
  • 网络ore occurrence;mineral occurrence;mineral occurrence,ore spot
  1. 草原覆盖区隐伏金属矿体定位预测&以大兴安岭中南段某铅锌矿点为例

    Location Forecasting of Buried Metal Ore-body in Grasslands Covered Area ── A Case of Lead-Zinc Mineral Occurrence in Middle-Southern Segment of Daxing'anling Mountains

  2. 不能有效地发现赋存在碎屑、淤泥、火山灰之下的海底热液硫化物矿点(床)。

    Cannot effectively find the seabed hydrothermal sulfide ore spot hosted in the base of the detritus , the silt and the volcanic ash .

  3. 为探讨煤的煤岩学特征与焦炭强度之间的关系,对北京焦化厂所用华北地区26个矿点的原料煤的煤岩学特征进行了研究,并对10kg小焦炉焦炭的强度进行了测定。

    Based on the microscopic coal petrology study of some raw coal from 26 mining districts in North China and the measurement of coke intensity , the relationship between coal petrology and coke intensity is discussed in this paper .

  4. 据此模型预报了26个矿点为铅矿区。

    Total 26 targets are predicted as potential Pb ore-field .

  5. 合理筛选矿点提高质量和效益

    Rationally selecting ore supply sites and improving quality and benefit

  6. 湖南南部的不同矿点。

    The samples are taken from different prospects in the south of Hunan .

  7. 199热液型铀矿点氧化-淋积带特征及控制条件

    The oxidation-infiltration zone features and controlling conditions in No. 199 hydrothermal uranium deposit

  8. 951铀矿点综合地球化学测量及数据处理的初步总结

    Preliminary results of comprehensive geochemical surveys and data processing on uranium spot 951

  9. 地质填图和低空放射性航测又继续探明了一批矿点。

    Subsequent discoverjes were made by geological mapping and low-level airborne radiometric surveys .

  10. 赤峰某铀钼矿5号矿点曾遭盗采。

    No.5 working area in a uranium-molybdenum mine of Chifeng was mined illegally .

  11. 偏斜钻孔见矿点的解析计算及投影

    Analytic calculation and projection of incline drill & hole to see ore point

  12. 苏木沟铜铅锌矿点具有岩浆热液稀土元素特征。

    The REE patterns are the magmatic hydrothermal characteristics in Sumugou Cu-Pb-Zn deposit .

  13. 塔里木盆地西部古盐矿点卤水水化学特征与找钾研究

    Hydrochemical characteristics of brines and application to locating potassium in western Tarim Basin

  14. 内蒙古喇叭地铀矿点成矿特征及成矿类型讨论

    Discussion on metallogenic characteristics and types of Labadi uranium occurrence , Inner Mongolia

  15. 706矿点钻孔放射性水异常的揭露评价

    Evaluation of radioactive anomalies in the ground water in drill holes of uranium deposit No.706

  16. 湘西金矿溜矿井卸矿点尘源控制试验研究

    Experimental study of source-dust control at ore dropping point in ore-sliding pit of Xiangxi gold mine

  17. 有工业价值的砂矿床10处,矿点20余个。

    It has been found that there are 10 ore deposits and 20 localites with economical values .

  18. 将已有的金铜矿点与提取的蚀变信息进行叠合,吻合率达60%,吻合较好。

    And the coincidence rate between the alteration information extracted and existing ore occurrences rises 60 % .

  19. 宁夏青铜峡市广武山矿点资源保护与开发的研究

    Study on the protection and development of mineral resource in Guangwu Mt of Qingtongxia city of Ningxia

  20. 结合已知矿点和野外验证分析,圈定了四处找煤有利区域。

    Four advantageous coal mineralization regions are circled through combining the known mineralization points and field confirmation analysis .

  21. 作者于1997年在该矿点发现了与(隐爆)角闪岩有关的铂族矿化,初步认为是一个找矿前景较好的铂族矿化新类型。

    The detailed survey in1997 indicated that it is a new type of PGE prospect related to crystoexplosion amphibolite .

  22. 研究成果表明:本区海泡石粘土矿矿点多,储量丰富,矿层厚度大,埋藏浅,易开采。

    Investigations show abundant sepiolite deposits of occurrences in the region , and the sepiolite lager is thick and shallow .

  23. 矿床、矿点、蚀变带构成了区域上金矿床矿化网络结构。

    The gold deposits , mineral occurrences and hydrothermal alteration zones compose the whole structure of regional gold mineralization network .

  24. 同时取消二次脱水作业,降低水量消耗,减少生产中跑矿点。

    Meanwhile , the second dehydration operation could be canceled , thus the water consumption and the production cost decreases .

  25. 干酪根的元素组成和成熟度是判别大型卡林型金矿床和小型卡林型金矿床或矿点的重要标志。

    The element composition and mature of kerogen is an important distinguish mark between great and small scale carlintype gold deposits .

  26. 在一定条件下,矿点空间分布模型和发现过程模型可有效地用于估计潜在矿床总数。

    Under certain circumstances an ore occurrence spatial model and a discovery process model can be employed to tackle the first problem effectively .

  27. 根据辽宁省2003年矿区水土流失调查统计结果显示,全省现有矿点数量6881个。

    Showed by the statistics of soil erosion and water loss investigation , there are 6881 mine plots in Liaoning province in 2003 .

  28. 太行山北段中生代岩浆活动频繁,成矿作用强烈,岩体和岩石种类、矿点和矿化类型都很多。

    The purpose of this paper is to present certain facts relating to magmatism and metallization in the northern Taihang Mountains during Mesozoic era .

  29. 近东西向挤压破碎蚀变带与北北东向、北北西向、北东向蚀变破碎带控制着本区金矿床、矿点的空间展布。

    The gold mineralization is controlled by the altered fracture zone , which orientation are near EW , NNE , NNW and NE , etc.

  30. 构造、岩浆、矿点的分形统计结果显示盖层褶皱系是岩浆就位的主要场所;

    The statistics of the fractal calculation of structure , magma and ore deposits revealed that it was fold that controlled the emplacement of magma .