
  • 网络Market Value Added,MVA;Market value added
  1. 神经酰胺(ceramides)是一种脂类二级信使,广泛参与了细胞的增殖、分化、细胞周期抑制、衰老和细胞凋亡,在医药、食品和化妆品方面具有极大的市场潜力和附加值。

    Ceramide is a lipid second messager , which is involved in diverse cell activities , such as cell proliferation , differentiation , cell cycle arrest , senescence and apoptosis . It also has great value in market and adds in pharmaceutical health care products , food and cosmetic .

  2. 去年市场容量和附加值较大的重卡产销量,更是出现了同比分别下降11.75%和6.59%的局两,颇为出人意料。

    It is quite a surprise that the market size and the production and sales of the heavy trucks also fell respectively by 11.75 % and 6.59 % last year .

  3. 麦科新药研发定位在心脑血管和抗肿瘤药治疗领域。麦科罗夫在中国实行与世界接轨的高标准质量规范和管理体系,开发生产面向全球市场的高附加值国际新药产品。

    The company has a research portfolio in the therapeutically areas of oncology , cardiovascular and CNS , and provide high quality products and value-added specialties for the changing world .

  4. 高新技术产业是把高新技术应用于生产领域,开发生产出具有市场竞争力和高附加值新产品的产业。

    High-tech industry means the industry which applies high technology on production department to develop new product with high added value .

  5. 液化气市场需求强劲且附加值高,是炼厂调整产品结构的主攻产品;

    The LPG has very strong market demand and high added value and is the main needed product in the structure adjustment of refinery .

  6. 在市场细分的基础上,集中优势和力量稳固已有的市场,扩大高附加值产品市场份额,实行目标集聚战略;

    Second , based on market subdivision , we should focus on advantages and strength to steady existed market , enlarge high appended value products quotient , and practice target centralization strategy .

  7. 其方法和途径主要有:(1)在农村市场上,深化农业产业结构调整,在种植、养殖、加工等各方面向满足城乡市场需求及高附加值转化;

    Specific approaches are stated as follows : 1 . On the rural market , we should deepen the structural adjustment in agriculture ;