reformation of spiral CT in the traumas of mandible and sacrum and coccyx

  5. 目的:了解分娩对妇女盆底肌肉强度的影响,以及妇女产后耻骨尾骨肌(PC肌)强度的影响因素,及产后生殖保健服务中盆肌锻炼情况。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of childbirth on pubococcygeal muscle of primiparous women in China , understand factors associated with pubococcygeal muscle , and investigate the muscular training in postpartum health care .

  6. 融合,当尾骨或说骶骨用光索连接到所知为色彩球(pallets)的光格层中心时发生。

    Fusion occurs as the tailbone or sacral area is connected with light tethers to light grid centers known as pallets .

  7. 在麻醉下,各组动物距肛门1cm处截断尾骨,SG组仅咬除右侧半椎板,显露L5神经根;其余各组皆取自体尾椎髓核(约10mg)植入右侧L5神经根背侧。

    Except for SG receiving only hemi-laminectomy and L5 nerve root exposure , the rest three groups received epidural transplantation of the autogenous coccygeal nucleus pulposus ( 10mg ) to the dorsal L5 nerve root ;

  8. 本中心小鼠尾骨节数分别为26,而河北医科大学KM小鼠尾骨为28节。结论:由于长期的封闭饲养,本中心KM小鼠与其它KM小鼠存在差异:尾较长,30周龄长2cm。

    The number of tail bone is different : Henan 26 , Hebei 28 . Conclusion Because of long closed breeding , KM mice of Henan Medical University are difference at tail length and the number of tail bone from other KM mice . The tail is more longer .

  9. 尾根处结实,尾骨延伸到飞节。

    Tail strong at the base , bone to reach hock .

  10. 骶尾骨正常变异的影像学分析

    Image analysis of normal anatomical variations in sacrum and coccyx

  11. 手术经骶尾部入路,6例均切除尾骨。

    There were 6 cases of total resection of cyst .

  12. 尾椎切除治疗尾骨脱位及骨折

    Coccygectomy in the Treatment of Dislocation and Fracture of Coccyx

  13. 尾骨是脊骨底部的一块小骨。

    The coccyx is a small bone at the base of the spine .

  14. 直接数字X线摄影诊断骶尾骨外伤的价值

    DR Value in Diagnosing Sacrum and Coccyx Trauma Injury

  15. 伸展尾骨向地板方向并保持下背部长。

    Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor to keep the lower back long .

  16. 属于、有关或靠近尾骨。

    Of or relating to or near the coccyx .

  17. 尾骨塞进就像是在山式。

    Tuck your tailbone underneath just as in Tadasana .

  18. 脊柱应该与头部后侧及尾骨在一条直线上。

    Your spine should align with the back of your head and your tailbone .

  19. 尾骨压向耻骨,大腿上部内侧轻轻内旋。

    Press your tailbone toward your pubis and turn the upper thighs inward slightly .

  20. 晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。

    Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward .

  21. 在保持尾骨和肩胛骨稳定的前提下,向后屈身。

    Now lean back against the firmness of the tail bone and shoulder blades .

  22. 接下来让我们聚焦在位于尾骨的根部脉轮。

    Let us next focus on the root chakra , which sits at the tailbone .

  23. 尾骨表面的动脉吻合稀少。

    Anastomosis has been found scarce on the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the coccyx .

  24. 你的尾骨继续向脚跟的方向提起是非常必要的。

    It 's also essential that your tailbone continues to lift upward toward the heels .

  25. 一个四个半月打的胎儿可以看到尾骨。

    At four and a half mouths old a human fetus has a reptile 's tail .

  26. 左臀稍稍朝前,尾骨向后脚跟方向延长伸展。

    Let the left hip come slightly forward and lengthen the tailbone toward the back heel .

  27. 尾骨直,而且延伸到飞节或更低的位置。

    The bones in the tail should feel straight and should reach to the hock joint or below .

  28. 从骨盆的后部拉长尾骨,并轻轻地把它压向耻骨。

    Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it lightly toward the pubis .

  29. 先收紧肩胛骨顶后背,再放宽,将肩胛骨拉向尾骨。

    Firm your shoulder blades against your back , then widen them and draw them toward the tailbone .

  30. 从颈部开始,呼气并且恶向前弯曲,逐节弯曲身体,直到触及尾骨。

    Starting with neck , exhale and bend forward one segment at a time until reaching tail bone .