
  1. 机构投资者是一个宽泛的概念,是相对于个人投资者而言的,其本身又包括证券投资基金、证券公司自营资金、社保基金、保险资金、QFII等类型。

    Institutional investors are broad concepts including Mutual Fund , securities companies ' own funds , Social Security Fund , insurance funds and QFII .

  2. 创业投资基金与证券投资基金立法比较

    The Legal Difference between Venture Investment Fund and the Security Investment Fund

  3. 关于我国证券投资基金和证券市场关系的研究

    On the Relationship between Security Investment Fund and Security Market in Our Country

  4. 试析证券投资基金对证券市场稳定性的影响

    An Analysis of the Influence of Securities Investment Fund to the Stability of Stock Market

  5. 证券投资基金对证券市场的稳定性既有积极作用,也有消极作用。

    Securities investment fund plays both a positive and negative role in the stability of stock market .

  6. 积极采用收购、兼并、投资基金、证券投资等多种方式吸引中长期国外投资。

    Actively adopting multiple methods such as purchase , merger , investment funds , investment in securities to attract medium-and long-term foreign investments .

  7. 实证结果显示,我国开放式证券投资基金的证券选择能力很弱,但具有一定的择时能力。

    The results show that the open-end funds are strong in capability to select time , but weak in capability to select stocks .

  8. 将创业投资基金和证券投资基金纳入《投资基金法》中进行统一立法,已经受到我国立法界的高度重视。

    It has been paid high attention to draw up an unified investment law to regulate both venture investment fund and security investment fund .

  9. 然后,对国内外关于证券投资基金与证券市场波动关系的文献进行了回顾,以便提出更加合理的研究方法和研究视角。

    Then , it analyzed the academic literatures on the stock market volatility , in order to propose more rational research methods and research perspective .

  10. 因此必须采取有效措施,消除证券投资基金对证券市场的负面作用,促进证券市场健康、稳定的发展。

    What we need to do is to take effective measures to extinguish negative influence of the securities investment fund and to promote the stable , healthy development of the stock market .

  11. 随着我国逐步对外开放金融行业,金融行业的市场化也会越来越高,银行、投资基金、证券公司等金融机构面临的市场风险也日益凸显。

    Since China has opened the finance market and getting more marketability in the financial profession , financial organs like banks , investment funds and negotiable securities companies will face the market risk progressively .

  12. 中国的证券投资基金作为证券市场最大的机构投资者,伴随着改革开放进程在中国应运而生,并正逐步走向成熟。

    As the largest institutional investor in the stock market , the investment fund of China was introduced in the progress of the reform of China , and is steadily becoming more and more mature .

  13. 开放式证券投资基金作为证券投资基金中的一种,在数量和募集规模上分别达到了基金总量的70%和80%,占据主导地位。

    As one of the types of security funds , open-ended security funds of which the volume and circulation respectively reach to 70 % and 80 % of security funds ' , now dominate the fund industry .

  14. 证券投资基金作为证券市场金融创新的产物是当今世界最流行的投资工具之一。它起源于19世纪的英国,第二次世界大战后,在美国、日本获得迅速发展,近20年来风行世界。

    It came from British in 19th century and has a quick development in USA & Japan after World War II . In recent two decades , the security investment fund becomes more and more popular around the world .

  15. 证券投资基金是证券市场最主要的机构投资者,对证券投资基金资产配置策略的研究,对于我国发展合格的机构投资者以及对证券市场的安全稳定运行都具有重要的现实意义。

    It is well known that securities investment funds are the key roles in institutional investor . So the study of strategies of asset allocation of securities investment fund company is very important for the development of institutional investor and stable operation of Chinese stock market .

  16. 基金是按照《信托法》设立的资金集合,证券投资基金是证券市场发展到一定程度,机构投资者广泛参与的产物,对金融证券市场的稳定和进一步发展具有重要作用。

    The fund is a financing assembling which is set up according to Trust Law , while securities investment fund is the result of securities market development and institutional investors ' extensive participation , which play an vital role in the stability and further development of financial securities market .

  17. 随着我国经济发展不断深入,经济政策对证券市场的不断支持,包括投资基金、证券公司、保险公司、银行资产管理公司以及众多的个人投资者等等,都源源不断地参与股票市场的投资。

    With continuously economic development of our country , and more supports on securities market put forward by financial policy , large quantity of investors such as investment funds , securities company , insurance company , property management company of bank and individual investor are continually flooding into stock marketing .

  18. 开放式证券投资基金:中国证券业的必然选择

    Open Securities Investment Bunds : Inevitable Choice for Securities Industry in China

  19. 投资基金将成为证券市场的主流资金。中国的投资基金流动形态上应逐步从封闭型走向开放型,同时逐步发展公司型的投资基金。

    Securities investment fund should be the mainstream of the capital in the securities market .

  20. 证券投资基金可通过证券组合投资、专业化的管理降低投资风险,降低交易成本,也可介入更多的投资领域,具有独特的优势。

    SIF has advantage of lowering investment risk and trade cost and entering into more investment fields .

  21. 《证券投资基金》采用证券从业资格考试教材。它是专门培养基金管理人才的课程。

    " Securities Investment Fund " which specializes in training fund management talent uses the textbook of the securities qualification examination as its teaching material .

  22. 发展证券投资基金对于规范证券市场具有重要意义,但封闭式证券投资基金在运作过程中也出现了许多问题。

    Standardizing the security market is important to the development of security investment fund , but there are many questions in the operation of close-end fund .

  23. 第一部分主要讨论了集合资金信托业务的概念和法理分析为基础,并与类似的证券投资基金制度、证券公司集合客户资产管理业务作了比较。

    In the first part , the text mainly discusses the concept and nomological elements of collective money trust and it makes comparison with similar business as mutual fund and collective assets management .

  24. 报告称,毕业生期望就业的三大行业依次为IT/互联网/通讯/电子、金融/银行/投资/基金/证券/保险、政府/公共事业/非盈利机构。

    It is said in the report that the three major industries that graduates expected to work for are it / internet / telecommunications / electronics industry , financial industry / banking / investment / fund / securities / insurance , government / public service / non-profit-making institutions .

  25. 投资基金在为证券市场扩容补充资金、改善我国证券市场投资者结构、倡导理性投资、促进现代企业制度的形成和推动国有产权制度的改革等方面发挥了积极的作用。

    The invest fund plays an important role in expanding supplementary money for the security market , improving the structure of the investors in the security market , promoting reasonable investment , spurring the formation of the modern enterprise system and the reform of the state run property system .

  26. 浅议《证券投资基金法》对证券市场的影响

    Analysis of Market Influence of the Law of Chinese Security Investment Funds

  27. 地下证券投资基金是当前的证券业讨论最多的,许多人建议以私募基金来予以规范。

    The underground stock investment fund is most discussed in current stock trades .

  28. 选题背景我国证券投资基金是伴随着证券市场的不断发展而产生的。

    The securities funds of our country came into being with the development of the securities market .

  29. 进一步发展证券投资基金有利于中国证券市场的长期稳定发展。

    The further development of investment funds is beneficial to Chinese security markets in the long run .

  30. 同年,南方稳健证券投资基金和华夏成长证券投资基金也在不到半年的时间内相继成立。

    Southern steadiness security investment fund and Hua xia growth security investment fund were issued consecutively in the same year .