
  • 网络Investment stock;stock of investment;stock of foreign direct investment
  1. 中国吸收外商直接投资存量巨大,如何促进FDI对东道国产生溢出效应是现实问题,本文主要研究FDI通过怎样的机理对东道国产生溢出效应,即FDI的溢出机制问题。

    In China , FDI is great , how to induce FDI to produce spillover is an urgent problem . This paper mainly focuses on how FDI produce spillover on host country , that is , FDI spillover mechanism problem .

  2. 如今,中国的对外直接投资存量占国内生产总值(GDP)之比只有区区7%,相比之下,美国的这个比率为38%,日本达到20%,德国达到47%。

    Today , its stock of outbound FDI as a proportion of gross domestic product stands at just 7 per cent , compared with 38 per cent for the US , 20 per cent for Japan and 47 per cent for Germany .

  3. 双向投资存量已经超过1000亿美元。

    Two-way investment stock has exceeded US $ 100 billion .

  4. 其中一半来自日本,按泰国现有的外商直接投资存量衡量,日本是遥遥领先的最大投资者。

    About half came from Japan , easily the largest investor by existing FDI stock .

  5. “用活两大存量”,即用活国债投资存量和粮食风险基金存量;

    We plan to make better use of treasury bonds and the grain risk fund ;

  6. 年均40%的对外直接投资存量增速,80%的投资存量为采矿、批发零售、租赁商务服务、金融业。

    The annual average growth rate of stock ODI was40 % and80 % of the investment stock was for mining , wholesale and retail , leasing and commercial service , banking and insurance .

  7. 除纺织行业外日本在华制造业各行业的直接投资存量对各行业的出口和进口均产生积极的促进作用。

    The study has also found that , except the textile industry , Japan 's direct investment in various manufacturing industries in China has helped the import and export trade of all industries in China .

  8. 本文以福建省数字林业政务信息共享平台构建为例,在尽可能利用和保护原有投资存量的前提下,针对分布式异构环境中的林业数据和业务应用系统的信息共享要求,提出了基于。

    Taking the project of the e-government information sharing platform of Fujian Provincial Digital Forestry as an example , based on protecting the investment in information , the overall solution scheme and realization methods of the information exchange and sharing are studied by means of MS.

  9. 但本文的研究也还存在一些不足,如由于数据有限而不能采用各行业的面板数据对各行业的对外直接投资存量、研发资本存量及研发人力资本存量与全要素生产率之间的关系进行检验。

    However , this thesis also existed some disadvantages , such as the data collection was limited and caused the fact that the panel data was not enough to inspect the relationship among the foreign direct investment capital , R & D capital , human capital and total factor .

  10. 截至2009年底,中国大陆海外直接投资的存量总计约2300亿美元,与丹麦相当,略高于台湾。

    By the end of 2009 , the total stock of Chinese investment offshore stood at about $ 230bn , on a par with Denmark and slightly higher than Taiwan .

  11. 我国股市的中小投资者由于在资金、信息和投资知识存量上处于劣势,决定了他们以获取资本利得为主要目标的短期投资行为和缺乏理性的投资行为特征。

    Because the middle and small fund investors are lack of fund , information and knowledge , they are determined to take short term investment aiming to gain capital price differences .

  12. 由此构建了本文理论基础:企业中人力资本价值是指企业中当期人力资本存量价值,即包括显性人力资本和隐性人力资本两部分,即是外在投资形成存量和在企业中干中学形成存量。

    So to construct theoretic base of the paper : In enterprise human capital value is current human capital existence value , to include two parts of obvious human capital and hidden human capital & formed existence value by having invested and by " learning-by-laboring " .

  13. 试论增量投资结构与存量投资结构的双重调整

    On the Dual Regulation of Incremental Investment Structure and Storage Investment Structure

  14. 折旧后的净投资与资本存量之比仍很低,徘徊在每年近1.5%的水平。

    Net investment after depreciation as a percentage of the capital stock remains subdued , hovering near 1.5 per cent a year .

  15. 据于人力资本在可持续发展中的重要地位,接下来本文对人力资本的投资方式从存量调整内部开发和增量调整外部开发两个方面进行了深入而系统的探索。

    Due to the significance of human capital in sustainable development , the writer could persist in the methods of human capital investment by introducing two kinds of investment approaches , say , the inner inspiration and the exterior investment to increase accumulation .

  16. 实证分析的结果所包含的政策含义在于:进一步增加公共投资的资本存量,这是保持我国经济高速增长的必要条件;在增加公共投资总量的同时,要着力优化投资结构;

    The result of this empirical study brings some policy implications that , to keep the rapid economic growth of China , it is essential to further increase the capital stock of public investment and meanwhile to make efforts to optimize the investment structure .

  17. 对投资流量、资本存量、GDP等时间序列数据建立模型测算、回归分析,得出重庆市资本存量较多、整体投资使用效率较高的结论;

    The research establishes the regression model on the data of the investment flow , the investment stock and GDP , and finds the investment stock is sufficient and the investment efficiency is high .

  18. 只有生产函数法综合考虑了投资流量和资产存量效果,也反映了经济运行的趋势,因而是可选的计量方法。

    Only the production function method takes the two effects into account , and the relative result reflects the trends of economy .

  19. 根据人力资本理论的论述,教育投资可以累积资本存量,提高劳动生产力,增加劳动者薪资所得。

    Educational investment can accumulate the capital stock , improve labor productive forces and increase laborer 's wages according to human capital theory .

  20. 如何运用好政府基础建设投资,以增量投资促进存量资源的有效配置,是提高西部基础建设投资效益的关键。

    The key to the improvement of investment efficacy in western infrastructure construction is how to make full use of government investment in infrastructure construction and how to improve the deployment of stock resources by increasing investment .

  21. 对长三角经济区的上海、江苏、浙江三省市1990&2002年期间的人力资本存量进行了估算,比较分析了三省市的人力资本投资、投资效率、资本存量状况、空间结构及其特点。

    This paper evaluates respectively stocks of human capital of Shanghai , Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces during 1990-2002 , comparative analyses the investment efficiency and wastage rate of human capital in three provinces , and illustrates the distribution characteristics of human capital in Yangtze Delta region .

  22. 服务业跨国公司的对外直接投资已占世界对外直接投资总的存量和流量的一半以上。

    In the gross stock and outflow of worldwide FDI , the scale of service multinationals has already accounted for more than one half .

  23. 迄今为止,我国已成为世界上接受外商直接投资最多的国家之一,所接受的外商直接投资存量仅次于美国,居发展家之首。

    So far , in FDI inward stock , China is the number one in developing countries , and only next to the USA in the world .

  24. 投资可能会使长期的总供给增加,因为投资使得资本存量增加,从而使得生产率上升,产量增加。

    The investment boom might increase the long-run aggregate-supply curve because higher investment today means a larger capital stock in the future , thus higher productivity and output .

  25. 20092012年,中国企业对非制造业直接投资额合计达13.3亿美元,2012年底,在非制造业投资存量达34.3亿美元。

    From 2009 to 2012 , Chinese enterprises direct investment volume in Africas manufacturing sector totaled US $ 1.33 billion . By the end of 2012 , Chinas investment in Africas manufacturing industry had reached US $ 3.43 billion .

  26. 后危机时代生产率增长放缓也并非受投资低迷的影响,事实上部分由于新兴市场政府采取的反周期性刺激措施,投资相对于现有资本存量甚至出现了增长。

    Nor was the post-crash slowing in productivity growth an effect of faltering investment , which actually increased relative to the existing stock of capital , partly because of counter-cyclical stimulus measures undertaken by EM governments .

  27. 对跨国公司在华直接投资的就业效应进行了分析,结果显示:外资企业从业人数增长率与实际外来直接投资(FDI)存量增长率之间不存在明显的相关性;

    This paper analyzes the effects that multinational corporation ′ s FDI on employment situation . The result indicates the following things : the growth rates of actual FDI stock don ′ t have close interrelationship with that of foreign investment enterprises ′ employee numbers ;