
xiāo fèi xū qiú
  • consumer demand;demands of consumption
  1. 消费需求的降低也影响到了公司的利润。

    The reduced consumer demand is also affecting company profits .

  2. 收入不平等和居民消费需求不足:基于VAR模型的实证研究

    Income Inequality and the Lacking of Residents Consumer Demand & An Empirical Research Based on VAR Model

  3. 随着低收入消费者收入的增长,粮食消费需求的进一步增长潜力巨大。

    As incomes rise among low-income consumers , the potential for further grain consumption is huge .

  4. 商业价值高低也就是消费需求多少

    The commercial value height also expends demand how many !

  5. 本文从我国加入WTO入手,集中分析了我国胶合板工业的关税、进出口总量、国内市场对胶合板的消费需求,以及加入WTO以后的机遇与挑战。

    This paper analyzes the custom , gross of imports and exports , domestic consume demand and chances and challenge when china enters into WTO of veneer industry in our country base on the entering into WTO .

  6. 青海省城镇居民消费需求的ELES模型分析

    Analysis on the Consumption Demand of the Urban Resident in Qinghai by ELES Model

  7. 但它们不可能完全弥补G7国家今后几年预期将出现的消费需求不振,因为就算加在一起,它们的规模也不够大。

    But they cannot completely make up for the expected sluggishness in G7 consumer demand over the next few years because taken together they are not big enough .

  8. 业者指出,虽然iPad2消费需求强劲,但销量不如iPad一代,说明消费者对平板电脑的狂热追捧已竟开始降温。

    The sources pointed out that although iPad 2 is also seeing strong demand from consumers , sales were lower than those of iPad , indicating that consumers ' strong enthusiasm for tablet PCs has already disappeared .

  9. 其中重点分析了股票市场价格变动对投资需求产生影响的托宾q效应和对消费需求发生作用的财富效应。

    As important part , the text has analyzed Tobin 's Q effect , manifesting how stock market price change have an effect to investment demand , and the wealth effect , showing how stock market price change have an effect to consumption demand .

  10. 分析了国内外BOPP薄膜市场供需现状、预测及价格走势,指出我国BOPP薄膜市场消费需求存在相当大的市场空间和发展潜力,有着广阔的市场前景。

    Present situation of supply and demand , forecast , price tendency of BOPP film at home and abroad were analyzed . It was pointed out that BOPP film had good prospects in China .

  11. 基于CMS模型的分析的结果是,20世纪90年代以来,世界食物消费需求在推动我国食物出口贸易增长方面起着重要作用,但在不同时段,其作用大小有变化。

    The results of the analysis based on CMS models is that since the 1990s , the food consumption demand growth of the world plays an important role in promoting our country 's food export trade , but in different time , the role changes in size .

  12. 可在ELES法计算的居民基本消费需求额和年生均学习成本与居民可支配收入的倍数的基础上建立贫困大学生判别标准体系。

    We can establish a series of criteria of CPCS on the basis of the necessary demand of residents by use of analysis of ELES , and the multiplier of the studying costs to PDI .

  13. 扩大消费需求的企业对策

    The Way of the Enterprises to Expand the Consumers ' Needs

  14. 体验经济时代的消费需求及营销战略

    Consumption Demand & Marketing Strategy in the Times of Experience Economy

  15. 天然气消费需求动态预测新方法

    A New Method to Predict the Dynamic Demand of Gas Consumption

  16. 消费需求发展史是一个周而复始的轮回过程。

    The development history of consumption demand is a routine process .

  17. 论我国的收入分配、金融资产增长与消费需求变动

    On China 's Income Distribution , Financial Assets Growth and Consumption

  18. 从工业经济到体验经济的广州消费需求

    From industry economy to experience economy of the Guangzhou consumption demand

  19. 变动趋势、结构差异与消费需求不足扭转

    Changing Trend , Structural Difference and Solving of Consumption Demand Deficiency

  20. 社会保障与扩大居民消费需求

    On Social Security and the Expansion of Consumption Demand of Residents

  21. 我国当前旅游消费需求不足的成因及对策

    Causes of and Measures for Inadequate Tourism Consumption Demand in China

  22. 首先,它能满足消费者多元化的消费需求。

    First , it can meet consumer diversified consumer demand .

  23. 当前,扩大消费需求已成为学术界迫切需要解决的一个课题。

    It is an urgent task to expand consumption demand .

  24. 我国婴儿玩具及纪念品年消费需求八百亿元

    Year consumption demand up to 80 billion in baby toys & souvenir

  25. 我国消费需求趋势分析及对策研究

    An Analysis of Our Consumer Demand Tendency and Countermeasure Research

  26. 贵州省农村居民消费需求偏低的原因和对策分析

    Deficiency of Consuming Demand of Guizhou Rural Residents : Causes and Countermeasures

  27. 武汉市居民家庭体育消费需求结构定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of family sports consumption need structure of residents in Wuhan

  28. 消费需求是导向,是产业发展的最终目的;

    Consume demand is the guide and final goal for industrial development ;

  29. 论居民消费需求不足的原因及对策

    The Cause and Countermeasure of Lack of Resident Consumed Demand

  30. 启动消费需求的关键是完善社会保障体系

    The Key of Stimulating Consumptive Demand is to Perfect Social Security System