
xū qiú biǎo
  • demand schedule
  1. 人力资源部对各部门提出的用人需求进行汇总,形成正式的本年度人员需求表。

    HR Department summarizes the employment demands raised by various departments , to form the formal personnel demand schedule of the year .

  2. 为生产部门回访和更新采购需求表。

    Review and update purchase requisitions list to production department .

  3. 消费者需求表列与无差别曲线的关系

    Relation of schedule of consumer demand to indifference curve

  4. 需求表水一个单元在目标环境中可能拥有的需要。

    Requirement represents the need that a unit may have in the target environment .

  5. 一种用于实现软件自动化的需求表设计

    Table of Requirements Design for Software Development Automation

  6. 接着会显示一个需求表。

    A Requirements form is displayed .

  7. 消费者需求表列的性质

    Schedule of consumer demand

  8. 现在我给你看一个人体卡路里需求表,然后,再带你去量体重。

    Now I 'll show you the calorie charts , and later , take you to the scales .

  9. 通过这些信息,操作者能够为整个网络计算出一个最理想的供应表以及预计需求表。

    With this information operators are able to compute the optimal cost supply schedule for the entire network and the predicted demand profile .

  10. 采用自行设计的社区居民康复需求表,调查内容包括居民的基本情况、健康状况、对社区卫生服务的需求及康复需求的项目等。

    The self-designed questionnaire , Community Rehabilitation Need Inventory , was adopted , which included the basic information of residents , health status , the needs for community health services and the needed projects of rehabilitation etc.

  11. 目的形成重危患者家属需求量表(CCFNI)的中文修订版。

    Objective To modify Critical Care Family Needs Inventory ( CCFNI ) into a Chinese Version .

  12. 中文版患者学习需求量表(PLNS)的研制及在冠心病患者中的初步应用

    Development of Chinese Version of Patients ' Learning Needs Scale and Preliminary Application in Patient with Coronary Heart Disease

  13. 重危患者家属需求量表中文修订版的探讨

    On the Chinese Version of Critical Care Family Needs Inventory

  14. 有时我愿意依他的需求不表意见。

    I am willing to take a backseat to his needs occasionally .

  15. 第一个目标应该是排列出可靠的生理需求量表。

    The first aim should be to establish well-founded tables of physiological requirements .

  16. 大学生认知需求量表的修订

    The Chinese Version of Need for Cognition Scale

  17. 问卷主要由两个分量表组成,包括老年人属性特征变量和老年用品需求量表。

    Questionnaire mainly composed of two subscales , including the elderly property characteristic variables and the demand for older products table .

  18. 本文具体的研究内容有:首先,编制社会体育需求量表。

    In this paper , the research content and results of concrete has the following several aspects : First , the social sports demand survey scale .

  19. 方法:412名大学生、57名工人完成中文版认知需求量表,其中30名大学生同时完成自我效能测验,56名大学生在4周后重测。

    Methods : 412 college students and 57 workers finished the Chinese version of need for cognition scale , of which 30 students took the self-efficacy test simultaneously and 56 students were re-tested after 4 weeks .

  20. 接着分析表外信息披露的原因,认为通用报表披露的表内信息的局限性和市场经济对会计信息的全面性需求是表外信息披露的两大动因。最后明确了表外信息的编写要求。

    Because of the limitations of table information and the demand of accounting in market economy , it is important of the revelation of accounting information . First , the thesis probes into the concept of off-statement and discusses the reasons of off-statement information disclosure .

  21. 并设计出各个维度的题项,从而形成社会体育需求初始量表。

    The dimensions and design item , forming a social sports demand of initial scale .

  22. 根据路网模型需求建立数据库表,存放路网模型中的各项属性信息。

    Establish database tables based on demand of road network model to store the attribute information .

  23. 根据功能需求及信号表进行编程,设备安装完成后进行调试。

    Programming according to the function request and the signal table and testing after the hardware installed .

  24. 讨论一个信息系统通用系统维护模块的需求分析、表结构设计和模块功能设计。

    The analysis , tables structure design and function design of a general MIS system maintaining are introduced .

  25. 尊敬的用户,您可以直接填写需求信息申请表,我们的业务员会直接跟您联系,为您提供满意的服务。

    My respectful customer , you can fill requirement message application form directly , Our account executive will contact you immediately , and apply the best service for you .

  26. 分别构建了产品结构域无向图模型、功能域有向图模型和需求域向量表模型。

    Firstly , the undirected graph model in product structure domain , the directed graph model in product function domain , and the vector table model in customer requirement domain were constructed .

  27. 但也发现了一些问题:阅读理解的形式单一,全部是以语言形式出现;阅读材料的体裁不够多样化,不符合现实生活需求;单词表的范围略小。

    However , some problems have also been manifested : The format of the reading passages are in sole language form ; The genres of the reading material are not various enough to meet the requirements in our life ; And some names should not be considered as new words .

  28. 此外,本公司可根据您特殊的需求来定制压力表或提供OEM服务。

    Moreover , we can produce the digital gauge according to your special requirements , and we can also supply OEM service .

  29. 方法基于××××课题工作站产生的动态数据,设计出符合统计需求的静态数据表,确定采集数据的方案并通过Oracle数据库的PL/SQL语言实施数据采集。

    Methods Based on the dynamic data created by the workstation of some project , the static data tables were designed according to statistical requirement , the way of data collection was defined and the collection by Oracle 's PL / SQL was executed .

  30. 可根据你的个人需求制定工作行程表。

    Setting a schedule based on your own personal needs .