
  • 网络Consumption upgrade;trading up;trade up
  1. 安琪酵母:消费升级和国际出口打开增长空间

    Angel Yeast : Consumption Upgrade and International Export Open Rising Space

  2. 年轻一代的父母越来越多,新一轮的童装消费升级全面开始。

    More and more parents of the younger generation , a new round of consumption upgrade started .

  3. 中国人均GDP已达到6000美元,进入了中等收入阶段,消费升级空间广阔。

    With a per capita GDP of 6,000 US dollars , China has reached the level of a middle income country and there is huge space for upgrading consumption .

  4. 这样才能有效促进当地小区域的经济发展和消费升级。

    Thereafter , regional economy and consumption could be effectively promoted .

  5. 转型时期中国居民消费升级的产业结构效应研究

    The Industrial Structre Effect of Consumption Upgrading in Transition China

  6. 数据显示楼市低迷销售放缓消费升级动力何在?

    Data show sluggish sales in the property market and consumer dynamics ?

  7. 住房销售放慢“脚步”楼市消费升级动力在哪里?

    Housing sales slowdown " footsteps " of power consumption in the property market ?

  8. 基于以上的事实,文章分析了在农村消费升级背景下,农村居民消费购买的新特征。

    The context analyzed new characteristics of rural resident 's purchasing based on consumption upgrading .

  9. 基于消费升级背景下的我国居民体育消费发展趋势的预期分析

    A Study of Trend of Chinese Residents ' Sports Consumption under the Background of Upgraded Consumption

  10. 中国的城市化进程和消费升级所带来的广阔的投资机会引发了近年来国内私募股权投资的热潮。

    The urbanization and stimulation of consumption in China have driven a great upsurge in private equity investment .

  11. 我国居民消费升级与消费倾向变动关系研究&基于升级、支出与收入的动态关系

    A Study of the Relationship between Consumption Upgrade and Changes of Consumption Tendency in China : A Dynamic Relationship between Upgrade , Expenditure and Income

  12. 长期而言,在消费升级和城市化的推动下,三、四级市场将成为新的增长点。

    In the long run , in the consumer upgrades and urbanization , pushed by three , four market will become the new growth point .

  13. 他还呼吁企业适应经济结构和消费升级,提供高高端产品,满足县级市场需求服务。

    He also calls on companies to the upgrades in economic structures and consumer spending to provide higher-end products and services that can meet county-level demands .

  14. 改革开放以来,淡水养殖业在国家改革政策的鼓励和市场发展、消费升级的拉动下,发展非常迅猛。

    Fresh water farming has developed rapidly , impulsed by the encouragement of reform policies , market development and consumption upgrade since the reform and open implement .

  15. 产业结构的变动与消费升级密切相关,产业结构的调整升级受到消费结构变动的制约。

    The change of industrial structure is closely related with consumption escalation ; the escalation of indus-trial structure is bound to be constrained by consumer structure change .

  16. 同时指出,处于工业化中期阶段的中国经济结构正呈现出由满足基本需求转向逐步适应消费升级和需求多样化的趋势。

    Chinese economic structure in industrialization mid-term stage is presenting a tendency of change from satisfying basic demand to meeting consumer upgrading and demand variation step by step .

  17. 同时,居民收入水平的提高带来了消费升级,也促进了高等人力资本密集型产品的生产。

    At the same time , the increase in residents ' income level brings about the up-grade of consumption and promotes the production of high-level human capital intensive products , too .

  18. 第六章对全文做出总结,并提出了促进城镇居民休闲消费升级的相关对策和建议。

    The sixth chapter makes a summary of the full paper , and put forward relevant measures and suggestions to the promotion and upgrade of the leisure consumption of urban residents .

  19. 促进城市耐用品消费升级换代,建设旧货流通网络和交易市场,积极促进汽车消费。

    We will work to promote the upgrading and replacement of durable goods in the cities , set up the circulation network and market for second hand goods , and actively promotes motor vehicle consumption .

  20. 在国家调整经济结构,转变经济增长方式的大背景下,消费升级、产业升级是市场经济发展到一定阶段的必然要求。

    In the adjustment of economic structure and change the way of economic growth background , the consumption upgrade , the upgrading of the industrial development of the market economy is the inevitable requirement to a certain stage .

  21. 世界广播电视已进入数字化时代,作为21世纪最具发展前景的新兴产业,数字电视广播的推广普及无疑是消费升级中最受瞩目的一环。

    TV Broadcast industry has been approaching into digital era all over the world , as one of the most promising young industry , propagation and popularity of digital TV broadcast would become attractive spot in updating consuming products .

  22. 并通过汽车的购买和使用成本、国家有关行业指导性政策、汽车产品定位和消费升级及宏观经济4个角度进行分析,预测了经济型车市场的巨大容量和发展潜力。

    It analyzes that the market of economical car will be big and potential from four aspects , such as the Cost , the Policy , the Product Orientation & Consumption and the Macro-economics , forecasts future potential in economical car market .

  23. 多年来,中国讲的都是“消费升级”。随着经济起飞,中国的中产阶级——如今超过4亿人,并且仍在不断增长——决定把自己增加的收入花出去。

    For years , the conversation in China was about " consumption upgrades . " As the economy took off , China 's middle class - now more than 400 million strong and still growing - decided to spend those bigger paychecks .

  24. 经济理论和实践证明,消费升级必然拉动经济增长。但消费升级受到多方面因素影响,必须实行积极的消费政策,引导消费升级以推动经济的进一步增长。

    Economic theories and practice have proved that consuming upgrade surely pull economic increase and a lot of factors affect consuming upgrade so that positive consuming policies have to be carried out to lead consuming upgrade and to promote eco - nomic increase .

  25. 结合中国目前的经济发展问题,从理论分析和实证分析两个角度分析消费升级缓慢、储蓄增长迅猛的原因,力图为中国过剩的经济现象背后寻找深层次的原因&文化原因,即遗产文化。

    From the theoretic and positive viewpoint , the paper , combined with the problems of economy development of China , analyses the reasons of slow consumption upgrading and rapid saving increasing facing the repeated bank interest cuts , and try to find the deep reasons behind the economic phenomena .

  26. 我国宏观经济运行不畅与居民消费结构升级迟滞有关

    Our country macroscopical economy moves not free and dweller consumption structure upgrade arrearage is concerned .

  27. 通过D-N转化矩阵,本文探讨了消费结构升级如何引起产业结构的变化,并得出中国仍处于工业化进程加速推进阶段的结论。

    With the transforming D-N matrix , we analyzes the mechanism of consumption structure upgrading to industrial structure , and get the conclusion that China is still in the process of accelerating industrialization .

  28. 我国消费结构升级与产业结构升级的二个时间差

    Two time differences between the upgrade of consumption and the upgrade of industrial structure

  29. 我国居民消费结构升级障碍分析及对策思考

    Causes of and Countermeasures against the Barriers to the Consumption Structure Upgrade in China

  30. 研究了陕西省农村居民消费结构升级与变化趋势;

    The upgrade and change trend of consumption makeup of country dweller were studied in Shaanxi province .