
xiāo fèi zī liào
  • consumer goods;means of consumption;means of subsistence
  1. 方法采用随机抽样调查方法获取20世纪90年代徐州市城市居民食物消费资料,按中国期望膳食模式评分法(DDP)对膳食结构进行综合评价。

    Methods The data of food consumption were collected by randomized sampling and an integrated evaluation of the food pattern was carried out according to the desirable dietary pattern ( DDP ) of China .

  2. 它排斥一种甚至在消费资料范围内的情况。

    It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods .

  3. 但他只承认消费资料是商品,不承认生产资料是商品;

    But he only admitted those consumer products was commodity , and didn 't admit that producer goods were commodity .

  4. 住房是居民生活的基本消费资料,是人们的立足之地、栖身之所,是人类得以生存和发展的基石。

    Housing is the basic consumption goods for human life , and the footstone as a shelter for human surviving and development .

  5. 我国国内需求不足,突出表现为对消费资料的有效需求不足。

    The insufficiency of civil demand in our country is mainly expressed in the insufficiency of the effective demand for consumption goods .

  6. 企业是消费资料的主要提供者,生产性消费是造成目前生态危机的主要原因。

    Enterprises are main providers of consuming material . But at the same time , the consumption during producing is also a main cause of present ecology crisis .

  7. 获得消费资料必须参与商品交换,可是作为弱势群体的消费者来说,却需要面对巨大的风险,为此,消费者权益保护运动的兴起,便成为当今世界各国的共同法律现象。

    For this reason , the development of the protection of consumers ' rights and interests movement , nowadays becomes the common legal phenomenon of every country in the world .

  8. 住房,是人们生活所需的基本消费资料,也是实现社会稳定和促进经济发展的重要要素。

    Housing , is a basic and necessary consumer goods for people ' life , also it is the important element to achieve social stability and to promote the development of economic .

  9. 体育产品的使用价值主要有两个方面一是作为消费资料满足人民群众体育消费需求,二是作为生产资料满足体育生产消费的需求;

    There are two aspects for sports product value . One is to meet the demand of mass sports as consumer material . Two is to meet the sports production consumer as production material .

  10. 公平分配原则是社会主义个人消费资料分配的最高原则,它是由社会主义社会人人平等这一最根本原则决定的,而它的具体内容则取决于社会主义经济、文化和意识发展的一般水平。

    The principle of equitable distribution is the first principle of the distribution of the means of individual consumption . It is determined by the general developing levels of socialistic economy , culture and consciousness .

  11. 本研究利用近年来辽宁省农村居民生活消费资料和农村住户调查资料,系统地分析农村居民消费存在问题并剖析原因、提出政策建议。

    This paper makes use of the rural residents'living consumption data and rural household investigation data collected in the province in recent years , adopts the analytical method of real evidence , and thus finds the existing problems and causes and puts forward the solvents of these problems .

  12. 这将支持应用程序消费更少资料,并且在更新值时看上去更受控制。

    This allows an application that consumes less resources and appears more controlled when updating values .

  13. 摘要本文探讨实证需求分析之消费者加总问题,以及利用台湾地区家计单位分组消费支出资料,验证正确加总条件。

    The paper investigates conditions of aggregation across consumers , in empirical demand analysis as well as examines exact aggregation of consumption data in taiwan .

  14. 随着企业业务的发展,企业积累了大量的客户的历史消费数据资料,如何从这些大量的数据中发现对公司有价值的信息,成为公司将来决策的一个重要部分。

    With the development of the enterprise business , the enterprise backlog the history consumption data of a great deal of customer , it is an important part that company make policy in the future from these worthy information data .

  15. 第四章是实证分析与结论应用,利用无锡某商业银行消费信贷客户资料,以客户逾期和提前还款为研究对象,分别建立Cox回归模型。

    The chapter four is about the positive analysis and the application of conclusion . The data of consumer credit borrowers from Wuxi commercial bank are used to build Cox regression models respectively , default and early repayment being the failure event .

  16. 对山东省1988~1997年部分县、市居民食物消费量调查资料进行了分析。

    Food consumption data of some bigger cities and towns of Shandong province during 1988-1997 had been collected and analyzed .

  17. 本文在调查收集重庆农村居民1986&2005年消费情况数据资料的基础上,围绕重庆农村居民消费问题,对农村居民消费差异、存在问题及建议策略等进行了详细论述。

    The paper is based on investigating and collecting the consumption data of rural resident of Chongqing from 1986 to 2005 .

  18. 这表明农民的消费中生存资料比重已明显下降,发展和享受资料的比重显著提高。

    This indicates that in consumption the proportion dedicated to mere means of subsistence has remarkably decreased , and that dedicated to development and enjoyment has greatly risen .

  19. 农村居民对生产资料消费和生活资料消费的支出为实现不同的目的,因此,对二者的消费信贷需求遵循不同的决策机制。

    The expenditures of rural residents on productive consumption and household consumption are for different purpose , so the demand of consumption credit for these two parts observes different decision mechanisms .

  20. 相比之下,商业企业忽略较为不有利的部份:我们不会相信银行收集关于消费习惯的资料,因为他们忽略掉没钱开户的人。

    By contrast , commercial companies ignore less profitable sectors : we can 't trust data collected by banks about spending habits because they ignore people who cannot afford to open accounts .

  21. 方法用三阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取样本1539个学生-家长对,通过问卷调查的方法收集中小学生西式快餐消费行为的资料。

    Method The study population included 1 539 student parents pairs selected from Guangzhou by using the method of stratified multistate cluster random sampling , and data were collected through questionnaires survey .

  22. 本文通过利用2000-2004年城乡居民收入和消费的统计资料,对酒泉市与嘉峪关市这两市的城乡居民收入结构、变化趋势和消费结构、变化趋势进行了对比分析。

    In this paper , we used income and consumption statistical data of rural and urban residents of Jiuquan City and Jiayuguan City from 2000 to 2004 to make comparative analysis on the structures and change trends of income and consumption between rural and urban residents .

  23. 他们把多余的钱花在了消费品和生产资料上,从而减轻了过度的商品供应。

    They relieve this excess supply by spending the excess money on consumer and producer goods .

  24. 股市促进经济增长的机理:扩大消费需求与优化资料配置

    On the Mechanism of Stock Market to Promote Economic Growth : Expand Consumption Demands & Optimize Resources Allocation

  25. 第三,生活消费品与生产资料市场价格继续走低,回升依然乏力。

    Third , the market prices of consumer goods and capital goods continue to fall , and are lacking in strength for a pick-up .

  26. 近年来,随着农业生产的稳步发展,广大农民消费需求和生产资料的需求都在扩大。

    With the steady development of the rural economy in recent years , the farmers ' demand for both consuming and capital goods has increased .

  27. 市场价格进一步放开,大多数消费品和生产资料的价格已经由市场决定,市场机制在增加供给、满足需求方面的作用更加明显。

    Further liberalization of pricing policy had rsulted in the majority of consumer and producer products being subject to market prices ; and the market now played a much more significant role in boosting supply and meeting demand .

  28. 其次,新生代农民工群体目前的消费结构以生存资料消费为主导,发展资料在其中占据重要地位,享受资料所占比重最低,这揭示了新生代农民工目前以生存性消费为主的消费结构特点。

    Secondly , the current consumption structure of the new generation of migrant workers dominant by survival consumption , then is the development consumption , enjoy consumption is the lowest proportion , which reveals the survival-based consumption structure features of the new generation of migrant workers .

  29. 人类各种不同的需求,是靠生产和消费不同的物质消费资料及相应的服务来满足的。

    All kinds of Mankind demands , can be met by production and consumption of different material means and corresponding service .

  30. 消费技能是消费者和消费资料相结合的技术和能力。

    Consuming skill is the technology and ability that consumers combine with consumable .