
  • 网络Margin account;Performance Bond Account
  1. 用贷款购买房屋很常见,而只有激进的投资者才会用保证金账户购买股票。

    It 's common to take out a mortgage to buy a house , while only aggressive investors use a margin account to buy stocks .

  2. 商业银行保证金账户的法律性质与风险防范措施

    The Legal Nature and Risk Control Measures of Commercial Banks ' Margin Accounts

  3. 散户投资者们只是在逢高卖出例如,摩根大通(jpmorgan)称,做空日元、做多澳元的保证金账户达到2007年1月以来的最高水平。

    Retail punters are simply selling into strength margin accounts with short yen , long Australian dollar positions , for example , are at the highest levels since January 2007 , according to JPMorgan .

  4. 保证金账户中超过利差要求,可以买入证券之那部分超额保证金。

    Equity in a stock account above the legal limit required for margin maintenance in a long or short account .

  5. 第一种类型的保证金账户从本质上讲属于金钱质押,特定化与移交债权人占有是设立有效金钱质押的基本要件。

    In essence , the first type is a pledge over cash , with the characteristics of appropriation and transfer of the possession to creditors .

  6. 非结算会员的客户出入金,只能通过非结算会员的期货保证金账户办理。

    The debit and credit of the clients of a non-settlement member shall be handled through the deposit account for futures of the non-settlement member .

  7. 全面结算会员应当在期货保证金存管银行开设期货保证金账户,用于存放其客户和交易会员的保证金及相关款项。

    The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds .

  8. 一个期货、期权或以保证金形式交易的账户在假设以目前的市场价格平仓后以货币形式计算的账户余额。

    The residual dollar value of a futures , option , or leverage trading account , assuming it was liquidated at current prices .