
  • 网络consumption value;Consume Value;customer value
  1. 消费者通过消费符号价值实现个人价值及其他价值体验,而资本通过操纵消费价值获得市场控制,创造无限的消费需求。

    Consumers achieve their personal value ; taste and other experience through consume value symbols . The capital who controls the market , creates consuming demand by manipulate the consumption value .

  2. 服务质量、消费价值、旅客满意感与行为意向

    Service Quality , Consumption Value , Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention

  3. 中国当代消费价值观的选择与反思

    The Choice and Introspection to the Consumption Values of Contemporary China

  4. 体育营销中品牌社群的消费价值研究

    A Study on Consumption Value of Brand Community in Sports Marketing

  5. 西双版纳勐腊县少数民族消费价值观调查

    A Study of Consumption Values of Minorities in Mengla in Xishuangbanna

  6. 2008年北京奥运会商品消费价值研究

    A Research of Consumption Value Concerned with Consumers Purchasing Olympic Commodity

  7. 唐宋消费价值观的变迁

    The Changes of Value of Consumption in Tang and Song Dynasty

  8. 消费价值影响下的网上商店形象对商店忠诚度的作用

    Impact on Online-store Loyalty from Store Image under Influences from Consumption Values

  9. 消费主义是一种带有伦理缺陷的消费价值观。

    Consumerism is the consumption values with ethics defect .

  10. 消费价值、美感经验与客家文化商品购买意愿之研究

    A Study of Consumption Value , Aesthetics Experience and Purchase Intention of Hakka Cultural Commodity

  11. 中国公民消费价值观调查与分析

    Analysis on Consumption Value of Chinese Citizen

  12. 浅谈对高校教育消费价值的认识

    My Understanding of Higher Education Consumption Value

  13. 消费价值三维驱动因素研究&以移动通信品牌为例

    Study of Three-Dimension Driving Factors of the Consumption Value : The Example of Mobile Communication Brands

  14. 虚无审美隐喻与消费价值观引导&对无印良品的设计剖析及其引发的思考

    The Aesthetic Metaphor of " Nihility " and the Guidance of Consumption Values-Analysis of MUJI Design

  15. 论和谐社会建构中大学生的消费价值观及教育对策

    On College Students ' Consumption Values and the Educational Tactics in the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  16. 基于消费价值观的广东大学生消费区域差异实证研究

    A Study of Regional Difference of Guangdong College Student 's Consumption from the Perspective of Consumption Values

  17. 本文的创新点在于通过将顾客价值与消费价值观相结合,研究中国不同年代消费者的消费价值代际之间的差异;利用手段-目的链理论,最终找出代际核心消费价值元素。

    By use of means-end chain theory , to find out the value of inter-generational differences in consumption .

  18. 农村信用合作社只有帮助社员的消费价值实现,生活价值实现,才能体现其存在的价值。

    China rural credit cooperatives can show its value by helping farmer achieve his consumption value and living value .

  19. 产品设计中的技术感也是一种消费价值。

    In consumer society , sense of technology which product design involved in is a kind of consumption value .

  20. 消费主义文化价值观是一种挥霍性的消费价值观。

    The sense of culture and value of consumerism is a kind of squander in the sense of consuming .

  21. 周而复始的顾客生活活动的价值追求,又形成顾客生涯循环消费价值链。

    The cycle of the value pursuit in customer life also forms value chain cycle of Customer Lifetime Value .

  22. 消费价值观是人们对消费价值问题的根本看法,是价值观的具体体现。

    Consuming values , as the specific expression of values , is the basic view of the value of consumption .

  23. 价值创新战略通过提高消费价值,让更多的顾客购买产品,使企业获得更多利润。

    The strategy of value creation aims to increase the consuming value to attract more customers and raise businesses ' profit .

  24. 消费价值体系培育消费观念,控制消费行为,倡导消费文化,把个体的理想与情感都纳入其中。

    CVS develops consumption concept , controls consumption behavior , advocate consumption culture , which individual ideal and emotion all involved .

  25. 提供消费价值最大体验是消费者评价俱乐部服务质量的一个核心标准。

    Whether to provide a perceived maximal value experience is a core standard for customers to evaluate club 's service quality .

  26. 通过把握其建构的主要原则,能帮助我们更好的、更具体的了解科学消费价值观。

    Through grasping the main principle of its construction , can help us better , more detailed understanding of scientific consumption value .

  27. 心理型价值:实现消费者审美、人性关怀、以及感观享乐等体验的消费价值。

    Type of mental , which help to realize consumers ' aesthetic taste , humanity solicitude , enjoyment , and others experience .

  28. 它的产生和流行,既反映着当代人的消费价值观、也反映了当代流行文化的特点。

    Its production and prevailing , not only reflect the consumption of present values , also reflects the characteristics of contemporary pop culture .

  29. 资本建立起消费价值体系,通过塑造消费者的价值观念影响其消费行为。

    It is capital who established the consumption value system ( CVS ), and impacts the consumption action by shaping consumers ' value .

  30. 因此单纯以传统的技术接受模型为基础的理论探讨,将忽视用户使用移动微博时的其他消费价值。

    Therefore , a theoretical discussion based on simple traditional technology acceptance model will be ignore individuals derive consumption value when using mobile weibo .