
  • 网络Existing-home;Existing home;complete apartment
  1. 全美地产经纪商协会表示,12月份现房销售额有所下滑。

    So , the National Association of Realtors is saying existing home sales in December slipped a bit .

  2. 美国昨日发布的经济数据好坏参半,现房销售的下降少于预期,但初次申领失业金的人数高于预期。

    US data yesterday were mixed , with existing home sales falling less than had been expected but initial jobless claims higher than forecast .

  3. 五月份现房销售量上升。

    Sales of existing homes have a bump up in May .

  4. 上个月,购买现房的美国民众减少。

    Fewer Americans were buying existing homes last month .

  5. 由现房销售建筑面积和期房销售建筑面积两部分组成。

    It constitutes floor space of completed housing and floor space of future housing .

  6. 现房的成交量也有所上涨。

    Sales of existing houses have risen .

  7. 这套房子的现房主于1973年花了3.5万美元买下这处住宅,如今房主希望将其缩小为一套公寓。

    The current owners bought the house for35,000 dollars in1973 and are looking to downsize to a condominium .

  8. 而在北方,虽然现房销售已经有了星星之火,但它能否燎原呢?

    In the North , although Xianfang sales have a spark , it can start a prairie fire ?

  9. 美国房产经纪协会说,二月份现房交易上涨是自去年七月份以来的第一次。

    The National Association of Realtors said sales of existing homes rose in February for the first time since July .

  10. 因此,买卖双方应该待期房变现房后再通过正常交易途径交易。

    Therefore , the seller and the buyer should be faster cash transactions through the normal channels after the Housing transactions .

  11. 做事,最好是名利双收。创业,最好是一夜暴富。结婚,最好有现房现车。

    We want both fame and money as workers , desire to get rich overnight as business openers and own a car and a house as newlyweds .

  12. 价格上涨的原因是美国大部分地区遭遇寒冷天气,1月现房销售下降。

    The rise in prices also comes from the sale of existing homes fell in January in part due to cold weather across much of the country .

  13. 但是,低利率以及就业市场改善使得2012年的需求量增加,这也是5年来现房销售表现最活跃的一年。

    Still , low interest rates and an improved job market increased demand in 2012 and made the most active year for existing home sales in 5 years .

  14. 今天,全美地产经纪商协会宣布,上个月现房销售量较前月下滑3.2%,经季节性调整按年率计算为512万套。

    The National Association of Realtors is announcing today sales of previously owned homes fell 3.2 % from the previous month due to seasonally-adjusted rates of 5.12 million .

  15. 11月份现房销售额下降了1%,地产经纪商协会表示,小幅下滑的部分原因是市场上的房屋越来越少。

    Sales of existing homes fell 1 % in November , a slight decline that the Realtors Association attributed them part the fact that fewer homes are on the market .

  16. 但商品房预售所具有的不同于一般现房买卖的特征,也给预购人带来了较大的风险。

    At the same time , some characteristics of it , which is different from that of sales of completed apartment , also bring a big risk to the advance purchaser .

  17. 因在建工程的工期长,交易标的有许多不确定的因素,因而购买期房面临的风险比一般购买现房的大得多。

    Because there are many uncertain factors in the transacting subject in the long period of building , the purchase of futures marketable housing is facing greater risks than the purchase of existing housing .

  18. “风景线”现房即住,真实品质一目了然,与那些“说得好、夸得妙,就是看不见、摸不着”的概念楼不可同日而语。

    " scenic routes " Xianfang the living , true quality too , and those " that well , Kwajalein may result is not , anything " concept , mentioned in the same breath .

  19. 但是经济学家警告称不要过分解读这些数据,房市数据要由现房销售来体现,而6月份的现房销量已是连续8个月上涨。

    Still economists cautioned against reading too much into the numbers , the majority of the housing market is filled by existing home sales and they were at an 8 month high in June .

  20. 不仅仅是因为小徐在供职的IT行业的外企公司“升级”到了更高的位置,还有一个重要的原因是,小徐买了房子,而且还是现房。

    Not only because Xiaoxu in the it service industry companies foreign invested enterprises " upgrading " to a higher position , there is another important reason is that Xiaoxu buy , but also Xianfang .

  21. 美国房地产行业延续强劲势头,全美房地产经纪人协会表示,上个月,美国现房销售量增加了0.8%,经季节性调整按年率计算为498万套。

    Underscoring continued gains in the housing sector in this country , the National Association of Realtor says sales of existing homes increase 0.8 % last month , to seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.98 million .

  22. 回顾了商品房预售制度的起源及其在我国的发展,随后从理论层面分析了现房市场价格失效的原因及期房市场对现房市场价格稳定效应的作用机理。

    This paper reviews the origin of forward delivery housing market and its development in China , and then theoretically analyzes the causes for the failure of the complete housing prices and the stabilizing effect of the forward delivery housing market on complete housing prices .