
  • 网络axioms of preference
  1. 二十世纪五十年代,JohnVonNeumann和OskarMorgenstern(1947)表明期望效用假设能由一系列的偏好公理获得。这些偏好公理假定分别是:完备性、传递性、连续性和独立性。

    In 1950s , John Von Neumann & Oskar Morgenstern ( 1947 ) showed that the expected utility hypothesis could be derived from a set of apparently appealing axioms on preference .

  2. 该理论基于一些偏好公理而得到效用函数和信念度函数(分别表达价值和信念)。

    The utility and degree of belief functions , which represent values and beliefs respectively , can be constructed based on some preference axioms .

  3. 然而,价值及信念度赋值的一致性不仅取决于偏好公理,而且还依赖于效用单元的选择。

    However , the coherency is depended not only on the preference axioms but also on the choice of which prizes count as constants in terms of utility .

  4. 近年来,随着行为决策理论兴起,研究发现了越来越多的违背标准化决策理论和偏好公理的现象,情境效应便是这些研究中的一个分支。

    Recent years , along with the popular of behavioral decision theory , more and more researchers found there are some phenomenons violate the traditional normative decision theory and preference axiom , and context effect is one branch of them .

  5. 标准化决策理论的核心基础是最大期望效用准则,认为个体决策行为具有规范化特点,并遵循一系列偏好公理,包括完备性、传递性、连续性、独立性和占优性。

    One of core bases of normative decision theory is expected utility theory , which supposed that individual decision has the trait of normalization , and will abide by a series preference axiom , include completeness , transitivity , continuity , independence and dominance .