
  • 网络mine design
  1. Windows环境下的地下矿山设计软件系统

    A Software " Underground mine design " for Windows

  2. 论矿山设计与企业生产成本的关系

    Discussion on the Relations Between Mine Design and Production Cost

  3. 采用面向对象技术,借助VisualC++集成开发环境,成功地开发出Windows环境下简便易用的地下矿山设计软件系统。

    With VisualC + + IDE and Object Oriented technology , the author successfully developed the Underground Mine 's Design for Windows .

  4. 小型黄金矿山设计对地质工作的要求

    The requirement of geological work in designing small-scale gold mine

  5. 虚拟现实技术在露天矿山设计中应用的展望

    Prospect of Application of Virtual Reality in Open-pit Mine Design

  6. 研究结果对矿山设计、生产与安全具有十分重要的指导作用。

    The results obtained are very useful to mining design and mining safety .

  7. 地下矿山设计的技术进展与前景

    Technology development and prospect for design of underground mines

  8. 鞍山黑色冶金矿山设计研究院

    Anshan Ferrous Metal Mine Engineering and Research Institute

  9. 项目融资特别适用于矿山设计和建设阶段融资。

    Project finance is applied especially for the design and construction phase in mining financing .

  10. 矿山设计与企业经济效益

    Mine design and economic profit of enterprise

  11. 该论文的研究成果对矿山设计优化、矿山的生产经营具有一定的指导意义。

    The method has great effect to the design of mine , production and management .

  12. 本文旨在利用所开发的计算机模型,对矿山设计的这些方面进行检验。

    The paper aims to examine these aspects of mine design using the computer models developed .

  13. 准确地预测岩层移动范围,是矿山设计的重要依据之一。

    Accurate prediction on the scope of strata movement is an important basis for mine design .

  14. 矿山设计的思考

    Thinking of Mine Design

  15. 由于矿山设计的复杂性,矿山现代设计的步伐也相对落后。

    Due to the complexity of mine design , the development of modern design of mine lags behind relatively .

  16. (四)有符合煤矿安全生产和环境保护要求的矿山设计;

    Having a mining design which meets the requirements of safety in coal mine production and of environmental protection ;

  17. 指出在矿山设计中,选矿和地质工作者应熟悉这方面的知识,才能进一步做好选矿厂设计工作。

    For an engineer in beneficiation and geology , having an intimate knowledge of this aspect can facilitate the design of ore dressing plant .

  18. 充填料浆环管试验是采用充填工艺的矿山设计必须进行的一项工作,旨在获得充填工艺流程的流体、流变参数,作为设计的依据。

    In order to obtain the rheological and fluent parameters of filling techniques as designing basis references , the filling slurry round-pipe-test is a necessary work .

  19. 本文介绍在黄金矿山设计中,利用伪斜井开拓推导公式,准确、迅速计算出伪斜井设计方位。

    The design position of false incline shaft in the development of gold mine can be speedily derived from the equation for the development of false incline shaft .

  20. 讨论了金属露天矿山设计中矿用汽车的吨位选择计算和进一步完善国产矿用汽车的吨位系列问题。

    In this paper , the selection for off-highway truck tonnage is discussed , and the tonnage series spectrum of the off-highway truck made in China is further perfected .

  21. 在露天矿和地下矿山设计中,将矿体划分成矩形块段、并分别计算出各块段的矿岩量是一项很重要的工作。

    In designing a mine or an open-pit , it is important to divide the orebody into rectangular blocks and to calculate the tonnage of ore reserves in each block .

  22. 论文总结了矿山设计中研究的主要工艺技术、软件设计理论与方法,对矿山现代设计未来发展提出了自己的看法。

    The principal mining technologies to be studied in mining design and the theory and methods of software design are summarized . In addition , views on the trend of modern mining design is presented .

  23. 评述了过去矿山设计中存在的一些问题,提出了若干改革设计的新思路,以适应社会主义市场经济的要求。

    The existing problems of the previous mine design are described and several new trains of thought of design reform satiable for the requirement of the socialistic market economy are put forword in this paper .

  24. 第十四条矿山设计规定保留的矿柱、柱,在规定的期限内,应当予以保护,不得开采或者毁坏。

    Article 14 Mine pillars and rock pillars to be preserved as specified in the mining designs shall , within the prescribed period of time , be protected and may not be exploited or damaged .

  25. 因此本论文在前期工作基础之上,实现了宁夏煤业集团公司数字化矿山设计方案的第一步,搭建了安全生产综合多业务监测平台。

    Accordingly , the first step of design proposal of Ningxia coal industry group company in digital mine construction was realized and a synthetic multi-services platform in safety production were built on the base of previous working foundation in this thesis .

  26. 在矿山设计阶段的岩爆预测和开采过程中的岩爆监测是有效控制岩爆或减轻其危害的重要措施,但是仍然存在许多重大理论问题需要解决。

    The prediction of rockburst in the stage of mining design and rockburst monitoring during mining are the important methods of effectively controlling rock burst or reducing its hazard . But in this field , there are many problems that need to be studied .

  27. 对建国50年来国内地下矿山设计技术进行了系统的概括,并提出了今后地下矿山设计、建设、生产、科研等的发展方向和努力目标

    The design technology of domestic underground mines during 50 years since the founding of the PRC was summarized systematically , the development direction and desired object of the design , construction , production and scientific research of underground mines in the future were put forward

  28. 通过三个阶段、三个原则流程的试验后,确定了有用矿物的选别流程和不同类型、不同品位的矿石可能达到的选别指标,为工业试验及矿山设计提供了依据。

    After an experiment based on three stages and three principle circuits , the selective circuit of useful minerals and the selective index which the ores in different types and grades can reach are defined . The circuits and the index provide a basis for industrial experiments and mine designs .

  29. 微机AUTOCAD在矿山地质设计及其储量计算中的应用

    Application of microcomputer Auto CAD in the Design and the reserves computing in Mining Geology

  30. 微机AUTOCAD在矿山地质设计制图工作中用交互式方法现已全面地实现了微机计算机化。

    With microcomputer Auto CAD . The microcomputing has been realized in the work of mining geology designing blueprints with microcomputer Auto CAD in the form of interaction .