
  • 网络institutional capital;institute capital;institution capital
  1. 人力资本是生产中最活跃最革命的因素,它对物力资本、制度资本始终起着决定的作用。

    Human capital is the most active and revolutionary factor , which always determines the functions of material capital and institutional capital .

  2. 随着新兴市场经济体向全球供给链的高附加值部分攀升,实物、人力和制度资本都会得到深化,促使经济结构向发达国家靠拢。

    As emerging-market economies shift to higher value-added components in global supply chains , their physical , human , and institutional capital deepen .

  3. 信心、信任与信誉:和谐社会的制度资本

    Confidence , Trust and Prestige : Institution Capitals of Harmonious Society

  4. 开发西部地区的有效战略必须包括实际资本、人力资本以及制度资本的形成。

    An effective strategy to develop the western provinces must therefore encompass physical capital formation , human capital formation , and institutional capital formation .

  5. 企业家传奇通过影响企业的组织制度资本和行业制度资本的形成来达到创造竞争优势的目的。

    The entrepreneurial stories help achieve the goal of wealth creation through their influence on enterprises ′ organizational institution capital and the industrial institution capital .

  6. 养老基金能够促进资本市场运行的制度资本的积累,从而推动资本市场创新与制度建设。

    Pension funds can promote accumulation of institutional capital which can improve operation of the capital market , and therefore , enhance market innovation and policy and system construction .

  7. 因此,通过持续投资文化资本推动物质资本、人力资本及制度资本的高效使用,是成功经营餐饮的内部基本条件。

    Therefore , the continuous investment of cultural capital and efficient use of material capital , human capital and system capital are the sufficient conditions for the success of enterprise .

  8. 一方面,社区制度资本弱化,主要表现为社区法律创制滞后、社区自治组织发育不良及社区参与网络不健全。

    On one hand , the community system weakening capital , mainly for the community legislation lag , community autonomy organization dysplasia and community participation in the network is not perfect .

  9. 物质资本、技术资本对清真餐饮经营的成功与否起着重要的作用,但制度资本影响作用最大。

    Third , the material and technical capital play an important role to the successful management of enterprise . However , the system capital is even more important than the above two .

  10. 知识经济实际上是人力资本、物力资本、制度资本相互作用的结果,人力资本、物力资本体现生产力即生产方式的物质内容,制度资本体现生产关系即生产方式的社会形式。

    In essence , knowledge economy is the result of the interactions among human capital , material capital and institutional capital . Human capital and material capital embody the productivity , while institutional capital represents the relations of social production .

  11. 加入WTO后我国货币市场发展研究&从汇率制度、资本流动与货币政策角度的思考

    A Study on the Development of China 's Money Market after China Entering WTO

  12. 本文从汇率制度、资本流动与货币政策的新视角分析加入WTO后我国货币市场发展的问题。

    This article analyzes the development of money market after China entering WTO from the new visual angle of exchange rate system , capital flow and monetary policy .

  13. 价值管理(Value-Basedmanagement,VBM)是伴随着西方现代企业制度与资本市场的发展而逐步产生和确立的一种新型企业管理模式。

    Value-based management , which is a new kind of enterprise management model , is promoted with the progress of modern capital market and firm institution .

  14. 弹性汇率制度下资本控制的经济效应&一个基于修正的Dornbusch超调模型的动态学分析

    The Impacts of Capital Controls on the Economy under Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

  15. 固定汇率制度下资本不完全流动时的IS-LM-BP模型与开放经济下的AS-AD模型分析表明,在固定汇率制度下,资本流出对国内货币供应量有紧缩效应,并使价格总水平下降;

    Under fixed exchange rate system , when capital can not flow freely , IS-LM-BP model and AS-AD model analysis shows that out-flow of capital has a tightening effect on the domestic money supply , which depresses the price level .

  16. 对汇率制度与资本跨国流动管理配合的分析

    Collocations of Exchange Rate System and Management Style of Capital Flow

  17. 导致这种结果的原因是多种多样的,其中,现行人民币汇率制度和资本账户的管理状况是重要原因之一。

    Exchange-rate regime and regulation of capital account are important among these factors .

  18. 中国汇率制度、资本账户管理与货币政策研究

    The Study on Exchange-rate Regime , Capital Account Opening and Monetary Policy in China

  19. 在建立回归模型的基础上,建立养老金制度与资本市场的互动定理。

    The rule of interaction is then reached based on the foundation of the regression model .

  20. 国有产权制度下资本市场对国企经理约束机制的无效性

    Ineffectiveness of the Constraint Mechanism Imposed by Capital Market on Managers of SOEs under State Ownership

  21. 大股东、法律制度和资本结构决策&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Large Shareholders , Legal Institutions and Capital Structure Decisions : Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

  22. 基于此,现代公司法在坚持资本多数决原则的同时,发育出了完整的法律制度对资本多数决原则的异化进行矫正。

    For this , the modern corporate law developed a full system to rectify the abused majority rule .

  23. 该制度是资本输出国海外投资保护法律体系中的重要内容。

    Overseas investment insurance scheme is a basic legal system in the protection system of the capital export country .

  24. 财务报告作为公司制度和资本市场的一项重要机制,其本身并不是孤立、片面的。

    Being an important mechanism of corporate systems as well as capital markets , financial reporting is not isolated and one-sided itself .

  25. 汇率制度、资本流动与金融危机:理论和实证分析&东亚金融危机视角

    Exchange Rate Regimes , Capital Flows and Financial Crises : Theoretical and Empirical Analyses & A Perspective from East Asia Financial Crisis

  26. 汇率制度与资本项目管理方式的不同搭配会对消费者的消费水平波动(消费者福利)产生不同的影响。

    The different matches of exchange rate system and capital item management method have different influence on consuming level vibration of consumers .

  27. 随着公司制度和资本市场制度的发展,公司控制权的形式发生了巨大的变化。

    With the development of company system and the capital market system , the form of corporate control has changed a lot .

  28. 在这个过程中,养老金制度和资本市场的相互关系以及相互影响,将是养老金制度变迁成功的关键。

    The interaction between pension system and capital market , in this process , will be the key to a successful evolution .

  29. 汇率制度和资本跨国流动管理方式是开放经济国家面临的两个重要选择。

    The exchange rate system and the management of the transnational capital flow are two important choices which the open economy country faces .

  30. 尽快地有选择地建立外商投资企业在中国资本市场的上市制度是资本市场最终开放的前期重要步骤。

    Establishing system for foreign-funded enterprises to be listed in Chinese capital market is an important preliminary steps for ultimate opening of capital market .