
xiāo fèi fānɡ shì
  • Consumption mode;pattern of consumption
  1. 同时我们的生活消费方式也正在悄然的发生着改变,网上购物已经从当初的时尚消费走进了寻常百姓家,电子商务对我们来说已经不再陌生。

    At the meantime , our lifestyle and pattern of consumption are being changed generally . Online shopping was considered as the fashion consumption in the past , but it is popular among the ordinary people now .

  2. 因此,必须采取完善社会保障制度、调整消费倾向和消费方式、加快结构调整、优化有效供给、建立我国中长期消费政策体系等对策,以扩大内需。

    Therefore , we must adopt several measures to expand domestic demands : improving the social security system , readjusting the consuming preference and pattern of consumption , quickening the structural adjustment , optimizing the effective supply , establishing middle and long term policy systems of consumption , etc.

  3. 政府试图将消费方式强加于人民。

    The government tried to dictate to people how they should spend their money .

  4. 对于过去传统的中国人而言,“量入为出”是一贯以来盛行的消费方式。

    Traditionally , Chinese people prefer the " buy now , pay now " consumption style .

  5. 收购Beats的动机之一可能是人们在音乐消费方式上出现的变化。

    One motivation for the Beats deal may lie in shifts in music consumption .

  6. 随着信息技术和Internet的迅猛发展,电子商务逐步渗透到经济和社会的各个层面,网络化生产经营与消费方式逐渐形成。

    With the high-speed development of the information technology and Internet , the E-commerce gradually penetrates into every aspect of economy and society , and progressively forms the network-production , network-operation and network-consumption .

  7. 随着互联网应用的普及,C2C电子商务逐渐成为社会的主流消费方式。

    With popularity of application of internet , C2C e-commerce gradually becomes main stream consumption method in society .

  8. 结果,Netflix以一种不同的媒体消费方式改变了顾客感知价值的方式。

    As a result , Netflix changed the way customers perceived value with a different approach to media consumption .

  9. 元数据可以有不同的消费方式,理解这些用法会帮助理解AOP与元数据的结合。

    Metadata can be consumed in a variety of ways , and understanding these uses will help put the combination of AOP and metadata into perspective .

  10. 随着国内网络用户的不断增加,利用网络进行网络购物的消费方式日渐流行,C2C电子商务网站也层出不穷,C2C在电子商务交易中所占的市场份额快速增长。

    With the increasing of the network users , the consumption of the Internet shopping is becoming more and more popular , the C2C e-business websites are cropping up , and the C2C e-commerce transactions of the market share is growing rapidly .

  11. 生态旅游农业已逐渐成为普通大众的一种新的旅游消费方式。

    Ecological tourism agriculture is becoming a new tourism consumer lifestyles .

  12. 每一种大众消费方式都是自动退出历史舞台的。

    Every form of mass consumption has collapsed on it self ;

  13. 以科学发展观指导消费方式健康发展

    Guiding healthy development of consumption pattern with scientific development view

  14. 在外饮食、畜产品需求和食品消费方式变化研究

    Eating out , meat demand and food consumption pattern change in China

  15. 创建文明、健康、科学的消费方式

    Establish a Civilized , Healthy and Scientific Consumption Pattern

  16. 团购作为一种新型的网络消费方式发展异常迅速。

    Group buying as a new way of Internet consumption is developing rapidly .

  17. 论消费方式的转变转变学习方式浅析

    On the Basic Way of Changing the Learning Method

  18. 试探如何在妇女中倡导绿色生活与可持续性消费方式

    Advocate a Green Life and Sustainable Consumption among Women

  19. 网络消费方式的内在结构及其形成机理

    Inner structure and formation mechanism of internet consumption pattern

  20. 他们有着自己的消费方式和消费观。

    They have their own consumption and Consumption values .

  21. 本文介绍了汽车分期付款这一新兴的消费方式。

    A new purchasing method-installments payment for purchased car is introduced in this paper .

  22. 过剩经济下的消费方式创新

    Innovation of Consumption Pattern under Surplus Economy

  23. 论绿色消费方式的形成

    On formation of the green consumption pattern

  24. 他们的储蓄意识淡薄,消费方式前卫。

    Their savings consciousness , consumption fashion .

  25. 企业也在不断地进行品牌建设,以迎合消费者这种消费方式。

    Companies are also constantly in brand building to meet the consumption patterns of consumers .

  26. 消费方式也变得多样化。

    Consumption forms also become diversified .

  27. 现代消费方式是现代消费文化的体现。

    Modem consumption style reflects modern consumption culture , and American style is the main current .

  28. 同时,互联网的应用带来了人们消费方式的巨大改变。

    Meanwhile , the use of the Internet brought about the tremendous changes in consumption patterns .

  29. 现代消费方式批判

    Commenting on modern Consumption Mode

  30. 大众文化是目前走向现代化国家的最为普遍的文化消费方式。

    Popular culture is the most prevalent style of cultural consumption in the countries progressing towards modernization .