
  1. 更重要的是,它还可以根据人口统计学特征对顾客群体进行划分,然后可以向实体店提供像尼尔森公司(Nielsen)和康姆斯科(comScore)公司提供给网络营销公司的那种服务。

    Further , it breaks down their demographic profiles and presents retailers and restaurant chains with the kinds of analytics that companies like Nielsen ( nsln ) and comScore ( SCOR ) provide to online marketers .

  2. 而接受这种服务的顾客群体的作用则有待加强。

    The role of clients who consume educational products should be enhanced .

  3. 企业核心能力与顾客群体划分研究

    Research on the Core Competence and Customer Division

  4. 拥有较为稳定的顾客群体和良好的市场声誉。

    XT has a relatively stable customer groups and good reputation in the market .

  5. 现在进入市场的是一个质量大为提升的顾客群体&富有的中国玩家们。

    Stepping into the market was a much better quality customer – the wealthy Chinese player .

  6. 精致市场是更狭窄地根据所寻求的特别利益组合而界定顾客群体。

    A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits .

  7. 此价值准则拥护者着重供应的不是市场所需的而是特定顾客群体所需的。

    Its adherents focus on delivering not what the market wants but what specific customers want .

  8. 顾客群体在东莞市明精,我们总是将最优质量的产品与最具竞争价位的价格提供给我们的顾客。

    Quality PolicyBy analyzing customer 's needs and requirements , we efficiently deliver our best to our customers .

  9. 利用视频技术,也可以进行更人性化的科技支持,且顾客群体间还可以进行互助。

    Using video could also humanize tech support , and group settings could even initiate self-help between customers .

  10. 对潜在顾客群体进行市场营销的同时,蓝色尼罗河还需要了解这样做的几个特点与问题。

    There are several characteristics and issues Blue Nile needs to understand when marketing to its potential customers .

  11. 本研究认为,对于不同的顾客群体,顾客满意对顾客忠诚具有不同的影响,从而也为企业带来不一样的价值和利润。

    This paper suspects the impact of customer satisfaction on loyalty is heterogenous across different customer sub - groups .

  12. 而别克和凯迪拉克都属于豪华品牌,但结构设计和顾客群体上都存在差异。

    Buick and Cadillac both are luxury brands , though differentiated by physical design as well as type of customer .

  13. 只有当你与一定数量的顾客群体建立了固定联系,并且能够通过他们来增加销售和转介业绩之后,你对于公司才算比较有价值。

    Your value to the company increases when you have some customer relationships that you can leverage for increased sales and referrals .

  14. 此问卷针对约克大学在校学生,调查这个顾客群体对于在校园内开设中国食品超市的态度,以及购买倾向。

    This survey is being carried out to find out what is the customer behavior , motivations and buying power of luxury goods .

  15. 同时,本文确定了大型购物中心的核心要素包含目标顾客群体、业态经营理念、业态营销手段和经营辅助体系的构建等四个层次。

    Then , this paper identifies target customers , thinking of management , marketing and assistant managerial systems as the 4 key factors .

  16. 中国仍是花旗最重要的市场,2012年我们将继续保持在中国的投资,以支持我们日益增长的顾客群体。

    China remains a top priority market for Citi and in 2012 we will continue to invest in China in support of our growing client base .

  17. 现在中国公民已经是纽约、悉尼、伦敦等地最大的海外顾客群体了,当地房价随之被明显抬高。

    Chinese customers have become the largest group of homebuyers in New York , Sydney and London and this has significantly driven up local home prices .

  18. 采用目标集聚战略的逻辑依据是企业能比竞争对手更有效地为其狭隘的顾客群体服务。

    The logic foundation of using Target Concentration Strategy is that enterprises can provide services for their narrow group of customers more effectively than their competitors .

  19. 并且,本文还通过实证的方法来对通信行业的顾客群体进行细分,将其顾客分为四类,为企业制定有效的营销策略提供依据。

    Moreover , according to the empirical research , the paper contributes to the effective marketing strategies by segmenting the customers of telecom industry into four classes .

  20. 拥有稳定忠诚的顾客群体是每个企业梦寐以求的,它对一个企业长期发展和稳定市场至关重要。

    Stable loyal customers group is each enterprise pursuing for , which is very crucial to the enterprise to be a long-term development and stabilize the market .

  21. 宾馆的使用者由顾客群体和员工群体两类人群组成,员工为顾客提供的服务,主要是通过这四个子服务系统实现的。

    Guest groups and staff groups composed of two groups of hotel users . The staff provided service to customers mainly through the four sub-service system implementation .

  22. 同时,饭店还拥有来自不同国家的广泛的顾客群体,是不同文化交汇与碰撞的场所。

    On the other hand , having a wide range of customers from various countries , hotels are places where different cultures collide with and merge into one another .

  23. 顾客群体对于场馆的基本体育设施较为满意,而对其他其他体育设施和服务水平则满意度不高。

    Customer groups for the venues are more satisfied with the basic sports facilities , and on other the other sports facilities and services are satisfaction is not high .

  24. 随之,在分析了顾客群体和平台需求后,从功能模块和信息配对角度提出了针对以上电子商务平台模式的设计方案。

    After the analysis for customer groups and platform requirements , the design for e-commerce platform of the above models is proposed in the view of function module and information matching .

  25. 本文介绍了中国通信设备市场的现状、顾客群体、目前营销模式,初步分析了我国通信设备市场的需求空间和发展前景。

    This essay describes briefly the current status of China telecommunication equipment market , marketing mode and customer groups , and have a primary analysis for the demanding space and developing vision .

  26. 本文通过对企业文化与竞争优势关系的分析,提出在企业文化的作用下,企业可以形成人员优势、品牌优势,以致建立忠诚的顾客群体,获取市场竞争中的优势,进而取得成功。

    The article argues that with the help of its culture , corporation can shape advantage on human resources and brand so as to build customer loyalty and obtain advantage , eventually to succeed .

  27. 如何培育高忠诚的顾客群体已经成为超市行业关注的焦点,而培育高忠诚的顾客关键是了解顾客忠诚的影响因素有哪些,它们对顾客忠诚的影响力度如何,这正是本文要解决的问题。

    Now how to cultivate high-loyalty consumer group is the focus for this industry , and the key to cultivate high-loyalty consumers is to understand what factors can affect customer loyalty and to what degree they affect .

  28. 一个公司一旦仔细地细分了市场,选择了他的目标顾客群体,识别出他们的需要并确定了所希望的市场位置,它就准备开发和推出适合细分市场的新产品。

    Once a company has carefully segmented the market , chosen its target customer groups , identified their needs , and determined its desired market positioning , it is ready to develop and launch appropriate new products .

  29. 通过市场调查,了解老字号当前顾客群体的基本情况,在市场细分的基础上,重新选择目标市场,并采取适当的市场覆盖策略。

    Through market survey , the company can learn the general information of the present customer groups of the historied brand , re-select the target market according to the market segmentation and adopt the proper policy for market coverage .

  30. 根据企业竞争的特点进行分析,把企业的顾客群体划分为价值取向型、利益主导型、随机动荡型三种,因此企业的核心能力也应根据这三类顾客来进行培养

    Based on the analysis of the characters of enterprise competence , this article brings forward that an enterprise should intensify its core competence in order to get predominance in the new competitive environment . On the customer 's Value Group Dates