
zhì zào shāng
  • manufacturer;maker;producer
制造商[zhì zào shāng]
  1. 在丢掉盒子前先看一下制造商的使用说明。

    Read the manufacturer 's guidelines before discarding the box .

  2. 每个制造商都可以有几种不同的选择。

    There were several possibilities open to each manufacturer .

  3. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。

    Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers .

  4. 报告中的调查结果偏袒制造商。

    The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers .

  5. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。

    The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality .

  6. 美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。

    The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition

  7. 欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。

    Europe 's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium

  8. 我们正在努力劝说制造商在这里销售。

    We 're trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here

  9. 玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。

    Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television

  10. 如果玩具质量低劣,我们会痛斥制造商。

    We rap the manufacturers on their knuckles if the toy is shoddy

  11. 斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。

    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers .

  12. 制造商们遇到的一个问题是,重量较轻的汽车往往噪音大。

    A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy

  13. 日本的相机制造商不断推出最新的电子模型。

    Japanese camera makers continually introduce whizzy new electronic models .

  14. 制造商正在研制价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。

    Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios .

  15. 大多数制造商不得不推行短工时工作制。

    Most manufacturers have had to introduce short-time working .

  16. 他们为汽车制造商供应汽车零件。

    They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers .

  17. 汽车制造商使用的许多塑料制品是无法回收利用的。

    A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled .

  18. 纷至沓来的订单应该会让飞机制造商忙碌一段时间。

    The onslaught of orders should keep aircraft manufacturers busy for some time .

  19. 制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减到了最低。

    A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone .

  20. 美国制造商们一直在缩小他们工厂的规模。

    American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories .

  21. 大多数制造商都满足于对现有款型进行更新。

    Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models .

  22. 美国制造商将会发现出口热戛然而止。

    U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks .

  23. 价格的居高不下和市场的稳定将使制造商与消费者都能满怀信心地制订计划。

    Firm prices and stability will allow both producers and consumers to plan confidently .

  24. 这让西方制造商得以亮出他们的王牌:资金和技术。

    This permitted Western manufacturers to play their strong cards : capital and technology .

  25. 至少有35名制造商触犯了要求此类故障出现后立即上报的法律。

    At least 35 manufacturers have flouted a law requiring prompt reporting of such malfunctions

  26. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。

    Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance

  27. 这些纺织品被批发给零售商、时装店和其他制造商。

    The fabrics are sold wholesale to retailers , fashion houses , and other manufacturers .

  28. 这是日本制造商初次占据进口车排行的首位。

    It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles

  29. 我们希望制造商能注意到这些结果,并对它们的产品作出相应的改进。

    We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly .

  30. 一辆普通汽车上大约有60%的部件是由制造商以外的其他供应商提供的。

    About 60 per cent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer .