
tóu zī jìnɡ shōu yì
  • Net investment income;net investment profit;net returns of investment
  1. 投资净收益是企业对外投资收入减去投资损失后的余额。

    Net investment profit is the balance of income on external investment after deducting investment loss .

  2. 第五十四条利润是企业在一定期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、投资净收益和营业外收支净额。

    Article 54 Profit is the operating results of an enterprise in an accounting period , including operating profit , net investment profit and net non-operating income .

  3. 金融的存在与发展,通过提高企业的融资量、降低企业的融资成本以及提高企业的资本边际效率而使企业的投资净收益得到提高,从而加速了企业的发展。

    The existence and development of finance can increase the net revenue of firm by increasing firm 's financing amount and marginal efficiency of capital , and reducing firm 's financing cost .

  4. 投资净收益提成比率则是报酬机制的关键,它不仅反映了对风险资本家的激励,还反映了投资者与风险资本家间的风险分担的问题;

    Rate of yield is the key of recompense mechanism , it not only reflects the incentive on venture capitalists , also reflects the share of risk between investors and venture capitalists .

  5. 理性人根据教育投资的净收益值以及收益率的高低作出个人的教育投资决策。

    A rational man always makes his investment on the private rate of return .

  6. 我们不会为了购买所谓的“尾部”对冲风险工具而导致投资组合的净收益为零。

    We don 't want to net out to zero by buying so-called " tail " hedges .

  7. 另外,还给出投资时点、净收益与收益流、成本流的关系。

    Fourly , We deduce relationship between optimal investment timing , net value with return flow and costs .

  8. 第二部分给出了最优投资时点、净收益与收益流、成本的关系。

    In the second part of this thesis we give optimal investment timing 、 net value have related with return flow and costs .

  9. 根据cambridgeassociates的最新数据,过去10年里,新兴市场私募股权和风险投资基金的年净收益率为6.6%,落后于西欧和美国。

    Over the past 10 years emerging market private equity and venture capital funds have returned a net 6.6 per cent a year , lagging the returns from Western Europe and the US , according to the most recent data from Cambridge associates .

  10. 它投资的是净资产收益率高、利润增长稳定的股票。

    It invests in stocks with a high return on equity and stable earnings growth .

  11. 对于某投资项目,以净现值为顶层目标,选取对净现值影响较大的建设投资、年净收益和年运营成本为风险变量,举例说明了该方法在投资项目经济评价中的应用。

    To an investment project , the authors set the NPV as the goal , set investment of construction , net income and administration cost as the risk variable , it also illustrates the application of probability analysis in financial evaluation of investment project with examples .