
  • 网络Cash shortage;be short of cash;cash deficit;Run out of cash
  1. 而多年来,资金流转不畅、现金短缺是我国中小企业发展过程中的一个制约瓶颈。

    However , cash deficit always is a bottleneck restriction for the development of our medium and small-sized enterprises for years .

  2. 现金短缺是一个制约因素。

    Lack of cash is a limiting factor .

  3. 联合国面临着现金短缺问题。

    The UN is facing a cash crunch .

  4. Francerunsoutofcash巴黎现金短缺现金短缺:巴黎市民排队取款

    Cash-less society : Parisians queue to get at their francs .

  5. 这本是通用汽车和赛伯乐资产管理公司(CerberusCapitalManagement,克莱斯勒的所有者)在遭受现金短缺打击前就计划的,通用汽车现在却开始谋求联邦资金。

    It is what GM , and Chrysler 's owner , Cerberus Capital Management , planned before the cash crunch struck and GM started angling for federal money instead .

  6. 政府官员表示,由于提供了银行融资以外的另一种选择,Reit的推出有助于现金短缺的开发商。

    The introduction of Reits could help cash-strapped developers because it would give them an alternative to bank finance , officials said .

  7. 现金短缺意味着这个预算方案是束手束脚的。

    The shortage of cash means this budget was a limited one .

  8. 创造价值现金短缺型企业是中国注册会计师协会2008年在中国注册会计师教材中首次正式提出来的。

    The concept of creating-value and cash-shortage enterprises is proposed firstly in 2008 by CICPA .

  9. 如果发生了现金短缺该怎么办呢?

    What happens if money is missing ?

  10. 在金融界,银行家最为担心的就是现金短缺。

    The cash squeeze haunted the Bankers more than anything else in the financial circle .

  11. 在短期货币市场上面临的暂时性现金短缺,可以轻易地通过欧洲央行填补。

    Temporary shortages of cash in short-term money markets can be readily filled by the ECB .

  12. 为中国公司工作的中介公司报告,现金短缺的欧洲公司源源不断地向他们咨询。

    Fixers working for Chinese companies report a steady stream of inquiries from cash-strapped European firms .

  13. 现金短缺的情况非常普遍,因此商业活动实际上已经停顿。

    There is a widespread shortage of cash so commercial activities have virtually ground to a halt .

  14. 真实情况是,州政府及地方政府深受经济不景气的打击,深陷现金短缺危机之中。

    And it 's true that state and local governments , hit hard by the recession , are cash-strapped .

  15. 独立制片人调查了一些有益的想法,对于现金短缺的最具创新性和生存渡过难关。

    The Independent investigated some of the most innovative and useful ideas for cash-strapped filmmakers to survive through difficult times .

  16. 周五透露的消息表明,通用汽车欧洲公司下周就将面临现金短缺,使5.5万个工作岗位面临威胁。

    With 55,000 jobs in the balance , GM Europe will run low on cash next week , it emerged on Friday .

  17. 按照这个消耗速度,通用汽车明年夏季就会出现现金短缺,这还没有考虑未来销量进一步下降的因素。

    At that burn rate , GM could effectively run short of cash next summer , without even taking into account further sales declines .

  18. 无所不在的松脆的、金色的面包条的价格似乎概括了生活费用上升和消费者口袋里现金短缺的现象。

    The price of the omnipresent crisp , golden loaf seemed to epitomize the rising cost of living and the shortage of cash in consumers'pockets .

  19. 全光宇说:“韩国银行应该准备向那些有前途的中小企业提供有力支持,因为这些企业面临现金短缺。”

    He says banks should be ready to provide promising small and medium-sized enterprises with strong support , because they face a shortage of cash .

  20. 这种现金短缺导致公司的投资日益减少,从而使经济衰退严重恶化。

    This cash squeeze on companies is one reason why they have been running down their inventories , which is exacerbating the severity of the recession .

  21. 没有人料到会是这个结果&这样一家债务缠身、现金短缺的意大利公司,是无法在国际法庭上打赢这场官司的。

    No one thought it could happen & there 's no way this debt-laden , cash strapped Italian company will win in an international court of law .

  22. 美国消费者无力借贷,还有失业之忧,正大力削减开支;企业也同样在节衣缩食,现金短缺,销售业绩堪忧。

    American consumers , unable to borrow and fearful for their jobs , are cutting spending ; so are firms , short of cash and worried about sales .

  23. 克莱斯勒最早将于今年年底面临现金短缺的危险,它可能无法采取太多的重组措施。

    Chrysler , which is in danger of running short of cash as soon as the end of the year , may not have many more restructuring steps .

  24. 美国国际集团坚称其只是没有流动资金而已,而不是破产,但是它贷款的规模却暗示着它的问题远超过短期现金短缺。

    The company insists that it is illiquid , not insolvent , but the size of the loan suggests that its problems go beyond a short-term cash crunch .

  25. 所以即使面临现金短缺,它也不会破产,所有各方都认为那将是严重的后果。

    So even if it is facing a cash crunch , it would not necessarily slip into default – an event that all parties agree would have grave consequences .

  26. 一些投资者很可能会被这笔交易吸引,因为金融危机已导致他们中的许多人因在私人股本基金上承诺过多而现金短缺。

    Some investors are likely to be attracted by the offer , as the financial crisis has left many of them over-committed to private equity funds and short of cash .

  27. 临时性减税政策将刺激消费支出,而联邦政府支出的短期增长将为建筑业创造临时性的就业机会,并使现金短缺的州政府和地方政府得以避免裁员。

    Temporary tax cuts would boost consumer spending while a temporary boost in government spending would create temporary jobs in construction and preserve jobs in cash-strapped state and local governments .

  28. 这些计划同时表明,政府没有屈从于希望迅速解决的公众要求,并准备抵制来自现金短缺的企业寡头要求资金援助的压力。

    The plans also indicate that the authorities are not giving in to public demands for a quick-fix response and are ready to resist pressure for money from cash-strapped oligarchs .

  29. 他表示,近些天出现的现金短缺问题不会影响中国银行业平稳运行的总体格局,但是他也承认,一些银行需要加强流动性与风险管理。

    He said the recent cash crunch would not affect the stable operation of Chinese banks , but he acknowledged that some banks needed to improve their liquidity and risk management .

  30. 例如,对那些现金短缺、但已无法向竞争对手或者在公开市场出售旗下业务的企业来说,百仕通250亿美元的现金储备,将是极具吸引力的选择。

    Blackstone 's $ 25bn cash pile , for example , is an attractive alternative for cash-hungry companies that can no longer turn to competitors or public markets when selling subsidiaries .