
kuàng jǐng
  • mine;shaft;pit;groove;grube
矿井 [kuàng jǐng]
  • [mine;shaft;pit] 为通达地下矿床所开掘的井筒或巷道,从中可以用挖掘或其它开采方法采出地下矿藏(如矿石、宝石或煤)

矿井[kuàng jǐng]
  1. 这台发动机是用来从矿井中抽水的。

    The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine .

  2. 花园的一侧紧靠着矿井的旧入口。

    One edge of the garden abutted on an old entrance to the mine

  3. 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。

    Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines

  4. 周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。

    Methane gas does collect in the mines around here .

  5. 矿井中用钢制通风机来保持空气流通。

    The pit is ventilated by a steel fan .

  6. 尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。

    Though mine safety has much improved , miners ' families still fear the worst

  7. 昨晚工会领袖在400码深的矿井下举行了彻夜的抗议活动。

    The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft .

  8. 这是工贸大臣明确指出要关闭的31个矿井之一。

    The pit was one of the 31 earmarked for closure by the Trade and Industry Secretary .

  9. 这座煤矿即将关闭,因为从经济上考虑,矿井里已经没有足够的煤可供开采。

    The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically .

  10. 将不再资助其他地区,以便资金可以重新分配给饱受矿井关闭影响的城镇。

    Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocated to towns devastated by pit closures .

  11. 丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与轮椅为伴了。

    Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines . Consequently , he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair

  12. 监察员已下到矿井里了。

    The inspector went down the mine .

  13. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。

    Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation .

  14. 矿井升降机通常用一个升车一个落车互相平衡的方法进行操作。

    Mine hoists are usually operated by the counterbalance of an ascending and a descending car .

  15. 矿井通风系统BP网络评价法的可行性研究

    Feasibility of mine ventilation system BP network evaluation method

  16. GM(1,1)模型在矿井水动态预测中的应用

    Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model in Dynamic Prediction of Mine Water

  17. PLC在矿井局部通风机变频调速系统中的应用

    The application of PLC to the variable frequency and speed adjusting system of mine local fan ventilation

  18. GPRS在矿井救灾无线通信系统中的应用

    Application of GPRS in Radio Communication System for Mine Disaster Relief

  19. 双巷声波CT采集系统是矿井煤层构造探测的实际应用系统。

    Two gateways sound wave CT system is the system that can actually be applied in detecting the structure in coal seam .

  20. 矿井提升机STD微机监控装置

    STD micro-computer monitoring system for mine hoist

  21. 矿井安全CIMS技术研究

    Study on CIMS of Mine Safety

  22. 利用FFT频谱分析方法对一矿井通风机的轴不对中及其由此引起的不平衡故障进行了精密诊断。

    With this method , the shaft-misalignment and hence the imbalance faults of a mine ventilator are diagnosed minutely .

  23. 通过对矿井瓦斯涌出量时间序列的模糊分形处理,用BP神经网络对影响因素间的非线性关系进行拟合。

    After the time series fuzzy fractal processing of the mine gas emission quantity , the non linear relations of the influence factors were combined with BP neural network .

  24. 本文利用ADINA对矿井围岩应力进行计算,评价围岩的稳定性,保证矿井的安全。

    This paper uses ADINA stress on the surrounding rock mine , the evaluation of the stability of rock to ensure mine safety .

  25. 按给定速度图,采用PID高级单元,构成转速、电流PI调节器,实现双闭环调速控制,通过井下、井上的控制信号,实现矿井交流提升机全自动调速控制和手动检修控制。

    On the basis of speed chart , the designer used PID units to achieve double closed-loop control by making up speed and current regulator . And realized automatic control for mining AC elevator .

  26. 矿井扇风机计算机优选及其QBASIC程序设计

    The Optimum Selection of Mine Fan by Computer and the Design of QBASIC Program

  27. 对于中性点不接地的矿井低压电网,其对地绝缘电阻r,电容C和漏电电阻R,是决定零序电压的3个重要参数。

    For an ungrounded neutral low voltage power system in mine , its insulance ( r ) , capacitance ( C ) and leakage resistance ( R ) to the ground are three important parameters in determining the zero sequence voltage .

  28. 通过对矿井下的具体环境和UWB无线接入系统在井下应用存在问题的分析,证明该技术在煤矿井下应用的实际可行性。

    By analyzing the special environment underground and existent problems in the application of UWB wireless access system underground , the practical feasibility of using the technology underground coal mine can be proved .

  29. 矿井地面生产系统采用660V供电技术探讨

    660V Power Supply Technique for Mine Surface Production System

  30. 矿井6kV主供回路加装重合闸装置的分析

    Analysis on loaded re-switch device of mine 6 KV main supply power loop