
  • 网络Falling Demand;Declining demand
  1. 另外,中国铝业(aluminumcorpofchina)表示,由于价格下降,需求疲软,该公司将削减约18%的铝年产能。

    Separately , aluminum Corp of China ( Chalco ) said it would cut annual aluminium production capacity by about 18 per cent because of declining prices and weakened demand .

  2. 不断下降的需求和高利率凑在一起导致利润大幅下降。

    Falling demand and high interest rates have conspired to produce a big drop in profits .

  3. 此外,私人博物馆还加速了21世纪艺术品资源不断下降和需求不断上升的危机。

    Private museums speed up , too , 21st-century crises of shrinking art resources and growing demand .

  4. 被动投资的兴起以及算法交易的扩张都使得研究资料的利润率下降,需求也有所放缓。

    The rise of passive investing and the spread of algorithmic trading have both reduced margins and dampened demand for research produced by and for humans .

  5. 企业利润空间下降和需求萎缩已促使越来越多的公司在全国范围内寻求增值税改革的推广。

    The falling profit margins of enterprises and declining demand had prompted an increasing number of businesses to seek an extension of VAT reform across the country .

  6. 面对直线下降的需求和无法供应足够的可替代工作岗位,第一产业部门遭受到的损失最为严重,例如经济作物种植业、煤矿业和伐木业。

    Facing plummeting demand with few alternate sources of jobs , areas dependent on primary sector industries such as cash cropping , mining and logging suffered the most .

  7. 如果当前石油供求一开始处于平衡状态,欧佩克与其他产油国就会减少石油供应,使得供应与暂时下降的需求保持一致。

    If current supply and demand were initially in balance , the OPEC countries and other oil producers would respond by reducing sales to bring supply into line with the temporary reduction in demand .

  8. 随着经济学家警告房地产市场供应过剩,开发商已开始下调小城市的住宅销售价格。在供应过剩加剧之际,许多房企还面临信贷紧张、回报率下降、需求减少和竞争激烈的困局。

    Developers are cutting residential prices in small cities as economists warn of overcapacity . Many property companies are also facing tightening credit , lower returns , slower demand for homes and intensifying competition amid a deepening supply glut .

  9. 究其原因主要是社会总体需求下降,需求层次高,人才市场还不成熟,就业指导工作薄弱,部分毕业生期望值过高,不善于推销自己等。

    The main reasons lie in the decreasing demand of society , the higher administrative levels of demanding , the unripe talents market , the weak instruction of taking up an occupation , the overestimation of some graduates themselves and being bad at marketing themselves , etc.

  10. 全球经济正面临着第二轮的食品价格通胀,此前,美国农业部(usagriculturedepartment)昨日警告,玉米、小麦与大豆的库存量将大幅下降,同时需求将十分强劲。

    The global economy is facing a second wave of food inflation after the US Agriculture Department yesterday warned of significant falls in stocks of corn , wheat and soyabean and heavy demand .

  11. 论价格总水平下降的总需求螺旋下降效应

    The Spiral Decrease Effect of General Demand under the Price Falling

  12. 国内供应下降,进口需求上升。

    Domestic supplies were cut , and import demand rose .

  13. 偿债能力的下降将在需求端引发资产负债表衰退。

    This decline in debt-servicing capacity would generate a balance-sheet recession in demand .

  14. 与意大利不同,西班牙的银行贷款下降主要是需求导致的。

    Unlike in Italy , the fall in bank lending in Spain is mostly demand-driven .

  15. 而利率倾向于会下跌则是因为,家庭和企业收入下降,货币需求和信贷需求也出现萎缩。

    Interest rates tend to fall , as household and business incomes drop and demand for money and credit shrinks .

  16. 该数据可能反映了包括存货下降,汽车需求降低,能源短缺和信贷紧缩等短期影响因素。

    This weakness reflects a few temporary factors such as inventory destocking , weaker auto demand , power shortage , and credit tightening .

  17. 最近数月,由于价格不断下降和全球需求日渐疲软,世界各地的金属及矿业公司都不得不重新规划产量。

    Metals and mining companies around the world have had to rethink production in recent months because of falling prices and weakening global demand .

  18. 住宅单位和小单位继续急剧下降的市场需求不同的是,今年市场的大型公寓广东急剧增加的需求。

    Residential units and small units continued sharp drop in market demand difference is that this year the market for large apartments Canton sharp increase in demand .

  19. 首先,随着制造业利润下降和支出需求增加,地方政府的财政已经对房地产业产生了依赖。

    The first key point is that local governments have become dependent on the property sector for revenue as profits from manufacturing decline and the need to spend increases .

  20. 本文的主要结论是:(1)收入差距扩大是导致居民消费倾向下降、消费需求不足的重要原因,并对居民消费结构产生了不良影响。

    The main conclusions of this dissertation are : ( 1 ) The enlargement of income gap has a close connection with the insufficient consumption demand , and it affects consumption structure .

  21. 由于投资者购买量下降以及中国需求放缓,铂金价格已跌至自2009年以来最低水平。铂金是一种用于珠宝和汽车催化剂的贵金属。

    Platinum , a precious metal used for jewellery and vehicle catalysts , is trading at its lowest levels since 2009 on the back of weak investor buying and slower demand from China .

  22. 随着我国经济发展与人口增长,耕地数量减少、耕地质量下降与粮食需求量迅速扩张已经成为一对不可避免的矛盾。

    With the economic development and population growth , the reduction of cultivated land quantity and cultivated land quality deterioration has already become a pair of unavoidable contradictions with expanding of grain demand rapidly .

  23. 也就是说,在这种简单的单变量分析中,城镇居民收入分配差距的扩大,被认为是导致城镇居民消费倾向不断下降、消费需求增长乏力的重要原因。

    In another words , in such a simple one element analysis , the expansion of inequality between residents in the income is considered as the cause for the insufficient in residents ' consumption growth .

  24. “但由于许多主要生产国如欧洲产量的下降导致全球需求的急剧增长,使印度烟草在竞争获得了有利的价格,”一位高级的委员会官员说。

    " A spurt in global demand owing to a production shortfall in major growing countries such as Europe , has made Indian tobacco competitive on the price front ," a senior Board official said .

  25. 但是,90年代以来,我国居民消费率持续下降,消费需求不足却一直都是困扰中国的问题,尤其是国际经济危机引发后使这一问题更加尖锐和凸显。

    However , from 1990s , the rate of residents consumption declined continuously , lack of consumer demand in China was the hard nut , particularly , the international economic crisis caused this problem is more acute and prominent .

  26. 采用适当的加固措施对在役混凝土桥梁进行加固是解决桥梁结构通行能力不断下降与通行需求持续增长之间矛盾的有效途径,符合我国公路交通的发展战略。

    To rehabilitate or strengthen bridges in service is a feasible way to deal with the contradiction between the decreasing bearing capacity and the increasing demand , which is consonant with the development strategy of traffic infrastructure in our country .

  27. 介绍了燃油冲刷和气相冲洗条件下的氧气浓度分析模型,以及巡航和下降过程氮气需求量模型。

    The analytical model which be used to predict the oxygen concentration under the fuel scrubbing and ullage washing is introduced . The models which predict the nitrogen volume needed in the process of cruise and descent were introduced , too .

  28. 研究结果表明城镇居民收入差距的扩大、地区收入差距的扩大,是导致城镇居民消费倾向下降、消费需求不足的重要原因。

    Empirical research on the relationship between consumption demand and income distribution of city indicates that the expanding of citizen income gap and region income gap is the important reason for the declining of citizen 's consumption trend and deficiency of consumption demand .

  29. 第三,ECFA早期清单项下产品大多都出现了价格的下降,而受到需求变化和国际因素的影响,部分产品价格出现了异常。

    Thirdly , most of the products under the ECFA Early Harvest List have emerged falling prices .

  30. Polynosic、Tencel等高性能再生纤维素纤维的大规模的生产正好解决了近年来棉花产量下降与纤维素纤维需求量增加之间的矛盾。

    Therefore , the consumption of the cellulosic fiber increased . The scale production of high performance viscose fiber such as Polynosic and Tencel has just made up recent year 's cotton output drop .