
  • 网络Instructions to Bidders;Instructions to Tenderers;Notice to bidders
  1. 招标文件中投标人须知对合同履行的影响分析

    Impact analysis of instructions to tenders on contractual performance in tender documents

  2. 报价采用的币种:见投标人须知前附表。

    Quotation mode : see the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder .

  3. 项目的资金落实情况:见投标人须知前附表。

    Capital implementation for the project : see the pre-attached table of instructions to bidder .

  4. 构成投标文件的其他材料:见投标人须知前附表。

    Other materials constituting the bidding document : see the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder .

  5. 电子文档(包含投标文件全部内容);见投标人须知前附表。

    Electronic documentation ( including all contents of the bidding document ); see the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder .

  6. 除投标人须知前附表另有规定外,投标人所递交的投标文件不予退还。

    The bidding documents submitted by the bidder are non-refundable , unless otherwise prescribed in the pre-attached table of instructions to bidders .

  7. 投标文件(包含商务标、技术标):见投标人须知前附表。

    Bidding document ( including the commercial bid and the technical bid ): see the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder .

  8. 针对合同计价体系的投标人须知、合同文本、工程量清单和技术规范部分进行了分析和研究。

    This thesis mainly analyses and commentates some parts of contract-oriented assessment system , such as instruction and information to bidders , contract text , BQ , technical criterion , etc.

  9. 在投标人须知前附表规定的投标有效期内,投标人不得要求撤销或修改其投标文件。

    In the validity of the bid regulated in the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder , the bidder cannot request to repeal or modify their bidding document .