
  • 网络Plastic limit order;ban on free plastic bags;The new standard of plastic bags;The ban on using plastic bags
  1. 建议设立限塑令执行的专项基金,构建灵活多样的塑料袋循环利用激励机制,建立政府部门之间政策执行的联动机制。

    Propose that the " plastic limit order " the implementation of a special fund to build flexible plastic bag recycling incentives , the establishment of inter-linkage mechanism policy implementation .

  2. 限塑令的生态学与经济法学思考

    Research on " Ban on Free Plastic Bags " from the Visual Angle of Ecology and Economic Law

  3. 随着限塑令日益逼近,塑料袋生产商已经感受到压力。

    Bag makers have already felt the pinch from the looming restrictions .

  4. 限塑令对塑料袋回收利用影响的分析

    Analysis on Impact of " Restriction of Plastic Bags " for Recycling Plastic Bags

  5. 但“限塑令”已推行多年,效果呢?

    But the " plastic limit " has been implemented for many years , the effect it ?

  6. 限塑令的意义:减少塑料袋使用量,提高公众的环保意识;

    The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection .

  7. 制度约束下的市场主体行为分析&针对限塑令的分析

    Analysis on Behavioral of Market Participants under System Restriction & The Example of " Plastic Limit Orders "

  8. 不可否认你们的报纸在宣传限塑令的必要性发面应当发挥重要的作用。

    There is no denying that your newspaper should play an important role in preaching the necessity of limiting the plastic bags .

  9. “限塑令”实施3年以来,大多数集贸市场仍在滥用超薄塑料袋。

    The use of ultra-thin plastic bags in street markets in China remains rampant despite the country banning their use3 years ago .

  10. 为此,我们可以制定一系列完善限塑令的具体措施,以促进资源节约型和环境友好型社会的建设。

    Hence , we can make up a series of measures to better its role to establish a resource-saving and environment-friendly society .

  11. 中国已经正式颁布了限塑令,但是在某些地区该法令没有被严格遵守,导致白色污染仍然在延续。

    China has officially enacted the law of plastic bag restriction , but it is observed in vain in several places , thus resulting in the continuing of white pollution .

  12. “限塑令”事实上跟禁烟令之类都处境尴尬,连食品卫生安全问题都还没搞好,假冒伪劣都没管好,“限塑令”算得了什么?

    " Plastic limit " In fact , like with the smoking ban are in an awkward position , even the food hygiene and safety issues are not doing a good job , good fake did not tube , the " plastic limit " what of it ?