
  • 网络Cross elasticity of demand;cross-elasticity of demand;cross price elasticity of demand
  1. 需求受价格和收入变动的影响,可以分为需求价格弹性、需求收入弹性、需求交叉弹性。

    The demand is affected by price and income , classified as price elasticity of demand , income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand .

  2. 需求交叉弹性对市场经济的指导

    The Guiding Effect of Demand Cross Elasticity to Market driven Economy

  3. 需求交叉弹性在市场经济中有重要的指导作用。

    The theory of demand cross elasticity plays a crucial role in market driven economy , whose different values stand for different meanings .

  4. 它的不同值有不同的意义,掌握了需求交叉弹性的理论和方法,并把它运用到市场经济的分析和决策中,能够在市场经济的竞争中增加获胜的可能。

    It is likely to achieve success in market driven economy to master the relevant theories and methods of DCE and to apply them into the analysis and decisions of market driven economy .

  5. 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。

    Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand .

  6. 必须在考虑需求弹性和交叉弹性的基础上,针对中国铁路特性科学制定客运价格。

    It is necessary to set price for passenger transportation according to demand elasticity and cross elasticity of passenger transportation .

  7. 众所周知经济学中的弹性有需求价格弹性、需求收入弹性等,其中需求价格弹性还包括需求自价格弹性和需求交叉弹性。

    In economics , demand elasticity consists of price elasticity and income elasticity of demand . Price elasticity also includes self-demand elasticity and the cross-elasticity of demand .