
  • 网络Bonded logistics
  1. 最后建立保税物流园区物流能力指标体系并对其进行评价,得到若干提升保税物流园区物流能力的措施和建议,以期对一般物流园区物流能力的提高有一定的借鉴作用。

    Finally , through establishing indices system of the logistics capacity of bonded logistics zone , we can obtain some measures and proposals to enhance the logistics capacity of bonded logistics zone and draw on the experience of it for the general logistics zone .

  2. 在此基础之上,结合宏观因素和微观因素,采用PENTS、五力模型和SWOT分析方法,对北海保税物流园区的发展环境进行了全面论述。

    On this basis , combined with macroeconomic factors and micro factors , used PENTS model , five forces analytical method and SWOT analytical tool marked a comprehensive exposition on the developing environment of beihai Bonded Logistics Park .

  3. 在保税物流园区的选址中,用层次分析法(AHP)对三个候选区位进行了比较,选出在重庆市出口加工区附近设立保税物流园区的较佳方案。

    Secondly , AHP method is applied to evaluate the three prepared precincts refer to the location choice of bounded logistics park and also obtain the result that the scheme of Chongqing export processing zone is better .

  4. 基于供应链的保税物流绩效衡量研究

    A Study Based on Supply Chain in Bonded Logistics Performance Measurement

  5. 中国&东盟保税物流形式及人才培养

    On the Forms of Bonded Logistics and Talents Cultivation for China-ASEAN

  6. 保税物流中心利润新起点

    Bonded Logistics Center , A New Starting Point for Profit

  7. 建设长春保税物流中心的必要性及可行性分析

    The Necessity and Feasibility Analysis of Building Bonded Logistics Center in Changchun

  8. 我国西部建设B型保税物流中心的探索

    The Exploration of the Constructing Type B Bonded Logistics Center of Western China

  9. 外高桥保税物流园大跨拉杆拱壳桥设计

    Long-span Space Steel Tied-arch Design of the Gate of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Logistics Center

  10. 北海区港联动保税物流园区的发展战略研究

    The Research on Developing Strategy of Beihai Zone-harbor Gear Type Bonded Logistics Zone

  11. 保税物流是建立在保税制度上的国际物流运输形式。

    Bounded logistics is a kind of international logistics transportation based on logistics system .

  12. 然而建立保税物流园区就可以从根本上解决这一问题。

    Establishing BLZ can resolve these problems ultimately .

  13. 浅议构建保税物流中心体系

    On Establishment of Bonded Logistics Center System

  14. 我司位于青岛保税物流园区内,地理位置优越。

    Our company situate in Free Trade Zone of Qingdao , which is strategic location .

  15. 南宁保税物流中心:广西现代物流发展的又一契机

    Nanning bonded logistics center : another opportunity for the development of modern logistics in guangxi

  16. 现代物流概念中的一个重要分支&“保税物流”的作用日渐突出。

    As an important branch of modern logistics , function of bonded logistics is standing out .

  17. 本文的研究对于金塘保税物流园区的规划建设具有一定的理论与现实意义。

    This study has certain theoretical and practical significance to the planning and construction of Jintang Bonded Logistics Park .

  18. 长春保税物流中心是我省重点工程空港经济区保税物流配套区的核心项目。

    Changchun Bonded Logistics Center is a key project in our province of Bonded Logistics Zone in Airport Economic Zone .

  19. 保税物流园区现有的研究主要涉及的是关于物流园区规划和物流园区的开发、赢利模式。

    Present research about bonded logistics zone is mainly on the logistics zone planning , logistics zone development and profit models .

  20. 这些保税物流形式在物流分拨配送、促进经济发展方面发挥了积极的作用。

    These bonded physical distribution forms play the positive role in the transferred the allocation and the promotion of economy development aspect .

  21. 境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。累进税、比例税和累退税

    Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC . Progressive , proportional , and regressive taxes

  22. 其次,利用国外的成功发展经验,探讨保税物流园区与保税区的管理架构及发展模式。

    Secondly , according the overseas successive experience , the paper discusses the management structure and development mode of Bonded Logistics Park and Bonded Zone .

  23. 北京天竺出口加工区被国务院列入出口加工区拓展保税物流功能试点单位之一。

    Beijing Tianzhu Export Processing Zone was approved by the State Council to be one of Export Processing Zone expanded with warehouse and logistics functions .

  24. 针对保税物流是第三方物流企业并符合其发展规律这一特点,从规模效应、抗风险能力、国际发展趋势三方面分析了规模影响第三方物流企业发展的原因。

    These analyses proved the former hypothesis that the scale problem is the key impacting issue on development of TPL as well as the free-trade enterprises .

  25. 2005年,湖北省、武汉市决定在东西湖区京珠高速公路与107国道立交的西南侧建设武汉保税物流中心(B型)。

    Hubei Province and Wuhan City decided to build Wuhan Bonded Logistics Center ( B - ) in the East and West Lakes region in 2005 .

  26. 园区海关保税物流中心(B型)由苏州工业园区与美国最大的工业和物流设施开发商-普洛斯公司-合作开发,规划面积3km2,将分三期开发。

    Co-operating with Prologis , the largest industrial & logistics property developer in US , SIP-BLC plans to develop a total area of3km2 in three phases .

  27. 依托保税物流中心的环境优势,致力于保税仓储,进出口货代、配送和相关增值服务。

    Depending on good environment of bonded logistics center , JYBLC dedicates to bonded warehousing , import and export forwarding , distribution , and related value-added services .

  28. 2004年5月11日,海关总署批准在苏州工业园区进行全国首家也是目前唯一的“海关保税物流中心(B型)”试点;

    Customs General Administration authorized SIP-BLC as the first & only experimental unit of " customs bonded logistics center ( B Type )" on May11th , 2004 .

  29. 同时,详细介绍了集装箱运输、陆路‐铁路‐港口联合运输、保税物流区运输等典型的运输方式。

    At the same time , we have detailed the typical mode of transport for container transport , land ‐ Railway ‐ Port combined transport , bonded logistics transportation .

  30. 熟悉海关、政府规定及加工贸易政策及出口监管仓、出口加工区、保税物流园区管理办法。

    Understanding customs regulation and government 's manufacture trading policy , as well as the administration measures of export supervised warehouse , export processing zone , bonded logistics park .