
tóu zī xū qiú
  • Investment demand;demand for investment
  1. 德国能源巨头eon公司英国分公司eonuk的首席执行官保罗戈尔贝(paulgolby)表示,对新的核电站和风力发电站的需要创造了前所未有的投资需求,到2020年可达1000亿英镑甚至更多。

    Paul golby , chief executive of EON UK , the British arm of the German energy giant , said the need for new nuclear power stations and wind farms created an unprecedented demand for investment , which could be 100bn or more by 2020 .

  2. 山西投资需求浅析

    An Analysis of the Demand for Investment in Shanxi Province

  3. 这种被人为拉大的投资需求的结果表现为低效率的投资形成过程,即存货增加在GDP中的比重过高、投资对经济增长的贡献质量不高。

    This artificially expanded investment demand resulted the investment formation process of low efficiency , that is , over-weighted ratio of inventory in GDP and lower contribution of investment to the economic growth .

  4. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)的一份报告提出了后一种观点,认为未来20年内,来自中国和其它大型新兴经济体的投资需求将超过全球储蓄。

    The latter is proposed in a paper from McKinsey , which argues that over the next two decades investment demand from China and other big emerging economies will outstrip global savings .

  5. 其中重点分析了股票市场价格变动对投资需求产生影响的托宾q效应和对消费需求发生作用的财富效应。

    As important part , the text has analyzed Tobin 's Q effect , manifesting how stock market price change have an effect to investment demand , and the wealth effect , showing how stock market price change have an effect to consumption demand .

  6. 摩根士丹利联席总裁詹姆士•戈曼(JamesGorman)表示:成功的融资行动表明,市场对于基础设施投资需求强劲,更广泛地说,对于那些能够产生长期稳定现金流的另项资产,投资者投资兴趣浓厚。

    James Gorman , Morgan Stanley 's co-president , said : The successful fundraising underscores the particular demand for infrastructure investment and , broadly , for alternative assets that generate long-term stable cash flows .

  7. 巴克莱全球投资者(BarclaysGlobalInvestors,简称BGI)的数据显示,随着股市局部复苏及被动投资需求持续走强,全球投资于交易所交易基金(ETF)的资产已经达到了8620亿美元的创纪录高点。

    Assets invested globally in exchange traded funds have reached a record high of $ 862bn ( 600bn ) on the back of the partial recovery in stock markets and the continuing strong demand for passive investment , according to data from Barclays Global Investors .

  8. GFMS表示,去年中国金饰需求和黄金投资需求分别下滑了1%和2%,而印度黄金净进口减少了约三分之一。

    Chinese jewellery and investment demand were down 1 and 2 per cent respectively last year , while Indian net imports fell by about a third , GFMS said .

  9. 主要采用VEC模型等计量方法,对城乡收入差距影响消费、投资需求以及消费、投资需求影响经济增长分别作实证研究。

    We use the VEC model basically to do empirical study of the income gap between urban and rural areas affecting consumption and investment demand , and consumption demand and investment demand affecting economic growth , respectively .

  10. 搞好投资需求促进经济健康发展

    Making a Good Investment Demand to Improve Healthful Development of Economy

  11. 投资需求与消费需求关系的研究

    The Research on the Relationship between Investment Demand and Consumption Demand

  12. 中国投资需求不足的理论分析和实证研究

    A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Insufficient Investment Demand in China

  13. 而投资需求的满足正是通过杠杆的调节作用实现的。

    While investment demand meets is achieved through leverage effects .

  14. 农村劳动力教育投资需求的制约因素分析及对策

    Factors Influencing Rural Labor Force 's Demand for Education Investment and Countermeasures

  15. 中国特色社会主义显然已创造出巨大的股票投资需求。

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has clearly created huge demand for equities .

  16. 旅游业的投资需求与对策研究

    On the Investment Demand in the Tourism Industry and Study of Countermeasures

  17. 预测了到本世纪末城市住宅建设投资需求量。

    It also forcasts the demand for urban housing construction fund in 2000 .

  18. 特别是,投资需求看起来异常强劲。

    In particular , investment demand looks extraordinarily strong .

  19. 教育投资需求是制定地区教育发展规模和速度的重要参考指标。

    Demand for education investment is very important to the study on education .

  20. 金融市场实现了投资需求和筹资需求的对接,能有效的化解资本的供求矛盾。

    It could resolve the contradiction between supply and demand of capital effectively .

  21. 以此计算,2012年中国金饰和黄金投资需求将达925吨左右。

    That implies jewellery and investment demand of about 925 tonnes in 2012 .

  22. 随着增长放缓,投资需求必将萎缩。

    As growth slows , the demand for investment is sure to shrink .

  23. 他说,首先投资需求快速增长。

    Investment demand increased rapidly , said Ye .

  24. 另一方面又通过增加储蓄,提高了投资需求。

    On the other hand , it raises investment demand through the increased savings .

  25. 在目前情况下,这比增加投资需求更重要。

    Given the current situation , this is more important than greater investment demand .

  26. 地方政府之间的经济增长指标竞争导致对公用基础设施过度的投资需求。

    Local government competition in indices of economic growth results in over-investment in infrastructure .

  27. 目前国内污水行业表现出旺盛的投资需求。

    At present , the domestic sewage industry show a strong demand for investment .

  28. 大量投资需求与财政拮据;

    Huge investment demand and financial crisis ;

  29. 扩大需求包括扩大投资需求和扩大消费需求。

    Extensive demand includes expansion of the investment demand and expansion of the consumption demand .

  30. 城市化发展中的投资需求问题探析

    Study on the Investment Demand of Urbanization