
From the macroscopic angle , the innovation cost includes the cost of the concept innovation , institution innovation and the technology innovation . From the microcosmic angle , it includes the ensuring cost , approval cost , ability cost , standard cost and the protection cost .
Analysing the Costs of System Innovation
Changes in institutional costs , revenue and the set of institutional choice may cause some institutions to become disequilibrium , so do changes in the powers of different interest groups .
We should establish advanced idea about universities , clarify the function and operation of the professor committee , and take into full consideration the cost of system innovation . This is the ideological basis for the professor committee system to exist and play its role .
Finally , the problem of how to emphasize fund management of the college is discussed through the following aspects : the conception and system creativity , the establishment of a new organization , the standard cost and the analysis of the cost difference .
Regional economic coordination can promote regional profit , improve institutional innovation and save regional trade cost , certainly release and decrease regional conflicts .
The government will carry on the cost-effective and analyze , should not merely consider cost and benefit of the economic aspect in system innovation , and should consider cost and incomes of the political aspect .
Because institution of the implementing the sustainable development stratagem is a institution investment which must pay out cost , it is key that whether the cost of the institution innovation is like as the income or not which decided the feasibility and manipulation depth .
There are some advantages in Local government institution innovation , which include reducing the cost and venture of institution innovation , improving the quality of central government institution and increasing effective supply of institution in that Local government know local instances much more .
Institutional innovation will be achieved when the potential income becomes larger than the cost of innovation .
The thesis will explain that institutional innovation is not a simple balance of cost-profit .
Treasury collection and payment system reform is a complex and comprehensive system engineering , for the consideration of costs and sharing of system innovation , we choose progressive way of reform .
So the article give three basic principals of system innovation : the peasants ' interests must be respected , the cost of system innovation must be less than benefit , the state should be the factor of institutional innovation .
Second , the institutional innovation comprises external , internal and inside rules innovation , the cost of accomplishing institutional innovation now make the Chinese entrepreneurs achieve much more return in the latter two than in the first ;
As the main body of the institutional innovation , governments drive a forced institutional transition which could get the good and wide effects with low cost .
The current conditions for insurance institutional innovation is the development in mid-level structure and the rise of negotiation power in lower-level structure , the reduction of innovation cost and political cost .