
  • 网络price-fixed housing;capped-price housing;price-capped housing;price-limit housing;housing
  1. 最后,制定全国统一的限价房实施办法,健全相关法律法规,这样才能使得限价房政策的实施有法可依。

    Finally , uniform measures for the implementation of price-limit housing should be made . Relevant laws and regulations should be improved so that the price-limit housing policy can be conducted in accordance with laws .

  2. 基于政府价格管制的限价房价格研究

    Studies on Price-Control Housing Based on Government 's Price Controls Mode

  3. 尽管中国政府采取了加强限价房建设的新措施,但中国社会科学院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)在最新一份住房研究报告中警告说,中低收入家庭并未得到由廉租房和限价房组成的现有住房保障体系的良好覆盖。

    Despite new measures by the Chinese government to emphasize construction of low-cost houses , the new report on housing by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warns that low and middle-income families are ' not well-covered ' by the existing residence-guarantee system , which is intended to provide a type of rent and housing price-control .

  4. 不止是建设些保障住房,比如公租房或者限价房。

    Not only build the Low-incoming House , like Public-Rent-House or Price-Limit-House .

  5. 广州市限价房政策实施中存在问题与对策研究

    Research on Implementation of Limited-price Policy in Guangzhou

  6. 第三,.科学合理地制定限价房价格。

    Third , the prices of price-limit houses should be set reasonably and scientifically .

  7. 文章创新部分是成本领先策略在限价房开发与经营过程中的应用。

    The innovative part is how cost leads tactics applied in the process of the development and management of the price-limited housing .

  8. 第四,完善分配模式,明确限价房政策的供应对象是城市中等收入家庭。

    Fourth , the distribution model should be improved . We should make sure that the price-limit houses are provided for middle-income families in urban areas .

  9. 我国目前虽然推出了廉租房、经济适用房、限价房、住房公积金等制度。

    Although there are many measures as low-cost housing , affordable housing , limit housing , housing provident fund , there is not a fundamental solution .

  10. 目前我国基本上形成了以经济适用房、限价房、廉租房和公共租赁房等为主的多层次保障住房供应体系。

    At current , china has formed many-levels supply system of affordable housing basically , including affordable housing , price-controlling housing , low-rent housing , public-renting housing and so on .

  11. 另一类是限制性房价,包括经济适用住房、拆迁房、房改房、限价房、待定对象的福利房、自建房等。

    The other is restricted housing , including affordable housing , housing demolition , housing reform , housing prices , the welfare housing target to be determined , since the housing and so on .

  12. 文章重点是分析开发商在开发与经营限价房过程中所面临的风险,提出了开发商将如何面对开发与经营过程中的具体风险,得出了开发商应对风险的策略和具体的防范措施。

    The article describes the process of the development and management of the price-limited housing , analyes the various risks the developers faced in each stage , and raises that the response strategies and the specific preventive measures .

  13. 我国现行的住房供给主要包括经济适用房、廉租房、限价房以及小产权房等,他们在实施过程中取得了一定的成效,但同时存在诸多问题急需解决。

    The present housing supplies mainly include the economic and suitable housing , the low-rent housing , the limited price housing and the small property right housing , they have some advances in the implementation process , but simultaneously they have many questions .

  14. 我国保障性住房供应体系包括:限价商品房,经济适用房,公共租赁房,廉价房。

    My protective housing supply system includes : Limit of commercial housing and affordable housing , public rental housing , low-cost housing .

  15. 结合实际状况,公共租赁房、限价商品房以及二手房市场将成为夹心层群体的住房供应体系的主要组成部分。

    Light of the actual situation , a supply system for " sandwich class " group is made up housing public rental housing , limit room and second-hand housing market .

  16. 限价商品房,是指经城市人民政府批准,在限制套型比例,限定销售价格的基础上,以竞地价,竞房价的方式招标确定住宅项目开发建设。

    Price of commercial housing , is approved by the city government , in limiting the dwelling size ratio , defined on the basis of the sales price to competing land , competitive bidding to determine the manner of residential housing development and construction projects .