
xià gǎng
  • be laid-off;layoff;come off sentry duty;come or go off sentry duty
下岗 [xià gǎng]
  • [come off sentry duty] 到了规定时间离开岗位

下岗[xià gǎng]
  1. 许多工人宁肯下岗也不接受减薪。

    Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut .

  2. 这可能意味着大量的政府工作人员要暂时下岗。

    This could mean a massive furlough of government workers .

  3. 这些工厂已经开始让数百名工人暂时下岗。

    The factories have begun furloughing hundreds of workers .

  4. 工资已被冻结,工人也下岗了。

    Wages have been frozen and workers laid off .

  5. 当她下岗时,不禁流露出失望的神情。

    She couldn 't hide her disappointment when she lost the job .

  6. 这是因为新能源产业所需的工程师、设计师、监管者、操作人员和所有其他技术人员都是专业人士,需要首先接受培训,如果他们是某个相关行业的下岗人员,则必须接受再培训,而教育和任何其他复杂的工作一样,都需要很长时间。

    That is because the engineers , designers , regulators , operators , and all of the other skilled people needed for the new energy industry are specialists who have to be trained first ( or retrained , if they are the ones being laid off in some related industry ) , and education , like any other complicated endeavor , takes time .

  7. 论金融危机背景下社区在解决下岗失业问题中的作用&以石家庄市X社区为例

    On Community 's Role of Resolving Unemployment under the Financial Crisis

  8. 此外,他们还是《50岁下岗:如何克服高管求职中的最大挑战》(Firedat50:HowtoOvercometheGreatestExecutiveJobSearchChallenge)一书的作者。

    They also wrote a book , fired at 50 : how to overcome the greatest executive job search challenge .

  9. 方法对468名下岗职工以及512名在岗职工进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)、社会支持评定量表、应付方式评定量表测定,比较其心理健康水平、应付方式和社会支持强度。

    468 laid-off workers and 512 employed workers were selected and determined with SCL-90 , SSQ and WCRS to compare their differences in mental health , coping style and social support .

  10. 寻找有效途径安置下岗职工

    Seeking for Effective Ways for Resettlement of Laid - off Workers

  11. 西安下岗职工再就业对策研究

    Tactical research on the reemployment countermeasure of laid-off workers in Xi'an

  12. 下岗职工矛盾化解探析

    Analysis on How to Solve the Contradiction of the Laid-off Workers

  13. 关于国有企业下岗人员再就业的几点探索

    Research on Adjustment of Redundant Workers in State - owned Enterprises

  14. 希拉米勒最近刚刚从一家营销公司下岗。

    Shira Miller was recently laid off from a marketing firm .

  15. 我们大学为下岗工人提供免费课程培训。

    Our university provides free training courses for the disemployed workers .

  16. 影响我国下岗工人参与全民健身活动的因素探析

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing National Body-building Activity of Laid-off Workers

  17. 浅谈下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业

    A Discussion on the Living Ensurance of Laid-off Workers and Reemployment

  18. 构建下岗职工再就业社会保障体系

    Constract the Social Security System of the Laid-off Workers ′ Reemployment

  19. 调整国有企业下岗职工劳动关系的理论政策探讨

    On adjustment of labor relationship of laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises

  20. 国企的下岗工人到处都是,已经使那儿纷纷扰扰。

    Widespread lay-offs from state-owned enterprises have already caused dissension there .

  21. 他是一个医生,然而他弟弟是个下岗工人。

    He is a doctor while his brother is a laid-off worker .

  22. 社会资本与下岗职工再就业的个案研究

    Case Study on Social Capital and Laid-off Workers ' Reemployment

  23. 我国下岗再就业政策存在问题的制度思考

    Institutional Analysis of Problem in the Policies of Our China 's Re-employment

  24. 解决下岗职工的基本生活需要与再就业问题探讨

    Solving Basic Living Needs and Re-employed Problem of Unemployed Workers

  25. 下岗职工再就业问题的难点与对策研究

    The Disadvantage and Countermeasures of Urban Laid - off Workers ' Reemployment

  26. 转型期下岗职工经济支持理性化模式初探

    Exploring the Rationalized Model of Economic Support for Lay-off in Transitional Period

  27. 资源枯竭城市下岗工人再就业障碍分析&以阜新市为例

    An analysis of the drawback of reemployment for laid-off workers in Fuxin

  28. 论图书馆为下岗科技人员服务

    On the Library Services for Laid-Out Scientific and Technical Personnel

  29. 我国下岗职工问题及对策

    The Issues of Urban Laid off Workers and Some Countermeasures for It

  30. 论当前下岗的原因及产生的正面效应

    Causes of the Current Layoff Problem and Its Positive Effects