
  • 网络institutional performance;system performance
  1. 我国市场化变革的方式与制度绩效

    The Mode and Institutional Performance of China 's Market-oriented Reform

  2. 研究者认为,农地产权结构对制度绩效有着至关重要的影响作用。

    The results showed that farmland property rights structure have played a crucial role in institutional performance .

  3. 基于DEA的上海高等教育现状人事制度绩效调查

    A DEA-based Investigation on Personnel System Performance of Higher Education in Shanghai

  4. 服务贸易是继货物贸易之后国际贸易发展的新潮流,服务贸易自由化作为CEPA最为核心的内容,给粤港两地带来不同的制度绩效。

    Trade in services is a new tendency following trade in goods in international market . As a most important content of CEPA , liberalization of trade in services brings different institution performance for two districts .

  5. 最后,在理论和实证分析的基础上,对进一步加强粤港合作,提升CEPA的制度绩效提出具有针对性的政策建议。

    At the end of this dissertation we put forward some pertinence policy recommendations for reinforce the cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong and enhance the institution performance of CEPA based on theoretic and demonstration analysis .

  6. 我国农村储蓄&投资制度绩效研究

    The Studies on the System Performance of Rural Saving and Investment

  7. 农村家庭责任制的制度绩效评析和制度选择

    Analysis of Institution Performance and Institutional Adoption on Households System of Liability

  8. 我国财政转移支付制度绩效的实证分析(2001-2003)

    Empirical Study of the Performance of China s Current Transfer Payment ;

  9. 我国的融资制度绩效与企业融资行为分析

    Analysis of Financing System Performance and Enterprise 's Financing Behavior in China

  10. 土地供给制度绩效综合评价:制度变迁视角

    Performance Evaluation of Land Supply Institution : From the Institutional Change Perspective

  11. 昌吉州科技特派员制度绩效评价研究

    Research on the Evaluation with Technical Task Force of Changji

  12. 城市轨道交通项目投资/组织模式的制度绩效变迁分析

    Investment & Organization Modes of Urban Mass Transit Projects and Their Institutional Performance Changes

  13. 科技特派员制度绩效评价体系的构建及其实证分析&以新疆昌吉回族自治州为例

    Construction of the Evaluation of the Technical Envoy Systems Performance and Its Empirical Analysis

  14. 土地出让招拍挂制度绩效及其实证分析

    Bid Invitation , Auction and Listing System Performance of Land Selling and Its Empirical Analysis

  15. 中国农地股份合作制制度绩效的内生交易费用理论分析

    Analysis on Institutional Performance of Rural Land-stock Cooperation from the View of Theory of Inner-cost of Transaction

  16. 博弈与均衡:农地金融制度绩效分析&贵州省湄潭县农地金融制度个案研究与一般政策结论

    Analyses of the Performance of Farmland Financial Institution : A Case Study of the Meitan in Guizhou Province

  17. 贫弱地区农村金融制度绩效研究&甘孜州案例分析

    On the Performance of Rural Financial System in the Poor Areas ; A Case Analysis of Ganzi Zhou

  18. 中国城市土地供给制度绩效评价指标体系的建立及其应用研究

    Study on Building and Application of the Index System of Evaluating Performance of Urban Land Supply System in China

  19. 农地产权结构不同,对当事人的激励和约束作用有别,当事人的行为选择域就会不同,制度绩效必然有异。

    Institutional performance would vary due to different behaviors domain determined by distinct incentive and constraint of farmland property rights structure .

  20. 通过多案例比较研究,也可以得出听证制度绩效的内部影响因素和外部影响因素。

    By comparative studying of cases , this thesis can find out internal and external factors of the performance of public hearing system .

  21. 深入比较两地的程序性违法法律后果,研究其各自的运作机理和制度绩效,对于两地尤其是我国内地程序性违法制裁制度的改革与完善具有重要的借鉴意义。

    It is beneficial to the reform and perfection of the system of procedural sanction to analyze the mechanism and function of the system .

  22. 该学说的主流是以科斯为代表的产权与交易费用经济学和以诺思为代表的制度绩效和变迁经济学。

    The mainstreams of the theory are property rights economics thinking Coase as representation and institutional performance and change economics thinking North as representation .

  23. 其次,运用构建的产权结构&制度绩效的理论分析框架,分别从宏观和微观两个层面揭示制度绩效的农地产权结构原因,寻找两者之间的共同点。

    Secondly , the above framework was utilized to reveal farmland property rights structure reasons and common ground of institutional performance from macro and micro levels respectively .

  24. 通过对制度绩效进行分析,说明国家的相关政策和制度安排强烈地影响着农民收入的增减。

    By analyzing institutional perform at macro and micro institutional scales , this paper illustrates that the related policies and institutional arrangement strongly affect farmers ' income .

  25. 研究目的:研究城市土地供给制度绩效评价指标体系,并实证分析。

    The purpose of this study is to set up an indicator system for evaluating the performance of urban land supply system , taking Nanjing as an example .

  26. 研究结果表明,不同的产权结构安排决定了经济当事人不同的行为选择域,并进而影响制度绩效。产权结构主要通过产权完整性和产权完全性两方面对制度绩效产生影响。

    The results referred to economic behaviors ' different domain determined by distinct property rights which consist in the completeness and integrity of property rights would affect institutional performance .

  27. 20世纪我国农业经济结构变迁经历了三个阶段,每个阶段具有各自独特的特征,形成了不同的制度绩效。

    In 20 ~ ( th ) century , the change of AEC has undergone three phases , each having its unique characteristics and thus having gained different systematic achievement .

  28. 农村土地流转存在的主要问题是土地产权主体、农地制度绩效、土地产权市场、户籍制度;

    There are the main problems which exist in the circulation of rural land : the body of land right , achievement of system in rural land ; the market of land right ;

  29. 本研究由三个部分构成:首先构建产权结构&制度绩效的理论分析框架,重点分析产权完整性和完全性、产权专用权和剩余权对制度绩效的影响。

    Firstly , the theoretical framework that is " property rights structure & institutional performance " was constructed to construe centrally the impact of the completeness and integrity of property rights , exclusive and residual of property rights on the institutional performance .

  30. 在完成释放家庭承包制制度绩效的历史使命之后,土地保障削弱了家庭承包制演进的路径依赖,成为农村经济发展的桎梏。

    After the accomplishment of the historic task to release the system performance of household contract responsibility system , the land security system weakened the path dependence of the household contract responsibility system , and thus became the shackle of the rural economy .