
  • 网络Partnership Management;partner relationship management;prm
  1. 基于协同的分销渠道伙伴关系管理研究

    Research on Partner Relationship Management of Distribution Channel Based on Synergy

  2. PRM:新经济时代的伙伴关系管理

    PRM : Partner Relationship Management In the New Economic Times

  3. 随着Internet下信息化协同管理迅速发展以及分销渠道在企业管理中发挥越来越重要的作用,使国内外学者对分销渠道伙伴关系管理的研究越来越重视。

    With the fast development of synergetic management with the help of Internet informationization , distribution channels play a more significant role in enterprise management , and scholars at home and abroad attach more and more importance to the distribution channel partnership management .

  4. 第三章介绍了VMI下的供应链合作伙伴关系管理的特点以及VMI的实施对供应链合作伙伴选择的影响。

    In the third chapter , it explains the characteristics of the management of supply chain partnership in the environment of VMI and the effects on the choice of supply chain partner which is made by the implementation of VMI .

  5. 并对基于信息系统的分销渠道伙伴关系管理的整合机的核心技术联邦数据模型和EAI进行论述,最后建立了嵌入知识的分销渠道伙伴关系管理数据挖掘模型。

    Furthermore , the core technologies , federative data model and EAI , are illustrated for the information-based reorganizing mechanism for the management of distribution channel partners . Lastly , knowledge-embedded data mining model is established for distribution channel partner relationship management .

  6. 供应链视角的合作伙伴关系管理问题研究

    The Research of the Supply Chain Partnership Managing from the Supply Chain Perspective

  7. 随着战略联盟在全世界范围内的兴起,战略联盟伙伴关系管理日益重要。

    With the rise of strategic alliance worldwide , relationship management of its partner is increasingly important .

  8. 用博弈的方法对分销渠道伙伴关系管理利益协同激励进行分析。

    Game theory is adopted to analyze the profit allocation and incentives in management of distribution channel partners .

  9. 希望该分类评价模式可以为我国供应链合作伙伴关系管理提供一种新的管理思路。

    I hope the classification evaluation model can provide a new management idea for our partnership in supply chain management .

  10. 以海尔集团的合作伙伴关系管理为例进行案例研究,并印证本文前面章节所研究的内容。

    Haier Group in partnership managing as an example , case studies for confirming the previous study chapters of this paper .

  11. 供应链合作伙伴关系管理作为供应链管理中的重要组成部分作用尤为关键,关系到供应链的稳定和企业整体竞争能力的提高。

    As an important part in the supply chain management , Supply chain partnerships are particularly critical , which related to the stability and the improvement of the overall competitiveness of the supply chain .

  12. 两部分投资比例的变化情况,对分销渠道伙伴关系管理有重要意义。

    The investment varying situation of these two parts is very meaningful for the management of distribution channel partners . A combination model is proposed for selecting the multi-level distribution channel partners of enterprises .

  13. 目前,其研究已在两个方面取得了丰硕的成果:一个方面主要是从定性的方向,对分销渠道伙伴关系管理进行理论研究;另一个主要从电子化供应链的角度进行分析。

    Substantial achievements have been made from two perspectives : one is qualitative perspective , which conducts theoretical studies of the distribution channel partnership ; the other is analysis from the perspective of electronic supply chain .

  14. 考虑到目前汽车行业供应链中小企业面临的供应商管理问题,着重研究了国外汽车行业优秀主机厂及其他行业在供应链和合作伙伴关系管理方面的先进方式和理论。

    Considering current supply chain management problems in automotive industry SMEs , the paper focuses on the advanced methods and theories of supply chain and partner relationship management in outstanding foreign automotive industry OEMs and other industries .

  15. 在论文的第五部分,研究了强化供应链合作伙伴关系管理的三个措施:供应链合作伙伴关系建立的程序、减弱供应链长鞭效应的对策及供应链环境下的采购策略。

    In the fifth section , the thesis studies three measures to improve the partnership : the procedure of establishing SCP , the measure of minimizing the Bull Effect and the strategy of purchasing based Supply Chain .

  16. 指出承包商关系管理是伙伴关系管理的重要组成部分,业务外包是21世纪灵捷制造模式企业间业务关系的主要运作形式之一。

    Also , Contractor Relationship Management is the important component of Associate Relationship Management , and Project Outsourcing is the most important business operational form among those enterprises that are making flexible engineering models in the 21st century .

  17. 第2章主要阐述了建筑供应链概念和建筑供应链管理的概念,并分析了建筑供应链管理的核心内容,即物流管理、合作伙伴关系管理、信息管理、风险管理和绩效管理。

    The Chapter 2 mostly describes the concept of Construction Supply Chain and Construction Supply Chain Management , analyzing the core content of Construction Supply Chain , namely , Logistics Management , Partner Relationship Management , Information Management , Risk Management , Performance Management .

  18. 最后,论文从知识管理,外包合作伙伴关系管理,外包战略的风险控制及人力资源管理等方面探讨了外包创新的特殊管理策略,即研究了企业如何运用外包创新战略获得持续竞争优势的路径。

    Third , the author discusses several management tactics of OI , including the knowledge , the relationship with partner , human resources and the control of the outsourcing risks . With these tactics , enterprises can use the strategy of OI effectively and obtain permanent competing advantage .

  19. 供应链合作伙伴关系的管理是一个复杂的过程,为此,将供应链合作伙伴关系管理分为伙伴需求分析、伙伴信息收集、伙伴选择和伙伴跟踪管理四个阶段。

    Managing the supply chain partnership is a complex process , so the process of partnership management in supply chain is divided into four stages : partner requirements analysis , gathering partner-related information , partner selection and partner-tracking management .

  20. 接着提出一个知识型系统框架,作为研制面向ODL科研信息环境的概念模型,并进而描述了此模型的若干要素,诸如伙伴关系、知识管理、智能代理、个性化信息服务及标准应用等。

    A set of critical elements composing the model , including partnership , knowledge management , intelligent agents , personalized information services and standards application , are described in details .

  21. 虚拟企业是不同实体企业的集合,对虚拟企业中的各个合作伙伴之间关系的管理是虚拟企业管理的重要方面,对虚拟企业的运行和成败至关重要。

    Virtual enterprise is a collection of different corporate entities , partners relationship management is an important aspect of virtual enterprise management , it is essential to the operation of virtual enterprises and success .

  22. 工程项目中各参与方之间的伙伴关系博弈分析与管理

    Game Theory Analysis and Management of Partnership for Construction Projects

  23. 基于伙伴关系的项目风险管理研究

    Partnering-based Project Risk Management Research

  24. 学院得到了政府多种形式的政策支持,并和当地社区结成伙伴关系,且在管理上具有很大的灵活性和自主性。

    The colleges get various policy support from the government , and form fellowship with local community .

  25. 第三章重点阐述了如何通过选择供应商伙伴来改进供应商关系管理。

    Chapter III focuses on how to choose the right supplier partner to improve Supplier Relationship Management .

  26. 此外,运营商还应根据内容服务对计费系统的关键要求有针对性地打造适合于内容服务的计费平台并对内容服务价值链中的合作伙伴关系进行有效的管理。

    Additionally , operators should build the suitable billing platform for the content services and manage the partnership within the content service value chain efficiently .

  27. 传统的各自为政、局部最优的库存管理已逐步向供应链战略合作伙伴关系下的库存管理转变。

    The traditional inventory management mode which is local optimum and serially linked now is gradually changed to a new inventory management under supply chain strategy partnership .

  28. 本文认为供应链中的合作伙伴关系、全面质量管理、基准法和精益思想的实施是包装制造业供应链管理发展的必然趋势。

    It was considered that the applications of partnership , TQM , benchmarking and lean principles in supply chain will be the trends in the development of packaging industry .

  29. 为了在竞争中保持优势地位,S公司加强了对供应链的管理,而供应链合作伙伴关系是供应链管理的精髓和基础。

    In order to keep the advantage position in the competition , company S is to strengthen the management of the supply chain , and the supply chain partnership is the essence and foundation of supply chain management .

  30. 同时结合实际情况和采购与供应链管理的理论对供应商的认证、管理和长期伙伴关系做优化和说明,阐述了长期战略伙伴关系的供应商管理概论。

    Explain and optimize the authentication , management and long time partner relation of the suppliers according to practice and the theory of supply chain management .