
  • 网络demand lag;Demanding Lag
  1. 世界银行最新报告称,金融市场仍然举步维艰,私营部门需求滞后,失业率居高不下。

    Financial markets remain troubled and private sector demand lags amid high unemployment , according to a new report from the World Bank .

  2. 如果预测的需求滞后于实际需求,将会导致供电负荷紧张,甚至造成拉闸限电。

    If the expected demand was less than the actual demand , it would cause the shortage of power supply , even limited usage .

  3. 带有时变需求和滞后支付的库存系统的最优经济批量模型

    Optimal Economic Lot - Size Models for Inventory System with Time - Varying Demand and Delayed Payment

  4. 第四章考虑到房地产投资开发量对需求的滞后性,将含时滞的神经网络模型引入房地产风险投资中。

    Take the neural network model with time delays into the real estate venture investment basing on the lag between the quantities of the real estate and demand .

  5. 指出:在中国,无效的客户数据、傲慢的自我意识、客户的有限需求、滞后的法律规范、隐私的商业使用可能会影响到创新营销方式的运用。

    At present , the application of the new marketing tool in China meets with some difficulties such as the invalid customer data , proud organization image , limited customer needs , lagging legislation , and the commercial using of private information .

  6. 我国政府也深刻认识到在当前以及今后很长一段时间,人民群众快速增长的多元化的食品需求和相对滞后的安全保障水平之间的矛盾将是食品安全监管工作面临的主要矛盾。

    The Chinese government also recognized in the present and future for a long time , the masses of the people the rapid growth of the plurality of food demand and relatively lags behind the level of security is the contradiction between the food safety supervision work faces main contradiction .

  7. 随着制造业的复苏,对深孔装备的迫切需求与其设计理论滞后的矛盾日趋激烈。

    With recovery of manufacturing industry , the contradictions between the demand and the lag behind of deep hole equip design theory becoming fiercer .

  8. 政策滞后是政策过程中一种不均衡的状态,相对于政策需求而言,政策滞后是一条客观规律。

    The lag of policy is an unbalanced status in the process of policy . In terms of the need for policy , policy lagging is an objective law .

  9. 随着时代的发展,越来越凸显出学生鲜明的个性特点,学生的这种张扬、丰富的个性需求与目前相对滞后的班级管理显得格格不入。

    With the development of the times , more and highlight the distinctive personality characteristics of students , students of this unassuming , personality-rich lagging behind demand and the current management is more incompatible with the class .

  10. 企业对竞争情报人才的需求刻不容缓,但是当前高校竞争情报人才输出与企业竞争情报人才需求不匹配和滞后的现状,严重制约了企业竞争情报工作的效率。

    Thus , enterprise demands for competitive intelligence professionals without delay . However , the status quo that current competitive intelligence personnel output of colleges and universities mismatching enterprise competitive intelligence personnel demand has seriously hampered the efficiency of competitive intelligence work .