
jī shù xiào yònɡ lùn
  • cardinal utility theory
  1. 在神经经济学看来,基数效用论是完全合乎逻辑的。

    In neuroeconomics ' view , cardinal utility theory is entirely logical .

  2. 这表明,序数效用论的应用领域是有局限性的,它并不能完全取代基数效用论。

    This means that the application fields of ordinal utility theory is very limited , hence it cannot replace the cardinal utility theory completely .

  3. 第三,笔者讨论了用其它规则替换Condorcet规则的问题。并结合基数效用论与序数效用论的分析,从若干例证的讨论中印证了博尔达(Berda)规则的内在矛盾。

    Thirdly , this article discusses the substitution of other rule for Condorcet Rule , and proves the internal contradiction of Berda Rule through the analysis of The utility theory of base figure and The utility theory of ordinal number .

  4. 高校教育资本的配置符合基数效用论规律。

    The allocation of college education capital accords with theory of cardinal utility .

  5. 分析商品效用有基数效用论和序数效用论两种方法;

    There are two methods in analyzing commodity effectiveness , namely , the cardinal effectiveness theory and the ordinal effectiveness theory .

  6. 使用价值是可以衡量的,基数效用论和序数效用论是衡量效用的两种有用方法;

    The use value is measurable , and the cardinal theory of utility and the ordinal theory of utility are two useful methods that measure utility ;

  7. 相对于序数效用论来说,基数效用论的最大优势就在于它包含了更多的信息,即关于效用差额或者说偏好强度的信息。

    Compared with ordinal utility theory , the biggest advantage of cardinal utility theory is that it contains more information about the quantity of utility or strength of preference .

  8. 这样的研究领域很多,本文着重讨论了序数效用论无法解决而必须采用基数效用论的三个重要的经济问题:社会选择问题、不确定性问题以及边际效用递减问题。

    These research fields are very much , and this paper mainly discusses three important economic issues : social choice problem , uncertainty problem and diminishing marginal utility problem .

  9. 最终,在帕累托、希克斯和萨缪尔森等人的努力下,序数效用论逐渐取代基数效用论,成为主流经济学的标准分析范式。

    Finally , with the efforts of Pareto , Hicks , Samuelson and other scholars , ordinal utility theory gradually replaced cardinal utility theory , and became a standard analytical paradigm of the mainstream economics .

  10. 基数效用论认为,效用是消费者在消费某种商品时所感受到的心理满足感,这种满足感可以直接计量并加总求和,因而其大小可以用基数来表示。

    Cardinal utility theory says that utility is a sense of psychological satisfaction when the consumer consuming a commodity , and it can be directly measured and summed , hence its size can be expressed by cardinal number .

  11. 可以说,神经经济学对基数效用的发现已经为基数效用论向主流经济学的回归创造了基本的物质条件。

    So we can conclude that the discovery of cardinal utility in neuroeconomics has provided basic material conditions for the returning of cardinal utility theory to mainstream economics .