
  • 网络Total market demand
  1. 智能手机只占去年全球手机销量的15%左右,而诺基亚在发展中国家仍然占据着主导地位&而瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)预测,到2015年,发展中国家的手机需求将占到市场总需求的70%。

    Smartphones only accounted for about 15 per cent of global handset sales last year , while Nokia still dominates in developing countries that – Credit Suisse forecasts – will account for 70 per cent of handset demand by 2015 .

  2. 而统计核算、平衡因素则是从宏观的角度对证券市场的总需求与总供给所作的分析。

    Supply and demand are two variables at the top hierarchy of the study of the security market .

  3. 据统计,到2010年,中国市场对轮胎总需求量将达到6亿条。

    Statistics have indicated that till 2010 the Chinese market will demand approx. 600,000,000 tires .

  4. 但是,从中国市场上的总需求的规模和结构、潜在经济增长能力和经济增长方式不可持续的严重程度看,宏观经济调控面临着艰巨的任务取向转型。

    However the orientation of macro-regulation needs alteration in the light of the considerations of scale and structure of aggregate demand , capability of potential growth , and non-sustainability of present growth pattern .

  5. 本文利用博弈论方法对电力市场中,电力总需求缺乏弹性时各发电机组间非合作关系下竞价上网的报价行为进行了分析、研究。

    The bidding strategies among generation units in electric power market are studied in this paper with non cooperative game theory under inelastic electric power demands .

  6. 基于经济学理论和方法对煤炭市场总供给和总需求进行了分析,奠定了煤炭产业经济学的基本概念框架。

    Total supply of , and total demand for coal in the market is analyzed based on economics theory and methodology . A basic conceptual framework of coal industry economics has been established .

  7. 消费需求宏观调控是国民经济宏观调控体系的组成部分,是市场经济条件下总需求管理的重要形式。

    The macro - economic control of consumer demands is component of the macro - economic control system of the national economy , and an important from to regulate and control the general demands under the condition of market economy as well .

  8. 世界金融舞台黄金依旧活跃,我国开放黄金市场将会带来良性金融效应:有利于完善我国金融市场,加大社会总需求,有效回避金融风险,增加个人投资工具。

    Gold still flourish at the world finance stage . Opening gold market will bring benign finance effects that include perfecting finance market , increasing social total demand , efficiently avoiding finance risk and adding individual investment tools .

  9. 民办教育必须要按照市场经济的要求运行,在份额、规模、分布、层次上都受到市场总需求的限定。

    The private education must operate according to market economy rules and are restricted in such aspects as market share , scale , distribution and level .

  10. 市场占有率是制定企业市场竞争和营销战略的基础,在一个特定时期的竞争性市场内和市场总需求一定的情况下,企业的市场占有率在很大程度上取决于企业的营销组合决策。

    An enterprise must make its marketing strategy according to market share , under a certain competive market mix strategy influences on the market share .