
  1. 城市居民消费分层研究

    The Citizens ' Consumption Stratification Study a Case Study in Wuhan City

  2. 消费分层:启动经济的一个重要视点

    Consumption Stratification : An Important Perspective for Stimulating Economic Development

  3. 消费分层的制度变迁解释

    Explanation to Institution Changes and Consume Stratification

  4. 其次,指出了国际通用的恩格尔系数消费分层中存在的总收入难以获得和总支出难以计量等问题,因此很难得到真实有效的数据。

    Secondly , noting that it is difficult to obtain total income and measure total expenditures in the Engel coefficient of consumption stratification of internationally accepted .

  5. 全民共享经济社会发展成果,人人都能品味和享受运动的快乐与幸福,是叙述体育消费分层的本义。

    The joy and happiness created by the economic achievement shall be shared by all people , which is the right original meaning of the sports with different stratum .

  6. 首先,指出了成都市城市居民消费分层存在阶层分化严重、中等收入阶层存在消费压抑以及高消费阶层消费力出逃等问题。

    First of all , it pointed out the serious Chengdu urban residents consumption stratification of class differentiation , class of middle-income consumer repressed and upscale consumer force to flee .

  7. 在分析总体状况时,发现成都市城市居民的消费分层呈现出底部稍微偏大的现状,不利于经济持续健康的发展。

    In analyzing the overall situation and finding that the consumption of urban residents of Chengdu stratified showing a slightly larger at the bottom , which is not conducive to the sustained and healthy economic development .

  8. 根据消费总线的分层结构,全面剖析了物理层、数据链路层、应用层的原理和实现方法。

    According to the layering structure of CEBus , the principles and implement schemes of physical layer , data link layer and application layer are analyzed completely .

  9. 本文意在通过消费与社会分层的交叉研究为消费社会学的发展积累实证资料,并尝试为当前中国社会分层的实证研究呈现消费分层的新视角。

    The study means to contribute to the development of Chinese sociology of consumption empirically by examining consumption as an important social structure-reproduction mechanism in modern society . And it also means to introduce a new empirical angle , the consumption stratification , to social stratification study in China .

  10. 随着社会经济环境的变化,消费文化开始出现分层,由此也衍生出分众广告媒体。

    With the economic changes in the environment , consumer culture began to stratification , and thus derived the Focus advertising media .

  11. 经济条件仍是影响居民体育消费决策和消费分层的主要因素,而消费项目的文化内涵或消费品味则成为影响体育消费分层的另一重要因素;

    Currently , the economic condition still was affects the inhabitant sports expense decision-making and the expense lamination main park element , but culture connotation or the expense savors becomes another important attribute that influence sports expense lamination ;

  12. 没有什么像社会阶级那样困扰英国。有段时间你被你的工作、教育、口音以及某种程度上你如何消费来进行社会分层。

    Nothing obsesses the British as much as social class . There was a time when you were defined socially by your job , your education , your accent and , to some extent , how you spent your income .

  13. DM杂志作为分众传播的广告媒体,在消费文化的基础上发展而来,并借由消费文化的分层而对受众进行广告传播。

    DM magazine focus the spread of advertising media , on the basis of the consumer culture evolved , and by the audience by the stratification of the consumer culture of advertising communication .