
  • 网络consumer education
  1. 加强消费教育,充分发挥先进文化的引导作用等建议。

    Intensify consumer education and fully utilize the instructive function of advanced culture .

  2. 对金融消费教育的概念进行了界定,从重要性和必要性两方面对金融消费教育进行了论述。

    The concept of financial consumer education has defined the importance and necessity from the two aspects of financial consumer education are discussed .

  3. 借助美国学者路易斯·拉斯(LouiseRaths)等人提出的价值澄清理论,不仅在学校和家庭,也要通过政府、社区、民间机构、企业和大众媒体发挥作用,对中小学生开展切实有效的消费教育。

    Drawing support from the theory of value clarification advanced by American scholar Louise Raths , the article considers the governments , the communities , people 's organizations , enterprises and the press must play their roles and give practical and effective consumption education in addition to schools and families .

  4. 加强我国居民旅游消费教育的对策

    On Strategies of Strengthening Education of Tourism Consumption of Chinese Inhabitants

  5. 消费教育中的消费引导问题

    The Problem of the Guiding to Consume in Consume Education

  6. 四要加强大学生健康消费教育。

    Last , strengthen a kind of health consumption cultivation .

  7. 发达国家境外消费教育服务贸易及其启示

    On Overseas Consumption and Education Service Trade in Developed Countries

  8. 消费教育核心初探

    A Probe into the Nucleus of Consume Education

  9. 开展消费教育引导农村居民科学消费

    To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption

  10. 境外消费教育服务贸易的现状及我国的对策

    The Actual State of Trade In Service of Consumption Abroad and China 's Policy

  11. 论后过渡期我国境外消费教育服务贸易

    China 's Consumption Abroad of Education Service Trade in the Post-Transitional Period : Current Situation and Countermeasures

  12. 论国民消费教育

    On National Consumption Education

  13. 要进行消费教育和消费引导,个人与家庭要转变观念,做到理性选择、量力而行。

    Individuals and their families should change the idea to get the rational choice and do what one can .

  14. 以家庭为基本受众的国民消费教育,内容包括批判接受传统文化,培育现代消费理念、传授日常购物知识、增强自我保护意识、指导科学合理理财等。

    And its content includes criticizing and accepting traditional culture ; development modern consumption conceptions ; demonstrating daily shopping knowledge ;

  15. 以此说明在新的历史条件下,传统的消费教育观念无论是其价值导向,内容体系还是方式方法都需要根据形势的发展加以改革的

    It is evidenced that in the new historial context , the traditional consumption education concept is biased in content system and in methodology

  16. 现阶段,借鉴发达国家经验,大力发展我国境外消费教育服务贸易应做到以下几点:加强质量和特色建设;

    At the present period , China has to fulfill the following tasks to enhance the international education service trade : quality and characteristic ;

  17. 大力开展国民消费教育,这在传统文化底蕴丰厚,国民素质亟待提高,市场运作尚不规范的现今中国很有必要。

    Greatly implementing national consumption education is of vital necessity in China today with rich traditional culture , underdeveloped national quality and irregular marketing operation .

  18. 但是,由于传统文化和现今的应试压力等因素的影响,我国消费教育发展水平还较低。

    However , because of the factors such as traditional culture and stress of test , consumption education has a low developing level in China .

  19. 当前国际境外消费教育(留学生教育)服务贸易发展迅速,但也呈现出极端的不平衡,国际留学生市场基本上由发达国家垄断。

    The international consumption of education service trade extends rapidly . On the other hand , the international education market is monopolized by the developed countries .

  20. 我国的消费教育工作经过十多年的培育和近一些年来推动力度的加大,已经取得了可喜的成就。

    Through the cultivation over 10 years and the increase of push forward dynamics in recent years , consume education work of our country has gained gratifying achievements .

  21. 国民消费教育与学历教育、专业技能训练不同,既是常识教育,又是素质教育。

    National consumption is different from diploma education and professional technical training . It 's both for common knowledge education and quality education . The education is intended for families .

  22. 父母在家庭教育中要重视对子女的消费教育,合理控制子女的消费来源,纠正子女不当的消费行为,帮助子女形成正确地金钱观和消费观;

    Family should pay attention to consumption education for children , control their expenditure reasonably , correct their wrong action and help them to form positive idea of money and consumption .

  23. 境外消费教育服务贸易是教育服务贸易的一种重要提供方式,而且越来越成为各国开展国际贸易竞争的一个重要领域。

    Educational trade in service of consumption abroad is one important kind of supply in Educational trade in service . And it becomes more and more popular for countries to compete in this area .

  24. 接着以调查问卷为依据,分析了我国城市初中生的消费教育现状,并探讨了我国城市初中生消费教育问题产生的原因。

    Then basing on the questionnaire , the writer analyses present consumption education situation of Chinese city junior high school students . And reasons of junior high school students ' consumption education problems were discussed .

  25. 消费者自身通过加强、学习绿色消费教育,强化对一次性消费绿色转向的自律意识,建立全新的绿色消费观,使一次性消费实现绿色转向。

    Customers through to learn and enhance the education of green consumption , strengthening self-discipline of disposable consumer green , establishing a new concept of green consumption , making a one-time consumption realize a green turn .

  26. 对我国境外消费教育服务贸易发展中的现实问题进行了详细的阐述和分析,并提出进一步发展我国境外消费教育服务贸易的对策。

    This paper expounds and analyzes in detail the practical problems existing in the development of Chinese educational service trade for offshore consumption , and advances some countermeasures for developing Chinese educational service trade for offshore consumption .

  27. 近年来国际境外消费教育服务贸易(留学生教育)规模不断扩大,与此同时,境外消费教育服务贸易的市场分布呈现出一种极不均衡的状态,形成国际留学生市场由发达国家垄断的局面。

    In recent years , while the international consumption and education service trade is constantly expanding , the market distribution is in a state of extremely disequilibrium , with the international students market monopolized by developed countries .

  28. 学校德育必须正视这些问题,将正确的幸福观、审美观以及科学发展观渗透到消费教育之中,承担起对青少年学生价值引导的重任。

    School moral education must face up to this problem , and make the right conception of happiness , arts and scientific view of development infiltrated into consumption education , and take the responsibility of value guidance to the youths .

  29. 但是由于消费教育的核心问题长期未被重视,出现了将消费教育的内容片面化,甚至误导消费教育的方向等等问题。

    But because the problem of the nucleus of consume education had been paid no attention to for long period , appear the problem of one side consume education content , even guiding the direct of consume education by mistake etc.

  30. 因此对消费教育应从确定消费教育核心的重要性、消费教育核心的选择原则、以绿色消费和消费者权益保护等方面为核心进行探讨。

    So from defining the importance and selecting principle of the nucleus of consume education , taking green consume and the protection of rights and interest of consumer etc aspects as the nucleus , carry on a probe into consume education .