
  • 网络consumer confusion
  1. 李宁公司未能适应市场的发展,其定位让消费者困惑。

    Li NIng failed to adapt as the market developed , and the positioning confused consumers .

  2. 任何品牌转变都可能让消费者感到困惑。

    Any branding shift could confuse customers .

  3. 由于二维码采用的技术标准或多或少是开源的,因此几乎任何人都可以开发自己的代码和读取器,因此,消费者难免深感困惑。

    Because the technical standard behind them is more or less open source , almost anybody can create their own codes and readers , leading to confusion among consumers .

  4. 过去18个月,支持蓝光的索尼(sony)和东芝陷入了一场格式之战,这令消费者感到混乱和困惑,同时可能导致具有破坏性的僵局。

    Sony , which is backing Blu-ray , and Toshiba have been locked in a format war for the past 18 months , leaving consumers bewildered and confused , and leading to the possibility of a damaging stalemate .

  5. 上面这些提醒往往会给消费者带来新的困惑,如果是这样,该书的作者为我们提供了另外两个工具。

    If all of these caveats merely create a whole new layer of confusion for consumers which they easily could the authors of Know Your Chances offer two more tools .

  6. 然而,现在社会上能见到的质量标志越来越多,目前中国的实际情况是,各类质量标志泛滥成灾,真假莫辨,给消费者带来很大的困惑。

    Now , however , the quality of the community to see more and more signs present , the actual situation of our country is swamped with all kinds of quality signs , giving consumers a great confusion .

  7. 政客们指责银行家,银行家抱怨“没有人指责消费者和政客”而消费者只是感到困惑。

    Politicians rail against bankers , while bankers fume about " the lack of blame being put on consumers and politicians " and consumers just feel confused .