
  • 网络consumer value;customer value
  1. 本文为网络游戏运营商提出了依据消费者价值感知进行定价决策这一理论方法,并指出了具体的操作路径。

    This paper presented the theory of pricing decisions based on consumer value perception and pointed out the specific operation path for online game operator .

  2. 进而,将这一价格形成机制流程转化为数学模型,构建以生产者利润最大化为目标、消费者价值为约束条件的价格模型。

    Secondly , transferring this pricing mechanism into mathematical model , and establishing a pricing function with maximum producer profits and consumer value as the constraint condition .

  3. 消费者价值让渡系统与价值营销战略研究

    Research on Consumers ' Value Concession Coefficient Value Marketing Strategies

  4. 基于消费者价值观的市场细分实证研究

    Quantitative Analysis on Marketing Segmentation based on Customer Value

  5. 消费者价值观与企业营销策略对消费者品牌忠诚度的影响研究

    The Influence of Consumers ' Values and Marketing Strategies on Consumers ' Brand Loyalty Intention

  6. 消费者价值指向的营销研究模型

    Marketing search model focused on consumer values

  7. 符合消费者价值取向的品牌才会被接受。

    A brand competes better when it conforms to the value preference of the target consumers .

  8. 我认为,这个遗憾的故事可作为一个有趣案例,说明消费者价值是如何被破坏的。

    I think this whole sorry story would make an interesting example on how customer value can be destroyed .

  9. 此外,在广告人物的角色设定上,多为诉求消费者价值观念的认同,从而促进消费者的购买行为。

    Besides , the setting of roles in advertisement itself aims at encouraging the purchasing behavior through identification with the values of customers .

  10. 在本研究中,消费者价值观包括消费者对时间,风险和自我意识的价值观,企业营销策略包括广告和降价促销。

    In this paper , consumers ' values were subdivided into values to time , risk and self concept and marketing strategies were subdivided into advertisements and price promotion .

  11. 价值营销理论是市场营销学的继承与发展,强调关注消费者价值构成、成本构成,深入理解消费者价值让渡系统。

    The theory of value marketing inherits and develops the theory of marketing , and pays attention to value formation and cost formation of consumers , and then goes deep into the system of value transfer of consumers .

  12. 随着与发达国家收入差距缩小,随着志向远大的消费者价值观趋同,新兴市场的中产阶层将有能力、也愿意为更好的教育、医疗保健、住房和基础设施付费。

    As the income gap with developed world peers narrows and aspirational consumer values converge , the emerging market middle class will be able and willing to pay for better education , health , housing , and infrastructure .

  13. 把客户经济引入对中药产业的研究,并明确提出以客户价值(包括消费者价值)作为驱动中药产业链演化和发展的动力源,在国内文献中还是第一次。

    It introduced Customer-oriented Economy into TCM industrial research and clearly proposed the concept of customer value to be the motivation of the evolvement and development of TCM industrial chain , which is inventive in domestic as well .

  14. 同时以消费者价值为导向的企业文化创新还必须与企业的产品创新、技术创新、制度创新及管理创新的其他方面有机结合起来,不断健全和完善企业发展的创新体系。

    At the same time , enterprise culture innovation under the consumer value must be combine with the product innovation , technological innovation , system innovation and other aspects of management innovation organically , to perfect the system of enterprise innovation continuous .

  15. 在前人的中国消费者价值体系分布图的基础上,结合乘用车的特点,提炼出18个乘用车消费者价值需求元素,并构建出乘用车消费者价值体系模型。

    On the basis of the distribution map of Chinese consumers ' value system , combining with the characteristic of passengers ' car , we refine 18 value elements of passengers ' car consumer demands , and structure the consumers ' value system model .

  16. 引导消费者的价值取向,因为你们的成功,我们为此骄傲。

    Guide consumers'value orientation , we share pride with our customers'success .

  17. 白酒的发展取向是满足消费者的价值需求

    The Trend of Liquor Development is to Meet the Value Demands of Customers

  18. 消费者产品价值知觉研究

    A research on consumers ' product value perception

  19. 第三,探讨对于汽车这种可选耐用消费品,消费者的价值取向包括哪些维度。

    Third , to explore consumer values includes what kind of dimensions for automobiles .

  20. 以消费者认知价值为中心的包装设计

    Cognitive - Value - Centered Package Design

  21. 创造顾客价值必须以了解和洞察消费者的价值观、价值取向作为其首要前提。

    Create value for customer to understand and the values , as its principal premise .

  22. 首先,产品要能提高易用性,能为普通消费者增添价值。

    First , the products had to improve ease of use and add value for average consumers .

  23. 产品信号和中间商信号对消费者认知价值具有重要作用。

    The product signals and retailer signals have great influence on the evaluation of consumer perceived value .

  24. 在现代中国消费者的价值体系构架中,中国传统文化价值观演进结果和西方文化价值观渗透结果不容忽视。

    The Chinese values system is mainly composed by traditional cultural values and the Western cultural values .

  25. 企业的作业过程便成了对消费者的价值增值过程。

    The process of action in the corporation becomes of the process of value increment of consumer .

  26. 来自敏捷开发的一个好实践就是每次努力都会立刻给消费者带来价值。

    A good practice from Agile development is to make sure that every effort results in value for the customer immediately .

  27. 第四章详细阐释了新消费者的价值观和媒介接触特征。

    In chapter 4 , the author explained the new consumers ' concept of value and their characteristics of media exposure in detail .

  28. 其次,我们对研究涉及的变量进行描述性统计分析,并对人口统计学变量对消费者购物价值的影响进行方差分析。

    Secondly , we do the descriptive statistical analysis of all variables , and do ANOVA of the background variables and shopping values .

  29. 资本建立起消费价值体系,通过塑造消费者的价值观念影响其消费行为。

    It is capital who established the consumption value system ( CVS ), and impacts the consumption action by shaping consumers ' value .

  30. 商品能多大程度为消费者创造价值从而获得消费者的认可直接影响到企业的绩效。

    The performance of firm is directly affected by the extent to which products can creation value for consumers to gain consumer recognition .