
  1. 基于顾客价值理论的物业管理企业经营战略

    Marketing Strategy of Property Management Enterprises Based on the Owner 's Value

  2. 顾客价值理论成为市场营销管理理论的最新发展,也成为企业竞争优势的新来源和企业发展战略的重要内容。

    Customer Value theory is latest development of marketing management .

  3. 基于顾客价值理论的房地产营销策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Real Estate Marketing Based on Customer Value Theory

  4. 顾客价值理论导向产品概念设计的整合研究

    The Integrated Study of Customer Value Guiding Product Concept Design

  5. 顾客价值理论在旅游中的应用研究进展

    Progress on the research of customer value theory in Tourism

  6. 顾客价值理论是对顾客更加深入和全面的研究,涉及到购买的全过程。

    Its deep and comprehensive research to customers involves the whole purposing procedure .

  7. 关于顾客价值理论的探讨

    Research on analysis and application of consumer value

  8. 顾客价值理论研究概述

    A Review of Customer Value Theory Research

  9. 顾客价值理论分析

    Analysis on Customer Value Theory

  10. 首先,描述了研究的背景及意义,并回顾了本文所涉及到的相关理论及方法,主要包括顾客价值理论、竞争优势理论和基于顾客价值构建竞争优势的理论。

    Firstly , we describe the background and the significance of the article and recall the relative theories .

  11. 本文概述了顾客价值理论,探讨了顾客价值理论对档案信息服务工作的启示。

    This paper summarizes the customer value theory , discusses the enlightenment of customer value theory to archives information service work .

  12. 因而,顾客价值理论成为当今国际上企业管理理论研究和实践的一个热点。

    Therefore , the customer value also has become a hotspot on the international business management fundamental research and the practice application .

  13. 新兴的顾客价值理论指导企业从顾客的角度去思考和评价产品,无疑为解决这个课题提供了一个很好的研究思路。

    The new theory about customer value has provided the enterprises a system to consider and evaluate the production from the customers ' view .

  14. 这就要求营销学者对顾客价值理论不断进行研究探索和新的理论创新,以促使这一理论分枝不断完善。

    This requires marketing scholars to keep exploring and innovating the customer value theory , so as to make this theoretical branch perfect gradually .

  15. 然后分析了房地产产品的特性以及顾客价值理论在房地产行业应用的可行性。

    Then the paper analyzes the characteristic of real estate product and the feasibility of applying customer value theory in the real estate industry .

  16. 结合顾客价值理论中的顾客让渡价值理论和顾客价值过程理论,进行了顾客满意和企业顾客让渡价值分析,从消费者角度提出化肥企业分销渠道创新的目标。

    Mixed the customer deliver value theories and customer value process theories , put forward the target of fertilizer distribution channel creative from customer perspective .

  17. 其次回顾和评论了顾客价值理论和竞争优势理论发展现状:再者从价值链角度和竞争空间角度论证了顾客价值与竞争优势的互动关系;

    The third , in the perspective of value chain and competitive space , the paper reasons the mutual relationship between customer value and competitive advantage .

  18. 兴起于20世纪80年代的顾客价值理论,为饭店经营管理水平的提高提供了新的认识途径和解决方法。

    The research of customer value , beginning from the 1980 's , provides a new cognition route which can improve management foundation for the hotels .

  19. 本研究对完善国内顾客价值理论体系,丰富种子行业顾客价值理论研究,以及种子企业的营销实践,都有着积极的意义。

    This study has a positive significance in improving domestic customer value theoretical systems , enriching seed industry customer value theory , as well as seed companies marketing practices .

  20. 本文为我国的银行业提高企业竞争力提供了一种全新的思路,同时,亦为其他行业企业在如何将顾客价值理论运用于实际工作中提供很好的参考。

    It also gives other industries ' enterprises a good reference on how to put the theory of customer value into the practice of enterprise management and its innovation .

  21. 众所周知顾客价值理论无论是在理论界还是实践中都已日趋成熟,顾客价值是市场营销管理的一个重要内容。

    Customer value theory is well known both in practice and in theoretical circles that have become increasingly sophisticated , and customer value management is an important marketing content .

  22. 本文正是在这一背景下,积极借鉴成熟的顾客价值理论,为核心竞争力的评价提供了新的思路和途径。

    Just under such background , this paper effectively makes use of the mature customer value theories in order to give new view and method of evaluation on core competence .

  23. 第二章为基本概念与理论综述。主要对文中涉及酒店的相关概念进行确定,并重点介绍竞争优势理论与顾客价值理论的主要观点。

    The second part contains basic concepts and theories which define the corresponding terms in this thesis , and introduces the main points of competitive advantages theory and Customer Value Theory .

  24. 与此同时,顾客价值理论越来越成为理论界与学术界研究焦点,顾客价值也被视为新的竞争优势的来源。

    At the same time , customer value theory has been the new focus of academic circles and business field and customer value have become the new source of competitive advantage .

  25. 本文首先论述了基于顾客价值理论的企业竞争优势构建的研究背景和意义、研究内容和创新之处;

    The first , this paper brings forward the background , the content and the innovations of this study . The second , this study reviews the customer value and competitive advantage theories .

  26. 通过对顾客价值理论的回顾,及顾客价值的驱动要素的分析,指出品牌体验成为如今顾客价值的重要驱动要素;

    Chapter 1 is discussing that brand experience is based on customer value , after an introduction of customer value , brand experience is emphasized as one of the important factors that create customer value ;

  27. 顾客价值理论是营销学界几十年来倡导顾客导向的新发展,它也是在企业竞争激烈和消费者主权意识不断强化的现实背景下的产物。

    The customer value theory is the new development advocating customer oriented concept for the marketing world in last few decades . It is resulted from the intensified enterprises competition and the strengthening consumerism awareness .

  28. 本文首先讨论了顾客价值理论的演变过程,指出以顾客价值为导向能为企业获取新的或持续竞争优势。

    This paper discusses developmental process of customer value theory , and it is conformed that a company can achieve new or persistent competition advantage if its value proposition is based on customer value oriented .

  29. 第三章介绍了顾客价值理论的主要观点,包括:理论渊源、概念、内涵等,同时探讨了顾客价值与核心竞争力的内在联系;

    The third chapter introduces the main views of customer value theories , including source of theory , concepts , nature and so on , and approaches the inner relation between core competence and customer value .

  30. 第四章引入了顾客价值理论模型和价值链分析工具,在此基础上,构建了基于顾客价值外部识别指标体系的核心竞争力评价模型;

    The fourth chapter draws into models of customer value theories and the tool of value-chain analyzing , and then builds a model of evaluation on core competence based on the indices system of outside recognition in view of customer value .