
tóu biāo jià
  • bid price
  1. 即是说,一般投资者可无需指定投标价,在一手市场认购债券。

    That is , retail investors can subscribe to the notes in the primary market without specifying the bid price .

  2. 然而,有关投资者需富有一定的经验才能就竞争性投标定出投标价。

    However , this competitive tender requires a certain sophistication on the part of the investors in deciding on their bid price .

  3. 公路投标价编制技巧与报价策略

    The compile skill and offer policy of the highway tender price

  4. 有标底的有限低标评标办法是以合理最低标评标办法为基础的一种改进方法,该方法规定在拦标价范围内投标价最低的有效投标人中标。

    Method of the minimum restriction bid evaluation on base amount is an improved one on basis of the method that the reasonable lowest price wins a bid .

  5. 就企业如何进行投标价的编制与报价,以及如何提高报价决策技巧来赢取工程任务并取得最佳经济效益进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses how to compile and offer of the highway tender price , how to advance offer decision skill and to gain the project and to procure optimum ecnomics and improveed operation .

  6. 该协议不仅保证了标价的保密性和可验证性,投标者对所投标价的不可否认性和匿名性,而且保证了在整个拍卖过程中,无人可以操纵其他人的投标。

    Using the digital signature technol-ogy and bit commitment protocol , it not only guarantees the non-repudiation and anonymity of bidders , but also en-sures that nobody can manipulate others in the whole auction .

  7. 该方案除了满足投标者匿名、投标价保密、不可否认性、强可验证性等安全要求外,还具有技术简单、通信量小、随机标价、限时强迫兑现等优点。

    This scheme can satisfy all the secure requirement of sealed-bid auction stated such as bidder anonymity , bid secrecy , bidder default , verification , and has the advantages of simple technique , small cost of communication , randomly bid , forced-reveal , etc.