
xiāo fèi shí jiān
  • dissipate
  1. 基于消费时间对体育消费品效用的研究

    Research on the Effects of Consumption Time on Sport Consumption Goods

  2. 说到底,景观时间的本质就是异化消费时间。

    At bottom , the essence of spectacular time is alienated consumptive time .

  3. 消费时间价值与纺织品消费群体的相关性

    Relationship Between Time Value and Consumption Group of Textiles

  4. 用1985-2008年的甘肃省能源消费总量时间序列构建了灰色GM(1,1)模型和三次指数平滑模型,模型的拟合与检验结果表明,两种模型都达到了较好的预测效果。

    Gray model and three exponential smoothing models have been constructed by using the total energy consumption in Gansu Province as the time series which from 1985 to 2008 , the model fitting and test results showed that two kinds of models have reached a good prediction effect .

  5. 投资是消费在时间上的权衡轻重。

    Investment is the balancing of consumption over time .

  6. 中国农村居民消费的时间偏好与扩大内需政策创新

    The Temporal Tendency of Chinese Rural Resident Consumption and the Politic Renovation for Enlarging Domestic Demand

  7. 向数字媒体的转移,导致媒体消费总时间略有下降。

    Indeed , the shift to digital media has led to a slight decline in the overall amount of time spent consuming media .

  8. 本月你在伙伴上消费的时间较多。伙伴是指跟你亲密的人,包括同事,固定恋人,商业伙伴等等。

    You 'll have more time for your partner this month , and by " partner " I am referring either to your mate , steady lover , or business partner .

  9. 随着人们的斗争来处理失业和退休基金的减少,展望国家的经济情况仍然感到悲观期间最大的消费支出时间的一年。

    As people struggle to deal with job losses and dwindling retirement funds , their outlook of the country 's economic situation remains pessimistic during the biggest consumer spending time of the year .

  10. 所以公司可以很快知道消费的时间、消费了什么、金额多少、顾客的性别和年龄段等。她没有参加讨论。

    So the company can quickly know the time of consumption , consumption of what and how much is the customer 's gender and age a n d so on She didn 't participate in the discussion .

  11. 假设投资者的消费是时间的连续函数或者分段连续函数,应用线性二次随机控制的方法得到了这两种情形下的最优投资决策和有效前沿。

    Then , with the assumption that the consumption of an investor is the continuous or piecewise continuous function of time , the corresponding optimal investment decision and the effective frontier are derived by using the stochastic linear-quadratic control .

  12. 首先利用1999-2006年间西部城镇居民消费的时间序列数据,对西部城镇居民的消费水平、消费结构和消费倾向的变化进行了分析,描述了现阶段西部城镇居民的消费特征和演变趋势。

    Firstly , the time-series data of consumption of western urban residents in 1999-2006 are used to analyze changes in their consumption level , structure , tendency and describe the characteristics and trend of consumption of western urban residents in recent years .

  13. 影响中部居民能源消费行为时间差异的因素比较多,涉及人口特征的性别、年龄、受教育程度,社会特征的城镇化水平、户规模、就业水平,经济特征的居民消费水平、地区生产总值等等。

    Influence factor by time differences of central residents energy consumption are many , involving demographic by gender , age , education level , social features of urbanization , the household size , employment levels , the economic characteristics of the consumer level , in GDP , and so on .

  14. 在我们的消费中,时间是最高贵的一项。

    In our expenditure the item that costs most is time .

  15. 考虑到你的消费对自己时间的影响也很重要。

    It 's also important to consider how what you 're buying will affect how you spend your time .

  16. 不过麻生说,日本将会考虑提高当前为5%的消费税率,时间可能在三年后;

    He added , however , that Japan will consider raising its5 % consumption tax rate , possibly in three years'time .

  17. 一定要改变观念:你来消费是消磨时间,娱乐来的,不是在机器上发财的。

    Must change the concept : you are killing time to spend , to entertainment , not getting rich on the machine .

  18. 倘若消费价格长时间下跌,消费者可能会因为希望以后能看到更划算的价格而推迟购买商品的时间。既然产品的价格不断在降低,企业也就觉得没有什么制造产品的理由。

    If prices actually fall for an extended period , consumers might delay purchase in hopes of getting a better deal later , and businesses would see little reason to make products that would be worth less with each passing month .

  19. 中国的威士忌热正在发酵:像任何地方的新贵一样,中国人一旦赚足了钱,就开始花钱消费这种长时间保存在橡木桶中、带有泥炭烟味的液体。

    China is already well on its way to being wild about whisky : like the nouveau riche everywhere , once Chinese people make enough money , they start spending it on water aged in oak and flavoured with peat smoke .

  20. 这个为期18个月的emba课程如今包括11个单元,从组织设计,到在中国构建消费品牌,上课时间挤在每个月的两个周末。

    The 18-month EMBA programme now covers 11 modules , from organisational design to building consumer brands in China , packed into two weekends a month .

  21. 北京在生产、消费以及居民的时间分配等方面,已经显现出休闲经济特征,作为国际化大都市,将率先进入休闲经济时代。

    Beijing has exhibited the characteristic of recreation economy .

  22. 每一个个人的成本是当前的消费,及休闲时间的损失。

    The costs to individuals are the loss of current consumption and leisure .

  23. 第五章,旅游消费的收入、时间与距离弹性。分析上海市民旅游消费弹性特征及规律。

    Chapter ⅴ, analyzed the income , the time and the distance of tourism consumption flexibility .

  24. 现在已成了“可笑的消费了的悲伤时间”,可人们对此却还茫然不觉。

    The time " present " has become the " the ridiculous sad time being consumed ", but people have not realized it yet .

  25. 城乡结合部流动人口的公话产品偏好对他们在公话消费形式、购买时间等消费行为产生影响;

    The consumption behavior such as the motive and the product hobby and consumption forms and loyalty is affected by the service cognition factor .

  26. 旅游消费成为人们闲暇时间用以休闲放松和认识世界、获取新知的重要方式。

    Tourism consumption becomes the important way for people to relax , to know the world , and to obtain new knowledge in their leisure time .

  27. 需要在资本原则下只能是消费,在闲暇时间人们超额消费的过程也就是资本不断实现一般交换价值的过程。

    The needs are only the consuming in the capitalism society . The process of consuming is the process of realization the universal exchange value of the capital .

  28. 研究人员分析了每年的最流行歌曲,研究并未表明音乐在改变,而是音乐消费的偏好随着时间而改变。

    Since the researchers analyzed the most popular songs in each year , the study does not show that music changed , but that the preferences of music consumers have changed over time .

  29. 通过对内蒙古海外旅游市场的年际变化、地域构成、境内分布情况、消费构成和停留时间的分析,阐明了内蒙古海外客源市场的基本特点。提出了确定市场重点,定位客源结构;

    Analyzing by the year change , region constitutes , distribution in churchyard , consumption constitution and stop time of the overseas tour in Inner Mongolia market , clarified basic characteristics of oversea customer market in Inner Mongolia .

  30. 采用文献资料法,运用经济学和消费行为学中有关消费时间的理论知识对体育消费品的效用进行研究。

    Adopted the methods of documentary investigation , based on the knowledge of consumption time of economics and consumption action , this study explored the effects of sport consumption .